
Bloodworth Coven

"You, clean this up, you were the one who caused this in the first place" said Orion after he ripped the heart of the vampire out and cleaned the bloodstains on his hands.

Noshiko pouted at him before she bent down to carry the body when she saw a ring on one of his fingers "what's this" she said as she removed the ring out of his finger.

Orion took the ring and sighed after seeing it "he is part of a coven and this is his daylight ring and a symbol of his coven and do you know what this means, Noshiko?" Orion asked her after examining the ring.

Noshiko shook her head in response as she clearly has no idea what he was talking about.

"He means there will be one less coven in the one today or we are going to leave France early, which I don't think he will be willing to do, so the first option it is" said Agni.

They knew that once a vampire that belongs to a coven dies, the coven leader would know and would stop at nothing to get rid of the person who killed their one just soon they could gain reputation and influence in the supernatural world, what a stupid thing.

"So what should I do with the body now?" Said Noshiko who stopped the body back on the ground.

"We are going to take it from here, after all he is one of the Bloodworth coven member before he died at your hands"

A lean and pale looking man with blonde hairs and crimson red eyes appeared before the trios with some other people, presumably vampires of the same coven.

"Well, that was quick, listen gentlemen and ladies, why don't we take this somewhere else as you can see there are innocent humans walking around and us fighting, I don't think that's really a good idea" said Orion as he looked at the Vampire Lord, the equivalent of an Alpha werewolf.

The vampire lord smiled as he took a step forward "don't worry, we can fight here to our heart contend because they will air it as a gang war" he said before looking at the trio and shook his head "besides, I will hardly call it a fight more like getting rid of some pest"

Orion scanned the entire area and found out that, there was no humans around anymore because he mind controlled them to leave since the arrival of the Vampire Lord and he was just buying time of all of them to leave.

After confirming that no humans were around and only the Bloodworth coven members, Orion smiled "this would have been avoided if a certain fox didn't pick the habit of stealing and you knowing when to look the other way" said Orion as white hairs grew on both sides if his face, his eyes turned into a crimson blood red, his faced morphed into a monstrous looking form, his fingers turned into claws "when fighting a vampire, you become their enemy"

Orion said as he roared so loudly that every supernatural in the world heard him.

The Alpha of all Alphas, the Vampire Lord of all Vampire Lords, The God of Runes, The Master of All Elements, The Progenitor has announced his himself to the world.

But of course, all of this titles was him just saying it in his mind and the supernatural world did not even know anything about him well, for some two certain people and their close confidante.

"You are an Alpha werewolf, that's why you are so arrogant earlier, but you are not the first Alpha I have put down and you won't be the last" said the Vampire Lord as he also grew claws as well and his teeth elongated into fangs "take down the other two with him, I will take care of the Alpha" he said before walking towards Orion.

Noshiko and Agni looked at each other and nodded.

After they made eye contact, Noshiko aura burst out and formed into a giant fox spirit covering her entire body in a bipedal form, that's her fox spirit transformation which Orion taught her to control.

"You are getting me a new shirt after this, no negotiations" said Agni as flames erupted out of his body, burning his clothes in the process, he grew claws and fangs and his eyes turned into a an Orange Red colour.

The vampires including the Vampire Lord was surprised by the line up and started having second thoughts but he can't back down now, that would ruin the reputation of his coven..

"Don't be afraid by their flashy display, they are just doing so to intimidate you, don't fall for it" said the Vampire Lord as he vamp - speed to Orion as the two of them clash.

"The faster we get rid of this small fries the faster Orion kills the Vampire Lord or else he is going torture that vampire till we finish the minions" said Agni as he grabbed a vampire running at him and burnt him into crisp.

"Noted" said Noshiko slicing a vampire into two.

With that, Noshiko and Agni slaughtered vampires left and right as if they were just meats get being butchered by a butcher.

Orion deflected any attack of the Vampire Lord but did not counterattack as he did not want to him it so quickly.

Getting frustrated that he was not landing a hit on him, the Vampire Lord used the element he was attuned to which is blood to his advantage and there was surplus of blood everywhere which didn't occur to him that it was the blood of his coven members as he was too focused in getting rid of Orion.

He willed the blood to him and shaped it into a blood spear as he aimed it at Orion who dodged once again, not going to let that happened again, he created several blood spears and spread it all around Orion before releasing it but the next thing that happened greatly surprised him, Orion merged with the shadows and appeared behind him.

"You are a Shadow Wolf, this is going to be troublesome" said the Vampire Lord.

"And you are a Red Vampire, this is going to be easy" said Orion with a grin on his face.

Angrily, the Vampire Lord several blood weapons and sent them to Orion who easily evaded them without difficulties.

"End him, we are done here"

"So soon, and I thought I will be having my fun for like a hour but I guess I was wrong" said Orion after hearing what Agni said "you heard what he said, so I have cut our meeting short, nothing personal"

Orion willed the Vampire Lord's shadow and bind him to the ground before walking to him "you should have walked away the moment you saw me but your ignorance cost you your life and they say 'ignorance is a bliss' idiots" Orion said before slicing the Vampire Lord's neck, Elijah's style.

"You, clean this up, you were the one who caused this in the first place"

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