
Pleasure district

Hakumai, situated in the northeastern part of Wano Country, once thrived as a prosperous and formidable region. However, the tides of fortune changed dramatically after Orochi's ascent to power.

In the present day, Hakumai bears the scars of its tragic transformation. Its once-majestic structures reduced to ruins. 

Only a handful of resilient individuals still inhabit this desolate landscape.

This deliberate destruction serves a strategic purpose, as Hakumai holds significant importance for two key reasons. 

The first is Mogura Port, the sole legal port in Wano Country. It's located at the end of a cavern hidden behind a waterfall. 

The second reason is Habu Port, meticulously maintained for Orochi's annual visits to Onigashima during the Fire Festival.

For over a year, Kawamatsu and Momonosuke had found refuge in this mostly unhabitated haven.

The desolation of the surroundings proved to be the perfect veil, concealing them from the watchful gaze of the outside world.

Orochi's lackeys were strategically stationed as guards at the two ports. Sometimes, some Beasts Pirates would come back from mission and also pass by Mogura Port.

Regardless, they would often end up being defeated and robbed.

Kawamatsu and Momonosuke would use this money to purchase food, clean water, or clothing.

As Momonosuke made his way to the Flower Capital for supplies, a subtle unease lingered within him. 

It wasn't his first visit and he was usually unfazed, considering everyone believed he was dead. 

Besides, he looked nothing like his 8-year-old self. However, on this occasion, a sense of anxiety crept over him.

Kawamatsu's caution proved to have merit. He did made some waves lately..

Perhaps he made a mistake somewhere ? A misstep, an oversight, maybe a flaw in his disguise..?

The initial unease quickly gave way to a bubbling excitement. Fueled by the anticipation of confronting a formidable opponent in an epic battle.

As Momonosuke arrived at the Flower Capital. The night had already descended, casting its shadow over the city. 

This place was divided into areas known as districts, each covering several streets.

Amidst the desolation that plagued Wano Country, this city stood as a lone bastion of prosperity and vitality.

While most districts slumbered in tranquility due to the night falling. One pulsated with life— The Pleasure District.

It was a mesmerizing spectacle, a vibrant hub teeming with life.

'Here, everything sleeps during the day. But at night.. Everything shine brilliantly.' Tought Momonosuke seeing lights everywhere.

Another perspective unfolds in this place.. Simultaneously a garden of pleasure and a cage of circumstance. 

For some, it's a realm of enjoyment and leisure. While for others, it's a battleground for survival, with dreams of freedom lingering on the horizon.

Momonosuke navigated the bustling streets, his Ajirogasa straw hat on his head to not attract unwanted attention.

"Please.. I have money !" Pleaded the man. 

However, the lady manager remained firm in her response. "No! We have rules." She asserted, her tone unwavering. "Without an invitation, you cannot enter!"

Ochaya commonly referred as Tea Houses are typically very exclusive establishments. 

A person may only enter if they are already an established figure, or are accompanied by someone with reservations.

"I beg you, let me share some time with lady Kazaori" Said the man kneeling on the ground. 

"No is No!" she retorted, waving her fan dismissively, signaling for him to go away.

"But.." the man began to protest, only to be abruptly cut off by the lady. "Do you want trouble ?" She asked with confidence. 

"You're aware of the backing behind this establishment, aren't you?" Her tone turned sharp. "If you're so insistent, I can call Boss Kyoshiro.."

"B...Bo...Boss Kyoshiro?" Stammered the man in fear. "Hiiiii!" He shrieked in a high-pitched tone as he quickly got up and started to run.

"You're even more beautiful when you are angry, Nakaji-san." Said Momonosuke while taking off his hat, revealing his face to the lady.

"Mo...Momotaro? Is that you?" She asked with surprise.

"Hum" Replied Momonosuke, nodding his head. 

Nakaji playfully pulled Momo cheeks.

"You scoundrel, you promised to be back soon, but you disappeared for months!" she scolded, inflating her cheeks and looking away like a little child.

"Aye, aye" Said Momonosuke, patting her head.

Most courtesans have been sold here either by necessity, selling their services to survive. Or as a mean to settle debts. 

In return, they secured shelter and sustenance.

Should a courtesan succeed in establishing a significant reputation.. She would have the opportunity to buy her own freedom.

Nakaji managed to achieve that feat. She, who was initially sold here as a child, managed to climb the ranks. With her hard-earned freedom, she became so highly esteemed that she eventually took over the Tea House after the passing of the previous owner.

Nakaji had a very captivating face. She possessed beautiful dark red hair. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of green, reflected both sensuality and authority, holding a gaze that commanded attention.

Nakaji's petite chest contrasted with the allure of her shapely, firm buttocks. Creating a silhouette that left a lasting impression on people.

"Well, consider yourself forgiven." She said with a joyful smile.

"Would you like to stay here tonight? We still have some rooms available." She offered.

"Your place is a bit out of my budget, my dear Nakaji-san" he replied with a chuckle.

"Maybe you should pay in kind then?" She teased, her tone playful.

"Is that an offer? I didn't know you had such an interest in my body." He responded, feigning surprise.

"I wasn't talking about me, you bastard." She replied, her cheeks slightly blushing.

"Ayame and Minori have told me about your exploits. I've heard all the details, and I mean ALL .. Even though I didn't ask for any of it" She said, shaking her head in exasperation and shame.

"Is that so? I hope I didn't fail your expectations.." He replied with a mischievous grin.

"Huh! I see that you've developed a very sharp tongue." she hummed proudly before taking his hand and leading him inside the tea house.

For Nakaji, Momonosuke, or Momotaro as she knew him, was a pretty mysterious individual.

She didn't know his origin, except that he was an orphan without a Home. 

She had proposed numerous times for him to stay here during the nights. But he always refused to stay for more than 2 or 3 days, much to the displeasure of the girls. 

He would vanish for extended periods of time, only to reappear after several months.

She knew that he was strong too. She discovered that, the day he saved her life.

She felt indebted to him and was willing to offer any assistance she could.

Nakaji led him to a private chamber, and the two settled on the ground in front of a table.

The man from earlier appeared quite afraid of that "Kyoshiro".. Is that perhaps your new boyfriend?" Inquired Momo playfully.

Nakaji smiled as she poured tea into Momo cup. "Why, are you jealous?" She asked with a seductive smile.

"No" Momo shook his head. " I have heard his name mentioned quite often lately." he said with a serious tone. Trying to extract some informations.

"The Kyoshiro family, headed by Kyoshiro himself. Operates as a yakuza organization."

"He's essentially Orochi's watchdog, ensuring that everything runs smoothly under his command." She whispered, making sure only he could hear.

"I see." Momonosuke replied, taking a sip of the tea.

"We have to pay him a percentage, but in exchange, he provides us with protection." She explained, not showing any annoyance.

"Denjiro... You have started to move." Momonosuke thought to himself.

"Enough of that, let's shift our focus to something more joyful." Nakaji suggested, hoping to steere the conversation in a brighter direction.

"Need any company for the night?" She suggested, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"Do you.. " Started to respond Momonosuke before getting interrupted. "I can arrange some.. That's what I meant." She said, feigning innocence

'She wants to play with me huh' Tought Momonosuke 

The young man rose abrutly from his seat and headed towards her. As she noticed Momo approaching, she began to retreat until her back pressed against the wall. 

"What are you doing, Momotaro?" was the only thing that managed to escape her mouth.

Her heart quickened, and she lowered her gaze, feeling somewhat intimidated by the young man. 

Momonosuke gently lifted her chin with his hand, locking eyes with her for a few intense seconds before leaning in to kiss her.

Nakaji, accustomed to being the one in command, found herself in a very unfamiliar position.

Here she was, someone used to be in charge, now melting like a virgin. 

Despite her attempts to regain composure and control, every time she locked eyes with him.. It felt as though she was facing a formidable beast compelling her to submit.

And so she did..

Sounds of satisfaction resonated throughout the tea house for numerous hours..

"Is that the manager?" Whispered one of the two girls who were peeping behind the door.

"Yes, who would've of thought that Nakaji-sama could make this kind of face." The other one responded.

"And he's super well-endowed." Said the girl, blushing.

"I want to go!" declared the other, barging in without hesitation. "Wait!" exclaimed the first, following eagerly behind.

And just like that, what began as a one-on-one encounter turned into a 3-on-1 situation. 

Nakaji, lost in another world, didn't even entertain the thought of objecting. She simply accepted it as it was and enjoyed the unexpected turn of events.

The Next Morning 

"Enough of this, I've been waiting for too long!" Said Kyoshiro coldly.

"But Na... Nakaji-Sama is still resting." Said Kami one of the Geisha.

"I couldn't care less," retorted Kyoshiro annoyed

After using his Observation Haki, Kyoshiro detected Nakaji's presence in one of the rooms. She was accompanied by three other individuals.

He proceeded to walk calmly towards the door and forcefully swung it open.

"B.. Boss Kyoshiro." Nakaji stammered as she hurriedly finished donning her kimono seconds before the door swung open.

Unfortunately, she couldn't conceal the young man and two women, completely nude, lying on the ground behind her.

"Where's my money?" demanded Kyoshiro, his eyebrows twitching slightly at the scene before him.

"Kami!" she called. "Y-yes, Nakaji-sama." responded the young girl behind Kyoshiro. "Bring the money for this month." 

Yes! I am going!" Yelled the girl before leaving.

"Can I have a moment for myself, Boss Kyoshiro?" Pleaded Nakaji. She needed some time to take a shower and change clothes.

Kyoshiro simply nodded, moving slightly to create space for her to pass. 

As long as he had his money, he didn't care.

In her haste to reach her quarters, The woman realized after a few steps that she was completely sore and felt some discomfort in her private areas. 

Adapting to a slow and awkward walk, she made her way toward her room her face embarrassingly red.

"It's time to wake up, brat." said Kyoshiro, eyeing the young man lying face down on the floor.

He couldn't see his face as it was turned the other way.

Kyoshiro attempted to shake the man shoulder, but the boy's hand swiftly caught his arm. 

Slowly turning his head toward Kyoshiro, He whispered "I was having a good dream. A very good dream."

Upon locking eyes, both were utterly astounded.

Mo..Momonosuke-sama ? Yelled Kyishiro in his mind.

"What the hell.." Said Momonosuke rubbing his eyes with his hands.

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