
Ganking a Demigod

"Why's he look like someone just punched him in the gut?" Gudako asked with a deadpan, making Mash glance at Nicholas who was being consoled by Martha, the Master-servant du-... now trio, walking behind them.

It was strange seeing two heroes of legend, one who felt a little too familiar for comfort, consoling a teenager but Mash wouldn't really know, she'd never been outside... which was why she was looking curiously at the ruined city as they walked to the cavern hosting the Holy Grail that was the source of this singularity.

"Cu Chulainn told him the servants are rogue, they don't have Masters... And that there are no living people here besides us."

Gudako deadpanned further, "The Director said that too though... it was the briefing they got before they left for the port."

"Erm... yes..." Mash embarrassedly scratched her cheek, Nicholas could just be childish like that sometimes. She sighed, noting how Olga was stealing glances at the only present member of A-Team besides herself while discussing strategies with Caster, "He mostly ignores our mission briefings... says how I can just tell him what he needs to know as we go."

The demiservant shook her head, driving away her idle thoughts, "They came across a miraculously preserved food storage on their mission and Nicholas senpai destroyed it thinking it held enemy supplies." Mash explained further innocently, "That's his go to course of action by the way. It apparently had all sorts of things he liked... Now he keeps saying he wants to cry."

"Doesn't that just mean he's a dumbass?"

"I... He's... special?"

"Mash, that doesn't mean what you think it does." Gudako smiled helplessly, "Someone should tell hi-..."


A massive chunk of Earth barrelled towards them, parts of it crumbling away as it flew through the air accompanied by a haunting roar that would have inspired primal fear in most... Unfortunately, the Chaldeans weren't 'most'.

Mash pushed Gudako to the side, slamming down her shield and holding it with both hands as Caster jumped into action, drawing a symbol in the air with his free hand,


Nature seemed to obey his command, forming a massive ball of fire that went flying at the chunk of Earth with another gesture from Caster.

The two projectiles collided in a massive explosion that tore through the piece of earth, shattering into tiny bits that bumped off Mash's shield. At the same time, Berserker landed nearby, shaking the very ground below them.

The demiservant couldn't tell why Mordred clicked her tongue at her... was she disappointed?

Well, it made sense.

She couldn't even compare to them, it was presumptuous to think she could.

"I'm sor-..."

Mash was cut off again, this time by a squeal from Gudako.

"Get parried, filthy casual."

She didn't know what had happened but her Master tried to slap Nicholas... Keyword being tried seeing as the pale haired teenager 'parried' the hit by hitting her on the head first.

Nicholas narrowed his eyes, touching his stomach area before slightly tilting his head, "Appreciate the gesture."

"Screw you!"

"...Wear a bra."

"W-Wha? I... I'm wearing one you asshole!"

Nicholas shrugged his hands, "That's not how it felt."

"What did you do, senpai?" Mash asked plainly, he couldn't possibly have done... that? Right?

Pursing his lips, he stared at her for a good few moments, making her nervous, before finally answering, "Stop looking at me like I'm a pervert. Miss Damsel in Distress over there just jumped at me."

"My Master speaks truth. One at your age should be more reserved, young miss." Martha scolded with an amused smile.

Gudako just stared down in shame as a deep blush crept up to her ears.

"Do your kiddie shit later! Berserker's here! What the actual fuck is wrong with you people!?"

"Nicholas, get him and I'll give you seventy thousand dollars!"




Olga suddenly found herself being stared at by all her subordinates.

It didn't help that none of them were saying anything.

Even Caster was staring at her.


"You take me for someone who'll do stuff for money? ...I did what you told me to cause it was you who asked." Nicholas threw up his hands in surrender, glancing at the hulking mass of muscle staring at them from a crater of it's own making, "You know what, as much as I want to, I ain't doing it. Deal with him yourself."

Now, if it were anyone else saying something like that, Mash would find the joke strange... However, Nicholas was serious. This was further evidenced by him walking away and sitting down on a pile of rubble.

"Oh dear, Master... I shall deal with him in your stead. And Saber, I believe you'd like to fight as well?"


Martha extended a helping hand but failed to hide how amused she was with her Master's actions, "And Master, we need to correct that attitude of yours."

She got flipped off for her words.


"You bas-...!!"

Berserker slammed his axe cleaver thingy into Mordred's side, tossing her aside like a sack of potatoes, and appeared over Martha, smashing it down on the Saint who barely managed to put her staff in the weapon's path, making it rattle off to the side as she let go of it and jammed her elbow into the hulking man's guts, making the man skid back in a display of raw strength.

It barely made him falter and with speed that made zero fucking sense for a being his size, he moved to Caster and punched the blue haired man in the face, burying him in the ground.

Mordred, who only barely avoided being torn in two by putting Clarent between herself and the weapon, had only just gotten up when he slashed at her again. This time she was saved by Mash's shield.

"Shit, Master! Let me use my noble phantasm!"

The situation wasn't as dire when the battle had begun.

They'd even managed to overpower him... but, after getting struck by Mordred with red lightning and getting seared by it, the servant shrugged off all consequent attacks of the same nature. He kept Caster at bay by hitting him again and again before he could even chant or make signs.

And Martha, well she could summon Tarasque, her dragon, to help but revealing all their cards before the main enemy servant even made an appearance would lower their chances of victory more than they already were if said servant was even stronger than Berserker.

Off to the side, the Saint caught a glance of her Master finally getting to his feet.

He tried not to be but sometimes, the teenager could really be an asshole.

Her vision was replaced by a muscled stomach and she looked up to see Berserker bringing down his cleaver on her. The Saint closed her eyes, readying herself to call on Tarasque but before she could, warm blood spilled onto her face.

"Guess he's a berserker for a reason."

Martha opened her eyes to the sight of a massive gape in Berserker's chest.

"Sorry, mighta taken it too far. I was just fucking with Olga..."

The Saint could only smile in defeat, numbed by her drumming heart.

She wanted to believe it was seeing a simple, brash village girl in danger that spurred him into action.




"Master, it's hurtful to be put in danger so casually even if I am a servant you know?"

The teenager lowered his gaze in shame, scratching the back of his head, "...Won't happen again."

"I know." Martha giggled at his expression.


There we go.

29 is a bit wobbly in my head but this one should be fine.

Hope you liked it.

You gotta accept Singularity F didn't really have much opportunity to fuck around with cause of the extremely small cast.

The rest of the singularities are peak material though.

Nicholas is a bit more withdrawn and spiteful than usual cause of... you know. Unlike Gudako, he spent a ton of time with the staff. They're the only folks he could go all out with. And he thinks he saw Bill explode.

You can find upto 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap

One behind cause I was at the hospital.

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