
Hardcore Session

Yu looked at Nicholas flatly, a hand in the pocket of her white lab coat, "...So, what is this supposed to be?" She gestured to the EXTREMELY familiar scantily-clad blushing and fumbling mess trying to hide behind him with her free hand.

(A/N: I never do author notes between text but gentlemen... I have the pic.)

Tilting his head in confusion, Nicholas held up the obsidian sword in his hand, "It's Excalibur Morgan, nabbed it from Artoria."

The sword hummed and pulsed with raw power, letting out a strange glint so Nicholas did the thing he knew best, he punched it.

It quieted down after that.

"How are you even holding a no-... You did NOT just punch the Sword of Promised Victory forged by the damn planet." Yu pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes, "No, it doesn't matter."

The Immortal shook her head in defeat and peeked over his shoulder, once more noticing the Director of Chaldea but also something else...

You see, their rooms were close together.

Not in any strange sense, Gudako's was too but... it meant she had a front seat to all the weird stuff he got up to.

Like that time he tried to make a song with Kadoc.

Or that time Kirschtaria thought he was 'darkly' coloured because Nicholas painted his face.

... Or that time he stole Ophelia's eyepatch.

Now that she thought about it, what the fuck was wrong with this guy?

And right now, just to the side of his door, the legendary King of Britan who ruled from Camelot was standing in a t-pose, holding up three buckets of water on either arm while wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt and shorts... the window behind her was open, letting in the freezing air of afforded to Chaldea due to being located in... the middle of fucking Antarctica.

Nicholas glanced over his shoulder and shrugged, "She stole my lightsaber and had the balls to think she could sneak in when I was sleeping and put it back... Bitch didn't even change out of her pyjamas."

"What about the bruise on her face?"

"...I mean, what would you do if someone crept up on you in the middle of the fucking night?"

He punched her out of sheer reflex when she accidentally bumped against him.

A totally natural reaction.

"I get it." Yu nodded her nod, agreeing with him for once, "I remember killing someone who tried to get handsy in a forest."

"Neat." Nicholas nodded back, "What were you doing in a forest though?"


Yu didn't know why Nicholas' face twitched, at least not until he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Sorry, next time someone chases you out, come to Texas."

She suddenly understood his reaction.

"...I-I wasn't homeless!" The Immortal shouted indignantly.

Nicholas paused before a faint smile settled on his lips, "No... no Yu weren't."

"...Stop doing that! I really wasn't homeless! Just travelling!"

"Course. Yu was homeless."


Just then, the door to Nicholas' room slid away and a groaning Jalter in grey pyjamas shuffled out, scratching the back of her head, "You went way too hard last night."

Thunder cracked and silence overtook the corridor.

Yu went wide eyed.

All that noise...

"It was hella fun though." Nicholas answered with a faint smile.

They had a hardcore session last night.


A hardcore gaming session.

"What was? What was fun? So that was why you two were on the ground when I came in?" Artoria fired off without breathing, not daring to move while Nicholas was there.

Yu felt like the monarch didn't quite understand what had happened.

"How could you leave me out, Master? I thought we were friends." The Saber spoke dejectedly, looking at the ground with the same flat expression she always wore but this time with a depressing aura about her.

Ignoring her, Yu stole a glance at the still fumbling Olga before letting out a relieved sigh.

It appeared the Director was too immersed in her own 'fashion choice' at the moment to pay any attention to what was going on around her... which was good.

Her reaction would be less than 'pleasant' if her blatant favouritism in official matters was anything to go by.

Yu returned her gaze to Nicholas.

...It was good for him, she supposed.

Maybe he'd finally grow up with the responsibilities shoved onto a person with a significant other.

The Immortal would continue musing if she didn't notice Nicholas' smile at that moment.

It was a smile she had become all too familiar with now.

"You dam-..."

"But Jeanne, somebody might misunderstand with how you said it." He cut her off with an annoying grin.

Jalter shrugged with a smirk, "Meh, let em."

"They'll think we did the one two."

"The what?"

"The C of the ABCs?"

"...?" Jalter tilted her head, confused.

"The sexy times?"

"...What times?"

"They'll think we banged." Nicholas spoke flatly, glancing back at the woman.

"What's banging?"

...Yu facepalmed and hurried over to Jalter, leaning on the tip of her shoes before whispering what most would think into the witch's ear.


"..." Nicholas flatly looked between Olga and Jalter, "Yeah, no wonder I was getting a sense of deja vu there."

"I-I mean if he w-wants it..." The Dragon Witch fidgeted and lowered her head to hide her blushing face.

Nicholas only chortled and lightly flicked Olga's ear before sauntering off, "Come on, we're moving."

"E-Eh? Ah... What? S...sure." The older woman dressed in a bunny costume meekly followed Nicholas.

Yu facepalmed so hard it would definitely leave a mark before stomping away to the cafeteria, "I'm just gonna get breakfast."

Still, the immortal smiled.

Eccentric as her new home was, it beat being prosecuted for her nature and hunted down even when she only meant to help.

As for Artoria, well she would stand there and get laughed at by Jalter later when she came to, until Nicholas said it was alright as punishment for her betrayal.


Martha stared at Chaldea's designated therapist with one hand over the other, sitting across from the table from the 'large' woman with a determined expression on her face.

"W...What brings you here?" Kiara asked slowly but still fumbled her words.

"...I need your help."

The therapist smiled gently at that, putting a hand over her chest, "I... I was assigned to your Master but... well..." She trailed off with hollow eyes, "If you think I can help someone as esteemed as you, certainly."

The Saint of Tarascon firmly nodded her head.

"T-Then um... What might be troubling you?"

"It's my Master."

"...What about him troubles you?"

Her words broke the dam gates and the Saint, well, "Everything! Am I so useless that I don't even deserve attention or consideration?"

"I take care of his needs, cook his breakfast, wash his clothes, wake him up and make his bed after he leaves! I do everything I'm supposed to be doing! I even bring him food when he's immersed in those games of his and keep others away so they don't disturb him!" Martha ranted on and on, "I thank the Lord for giving me someone who appreciates me for me but lately... it seems I've been mistaken. He doesn't show interest in me. An... And then he got married or something!"

The older woman became depressed, leaning against the table with a strained expression.

"I don't even mind because the Lord would permit it but... well, I-I... think he doesn't want me around anymore."


Kiara was simply taken aback by the sudden outburst from a woman that kept herself graceful and composed but then, the therapist smiled again, "Well... I think Nicholas refrains from the displays you look for because... well, he thinks it would get in the way. Why not try telling him to be more open? I think he might be keeping silent because of your status as a Saint... and the devout believer part? In our time, it is frowned upon and generally met with harsh rebuttal."

"Y...You think that would work?"

"It most certainly would." Kiara offered calmly, hoping that her words had helped mostly because she knew them to be true from her sessions with the Saint's master... but then she sighed again... This seemed a more deeper problem, "Well, I...suppose the code of ethics no longer matters with the world ending and all..."

Chaldea's designated therapist opened up her laptop, searching for a certain video before turning it Martha's way, "I have a habit of keeping a record of my therapy sessions... so I can rewatch them and understand my patient better... Here, this should help."

Martha looked up with wobbly eyes.

It was a video of Nicholas.

"Can you tell me one thing you couldn't live without?"

"Probably Martha." He answered without missing a beat, "I mean, I was used to living alone from back in college but now... well, all she does for me is probably something I'd have a hella hard time doing myself... Be hard to cope with her not being there. It's a damn shame she's so religious though, cause she fine... you know what I'm saying? I don't wanna mess it up and all that stuff."

"Uh-huh, I do! I educated myself on slang from our last sess-"

Kiara slammed the laptop shut with tinted cheeks, "Ehem... You see? You have nothing to worry about! He even said he was sad about how he could only help you enjoy yourself with boxing! And not do more."

"...But him being there is enough for me..."

A happy smile broke onto Martha's face.

The moment was ruined by a French Monarch walking into it.

"...What did I walk into?"

"Run, Marie! I told you it was a bad idea to wander around like this!"

"I just wanted something to eat!"

"...If you don't mind," Martha slowly rose to her feet, "I have to deal with the witnesses."

Kiara gave a strained smile, "I-I understand."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


Does anyone have any way of sending a message to the author of Fate/Resistance? The guy's posted an awesome fucking book (just 7 chapters) and disappeared. He/She doesn't respond to comments and I don't see a discord account anywhere either... It was so awesome too man...


You can find up to 9 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap

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