
I Want to Have His Children!

The rifle's shots, although not significantly damaging to a Grade B zombie like the Maternal Grudge Zombie, still served as a distraction!

The intense gunfire instantly interrupted the cries of the Maternal Grudge Zombie.

The howling mutant zombie horde momentarily descended into chaos.

In that brief moment, Alex's Sinful Blade was already slashing down at the Maternal Grudge Zombie.


Meanwhile, the four mutant beauties on the rooftop were moving obstructions at the door.

Soon, the barricades blocking the iron door were jointly removed by them.

Looking at the iron door, all four fell silent.

"Sssss!" Miaomiao, the snake girl, hissed with her tender tongue, putting on a fierce look, preparing to spew venom from her glands at any moment.

Nana, the cow-horned girl, held her big iron club tightly, her body heaving with rapid breaths as she stared intently at the iron door.

The trembling iron club betrayed her inner fear.

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