
Music From The Soul

That nigga Enderman was a bonafied THUG, what more needed to be said? Me being me, I didn't worry too much about the possibly crippling effects of his thievery. Because, in the end, I'd be the one to uplift this backwater nation into prominence unlike anything that it has EVER seen.

It was like an… unwilling investment into my future.

That and I simply don't give a single fuck l about anyone else. Why should I? I'm King James.

Qin Wuyou arrived in my room a day or so after, shaking his head.

"Forgive me, my prince. An unknown entity has stolen much of the Blue Wind Imperial City's treasures and all of the finest resources." He sighed, clearly angered by the fact. "Whoever did it will certainly be caught in due time…"

"That's what the uproar outside was about…" I widened my eyes. "How could someone steal so much in a single night without anyone noticing? It sounds absurd."

My acting, expressions and tone were perfect for a person who shouldn't know a thing. This was an A** drama student in action mate. I perfectly held back my laughter.

"We are investigating it right now." Qin Wuyou frowned, shaking his head. "I hope you understand these circumstances and why resources may be scarce at the moment."

"No, no… I understand. I'll make due without them. I believe I'm talented enough."

Qin Wuyou chuckled. "Very well, my prince. I won't disturb you further."

That thug left no traces too… they're never ever catching him. Especially since he's vibing in my throneroom until further notice.


I took in my newfound resources at a moderate pace, watching carefully not to overdo it. After all, my profound veins were still developing to a degree. I didn't want to cripple myself so soon… or ever, for that matter. I learned that the best type of resources were those intended for baths. Or rather, they were my favourite to use.

Just sit back and have a nice bath… while growing stronger. The perfect life! I found it easier to focus, too, as I was layed back the entire time instead of sitting like some buddha. Given the circumstances of mr Enderman going crazy (totally not under my orders, mind you… totally), I decided to focus solely on my growth for a little while. At least until things died down.

Success was all about putting your head down and doing things that are long and difficult… it was about overcoming all obstacles. I hated studying as most of it seemed useless to me and yet I once had A's across the board for several years in a row. For now, I had to put my head down as well… until I found a better way. 

Strength was everything in this world. For instance, even though the Blue Wind Imperial Family 'ruled' the nation, their control was very limited due to a lack of powerful experts compared to the Top Four Sects. It reminded me a little of the British Monarchy… and how low it had fallen.


I started to get the hang of just relaxing and letting the time go by… becoming somewhat of a natural. Within two months, I made several breakthroughs and leap-frogged into the fifth stage of the Elementary Profound Realm. Breaking through was a little addicting, I had to admit.

Equally… I recognised the fact that I wasn't maximising my growth. As important as training was, I also needed fame to make that training truly efficient. Otherwise, in the grand scheme of things, I was wasting my time…

So how does one gain fame, you may ask?

By standing out.

I left my room for the first time in quite a while with long, wild hair. I had to go to the royal barber to get me right and cut my hair shorter. After that, I sought out the fanciest robes I could get my hands on in my section of the palace.

"Summon me." I heard Senjumari Shutara call out. "None of these outfits do you justice, I believe."

"What would you do about it?"

"You won't know until you summon me."


I was intrigued.

At my will, Senjumaru appeared in the real world in all her beauty. Her six golden skeletal arms went straight to work, weaving cloth out of nothing.

"... You can create clothes?" My eyes widened in shock. "Out of nothing?"

The law of equivalent exchange was beaten up by five massive muscular men, trampled by an elephant, thrown in a bin and burned alive by this performance alone.

"Is it that unfamothable to you, my liege?" She chuckled, shaking her head. "This is the most basic of my abilities."

"I want you to make me a British King's attire." I smiled slightly. 

Yes, it would stand out (my intent). Yes, it didn't fit their 'culture'. But… it wasn't too outlandish. Who could even fathom me being from another world? I could just say I found a weaver that was creative instead of doing the same thing for thousands of years…

Why should I be a sheep… a fucking bot… and follow everything everyone else does? I don't have to fit in with anyone, I'm King motherfucking James. People have to fit in with me.

"A British King's? Which age?"

"Napoleonish. You know, the ones with the little golden shoulder pads and fancy golden accessories all over."

"Hmm… I see."

It only took her three seconds, maybe less, to create exactly what I thought of…

"It has some defensive properties as well as looking regal." Senjumaru stated, her golden arms presenting an entire outfit to me. "What do you think?"


"Hello, baby brother." Cang Lin, the crown prince, was the first person to greet me directly at the royal court. "Your fashion sense has always been expressive… but-"

"What? Are you going to tell me what I should be wearing?" I frowned, shaking my head. "If anything, I look at least ten times more regal than you."

"Hahaha… I was about to say you look dashing." Cang Lin made a smile. "Who made you that outfit?"

"Now that's my secret… can't be having everyone dress as well as me, you know?" I grinned slightly.

"Fair enough." Cang Lin gave me a second look… and his stupid face looked even stupider with every passing second. His eyes widened and even his mouth opened in shock. "You… you're in the middle stages of the Elementary Profound Realm?"

"Damn right I am." I nodded with pride, keeping my head high. "Our family has to have at least one super genius expert, right? We can't all be pushovers in that department."

Cang Lin chuckled… and I didn't know if that was a good thing or not. He really gave me weird evil crown prince vibes (like I'm a perfect saint).

"Indeed… and I'm beyond pleased that it would be you, baby brother. I would give you many useful resources to aid you… but, alas, you've heard what happened, didn't you?"

"Yeah… the Black Day. Countless of the Blue Wind Imperial City's treasures were stolen by some unknown bastard." I made an angry frown, speaking with genuine fury. "I hope his bitch ass gets found and hanged for all to see. All the treasures ought to be retrieved and given to their rightful owners, too."

"Yes… I hope so too." Cang Lin sighed. "This unknown individual has brought disaster to the city and her people. The Black Moon Merchant Guild branch closed down with no immediate return on the horizon. The city as a whole has gotten far poorer… businesses have begun to struggle to even keep their workers. It is beyond terrible."

And your personal treasury went poof… that's the worst part, right?"

"Alas, we may very well have to deal with the future of not regaining what was lost and putting it to a terrible stroke of fate. Who knows what terrible, mighty, figure could be behind it all?" Cang Lin added, sighing again.

"Mhm…" I nodded. "That's what I thought too. In order to be capable of stealing so much in a single day without being noticed… I mean, could such a person even be from our nation?"

"Ah, baby brother, it's always a pleasure to see you." Cang Shuo approached from behind and pat my head. "Though these are difficult times, I've gathered some resources to aid you in your journey. After all… your growth is our growth."

'Are you a communist now?'

I turned to him and saw his smile as he handed me a storage ring. I looked back at Cang Lin who frowned slightly.

"I don't believe our brother needs your lousy resources as I have something far better prepared just for him." Cang Lin turned his frown into a grin, taking out one pill. "This is a Greater Wind Spirit Awakening pill and its effects are miraculous to say the least. Once you take it, your profound energy temporarily carries the wind attribute and you gain a long-lasting affinity to the element. For anyone wishing to learn the Wind element, it is the finest pill you can find in the Blue Wind Empire."

"... Sounds awesome!" My eyes widened in joy as I smiled radiantly. Truly, the best actor in existence.

I have like seven of those.

"See? Your first brother is simply the best… Cang Shuo can't hope to compete, can he?"

"I mean… the things he gave me are pretty cool too, I think." I stroked my chin. More, more and more resources for me!

"Heh… you're that desperate to one-up me, first brother?" Cang Shuo chuckled. "I'm happy for our baby brother, in the end. He has more resources to aid him in soaring higher.*

"Mhm… and he should remember who aided him most, too." Cang Lin smiled. "Right, baby brother?"

"Of course… but I know times are hard for the both of you. I don't really want to take the few precious resources you have in such troubling times." I made a sad expression, glancing away. "Though, this makes me appreciate these gifts even more. I promise I won't waste them!"

"Good, good." Cang Shuo nodded. "Don't worry about us, baby brother, we still have many connections. Things aren't quite as terrible as you imagine."

"Yes, that much is true." Cang Lin nodded, agreeing with his brother for once. "Also, don't use that pill until you reach the Nascent Profound Realm and stabilise your profound strength."

"I'll be sure to do that." I nodded.

After talking with some of the nobles, all of whom praised my rapid growth, I decided to put on a little spectacle. I have been practising over the years, practically mastering the art of playing music. Now my idea of gaining fame was being a celebrity, entertainer… one that grabbed the hearts and souls of the masses. Music was one of the finest instruments to achieve that.

I went to the centre of the massive hall and whipped out my flute.

Fun fact about me… I was the winner of every talent show I attended. From music to dancing to magic tricks to anything under the sun that was impressive; I could do it. The one man whom I admired most was Michael Jackson in terms of music. That man was fucking legendary and a real superstar. If I wasn't going to be the best footballer in the world, I would be a musician.

And so, I played one of his songs that meant the most to who I was now…

Man in the Mirror.

I started covering the song using just my flute, playing its melody as perfectly as one could. With each passing note, I gained more and more attention… partly due to my regal status but also my talent. The court grew more and more silent as my flute gradually became the sole sound in the entire hall. All eyes were on me…

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, playing with even more passion.

I even sang the lyrics in my head.

'I'm starting with the man in the mirror… I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change!'

'I'm gonna make a change, It's gonna feel real good, Shamone. Just lift yourself, you know. You've got to start with yourself, yeah… hooooo!'

I finished the song with one final, long and fading note… opening my eyes.

A raging wave of applause erupted.

"Such beautiful music… I knew the prince was talented but this is truly astounding!"

"Heart-touching, indeed."

"Such soothing sounds… they must have come from the very soul."

"Your Highness, I had no idea you possessed such a talent for music. Your flute playing was simply enchanting, and I found myself completely taken by the beauty of your performance."

"I must commend you, Your Highness, on your exceptional musical talent. Your flute playing is both graceful and powerful, and it was a true pleasure to witness such a masterful performance."

The glazing was crazy… but I loved attention.

I smiled, lowering my flute and performing a bow.

"I'm filled with joy that everyone found my performance so brilliant."

The thing about fame was that one had to be consistently great… or else they'd fade away into irrelevancy. Being the king of my school, I knew this all too well. Especially since I had fallen before.


I began to play in the Blue Wind Profound Palace, out in the city and pretty much everywhere in the Blue Wind Imperial Palace alongside my usual cultivation. I gained a lot of fans overtime, especially in the Blue Wind Profound Palace. There wasn't a shortage of disciples who admired me and would wait for my scheduled performances. Slowly but surely, I was truly becoming a superstar. I even had some girls on my dick… but, being twelve and them being rather average, I acted courteous in order to ensure their continued support.

I was disillusioned with the prospect of romance and love… all thanks to Caroline. It simply wasn't worthwhile at all. If there was anyone to love, it would be myself and myself alone.

On the bright side, I noticed a rapid surge in my growth. Within the next six months, I broke through into the Nascent Profound Realm and stabilised my profound strength. I also took plenty of pills that favoured the Wind attribute since I found it only fitting. After a bit of practice, my wind and overall profound energy manipulation improved greatly.

"My brilliant son and sweet daughter." 

Cang Wanhe sat upon his throne while me and Cang Yue, my only sister looked up. It was pretty mad that the Emperor had seven sons and one daughter… I consider that lucky but others may not. In regards to my sister, she was pretty and would do doubt invite many suitors especially since she is the only princess. Sooner rather than later, too, I think. She was fifteen already.

"As you know, this year's Blue Wind Ranking Tournament is only a short while away. As I've been told, the participants representing our Blue Wind Imperial Family have already been chosen… cough." Cang Wanhe managed a smile. "I'd like you two to go and spectate. Inspire the disciples and remind them of what they are fighting for. It is also good experience for the future… cough, for you, Chao. Given your heavenly talent, I have no doubt you will find yourself on that stage in the next Blue Wind Ranking Tournament."

"Yes, father." Cang Yue lowered her head. "I intended to go regardless."

"That's my daughter." He chuckled, nodding. "Chao'er?"

"Of course." I nodded, smiling. "I'll absorb as much as I can from the experience."

"Good, good…"


And so, me, my sister, the vice palace-chief, some other elders and the three of the Blue Wind Profound Palace's finest twenty-year-olds (yes, we're that bad we didn't have anyone worthy below the maximum entrance age) departed for the Heavenly Sword Villa immediately.

I didn't have high hopes in regards to winning… but the stage was absolutely massive with all the prominent sects and figures in the Blue Wind Empire in attendance.

This… was the perfect stage for me to grow in fame!

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