
Fight! Be Brave Enough To Call Out That Person's Name!

Deep in the Forbidden Forest Lucas strolled past his subordinates.

At this moment, thousands of people were leaning against the thick trunk of some tree, sitting or lying down to rest.


Seeing him appear, the Saints got up one after another.

"Don't move, take a good rest." Lucas stopped.

It is often said that compassion does not lead soldiers. But if you really want to send your subordinates to the battlefield, as a leader, how can you not be sad.

Lucas is not that hard-hearted.

But he will not make stupid decisions just because he is worried about the death of his subordinates.

It's precisely because of this that when he faced these subordinates who respected him so much, he felt even more sad.

After this battle he doesn't know how many of them will survive or how many people will leave their ranks forever.


A soft call came from behind.

It was Andrew Holmes, leader of the werewolves in the Forbidden Forest.

"Andrew, are you nervous?"

The two continued to walk side by side, and Andrew, who was by his side, didn't answer Lucas' question until they came to the place where the werewolves of the Forbidden Forest were stationed.

"I'm more excited than nervous. I've been looking forward to taking revenge on Greyback for a long time."

Lucas chuckled and said: "You will be the first to enter the battlefield, and if the support has not arrived at that time, the pressure and casualties..."

"I know, not only me, but my subordinates are aware of this, but so what?"

Andrew stopped and turned to look at the blond boy beside him.

"Most of us were originally wizards, and we were forced into the Forbidden Forest after being attacked by werewolves."

"We were worried that we would not be able to control ourselves during the full moon, so we dared not step out of the Forbidden Forest until Dumbledore and you appeared."

"Dumbledore provided us with the right to live in the Forbidden Forest, and you provided us with the expensive wolfsbane potion."

"Thanks to you we could finally get out of the Forbidden Forest. Not long ago, I even took my clansmen to Diagon Alley."

Hearing Andrew's words, the werewolves in the Forbidden Forest all showed happy smiles.

It seems they were recalling the process of playing in Diagon Alley.

The werewolves gradually gathered behind Andrew.

"It's getting late, and it's time for us to set off, leader, see you at Hogwarts."

Andrew left very coolly.

The werewolves of the Forbidden Forest followed behind him, and they started towards the castle, talking and laughing.

"Has Uncle Andrew left?"

Luna's voice sounded from the side, Lucas responded, and looked away from Andrew and the others.

At this time, the five other girls also came to Lucas.

Watching the werewolves from the Forbidden Forest drifting away, there was a trace of sadness in the eyes of the girls.

"Do you really have to do this?"

Lucas understood the meaning of Cho's words.

He sighed helplessly: "Tom will definitely not show his full strength at the beginning. If we show up too early, he will probably give up."

"But if we don't send people to support, the professors of the school and the members of the Order of the Phoenix may not be able to resist the army of Death Eaters at all."

"Andrew and the others, as werewolves of the Forbidden Forest, have a blood feud with the leader of the enemy werewolves, Fenrir Greyback, so their appearance on the battlefield will not arouse suspicion."

After a simple explanation, he looked at Luna beside him: "How are things going?"

"Professor Snape has left the school, the Carrows have been defeated, and Mr Potter is already assisting Professor McGonagall to evacuate the younger students."

"If that's the case, Tom should be coming too" Lucas looked at the night sky, his eyes gradually glowing with golden light.

English Channel.

When Abernathy saw the arrival of the star dragon, he knew it was his time to act.

He turned his head to look at the young man beside him and said, "If the leader sees your current strength, he will definitely be surprised."

Derek Walls scratched his head with a smile.

This former clerk of the Ministry of Magic was exuding a powerful magical pressure at this moment.

Seeing Derek's honest and humble appearance, Abernathy was very satisfied.

Only he knows how harsh and even hell-like was the training the other party experienced in order to get his current strength.

"That's right, hurry up and enter the quasi-legendary level before the start of the war, your future will be limitless, let's go!"

Abernathy patted Derek on the shoulder, and his body turned into a black mist and flew into the sky, disappearing without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Derek followed.

Behind the two of them were also thousands of members of the Saints.

Ministry of Magic.

Pius took out his pocket watch and took a look, then stood up and said, "It's almost time, let's go."

Pyne Carrow followed him out of the Minister's office. Their target was the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, located on the second basement level which is now the base camp of the Death Eaters, with Yaxley himself in charge.

As the two of them went through the offices, the people inside stepped out one after another and followed behind them.

The same situation also occurred on the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors underground.

These three floors were the Department of International Magical Cooperation, the Department of Magical Transportation, and the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

Almost all of these three divisions are composed of members of the Saints.


The sound of apparition rang out on the high ground next to Hogwarts and Voldemort's figure appeared.

A large number of Death Eaters also appeared immediately after.

Looking at the brightly lit Hogwarts Castle in the distance, Voldemort raised his wand to announce his arrival to everyone.

[Harry Potter!]

His high-pitched, cold voice resounded throughout Hogwarts.

Even though Lucas and the others were deep in the Forbidden Forest, they could still hear his voice clearly.

[I know you are preparing to resist!]

The originally noisy Hogwarts Castle became extremely silent as the students who were gathering in the great hall looked around in horror.

Voldemort's voice came from nowhere.

This unknown method made them feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

[Your efforts are useless. You are not my opponent, and I don't want to kill you. I respect the professors at Hogwarts very much, and I don't want magical blood to be shed.]

Professor McGonagall looked serious as her gaze swept across the great hall, and she saw the panicked expressions of everyone in her eyes.

[Hand over Harry Potter, and you will not be harmed.]

[Hand over Harry Potter, and I will keep the school safe.]

[Hand over Harry Potter, and I will reward you.]

[You still have one hour to think about it. When midnight comes, I will order my men to enter the school.]

Silence, Hogwarts fell into complete silence.

This invisible sense of oppression made everyone feel breathless.

Then everyone turned to look at Professor McGonagall's direction. To be precise, they looked at Harry Potter beside her.

The eyes of everyone made Harry feel a little scared and he was about to step back when Professor McGonagall grabbed his wrist tightly.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Professor McGonagall looked at the crowd seriously and said: "I know that your hearts are full of fear."

"You are afraid of death, and you are even more afraid of the person outside that you can't even mention his name."

"We have already taken effective defensive measures for the castle, although it cannot stop the Death Eaters outside, it can delay enough time."

"Now you just need to obey the prefect's arrangement and leave the school through the secret passage in an orderly manner."

After McGonagall finished speaking, she waved her wand and two secret doors appeared on the walls on both sides of the great hall.

"These passages can send you far away from Hogwarts, you can leave."

"Professor McGonagall, what if we want to stay and fight?" Seamus shouted as he stepped out of the line.

Immediately afterwards, members of Dumbledore's Army walked out one after another.

Some students who were hesitant at first also made up their minds at this moment, and stepped out of the group one after another to join the queue to fight against Voldemort.

There was a wet gleam in McGonagall's eyes and a happy smile finally appeared on her perennially serious face.

"Filch, and the prefects of each House, please take the younger students to leave through the secret passage."

When most people who should leave had left, Professor McGonagall looked at the remaining students and said: "It will take some time for the younger students to leave the confines of Hogwarts."

"We need more time, Neville Longbottom, you take this trap to the wooden bridge on the east."

Neville looked suspiciously at the palm-sized trap in his hand.

"Professor, what is the use of this?"

"You will know when you go, it was given to me by a friend."

Looking at the magic mechanism trap (bridge) in Neville's hand, Professor McGonagall smiled knowingly.

"Professor, you-know-who…"

Lavender Brown was only halfway through when she saw Professor McGonagall signal her to stop.

"You should call him Voldemort, Miss Brown."

Professor McGonagall looked around at everyone, and said in a high voice: "I know, you still have fear of him in your heart."

"Tonight we will face him on this familiar campus, fear will only become our burden, and fear will only make people outside more proud."

"Please don't be afraid, I, the professors, and allies who are rushing to support will be by your side."

"Bravely call out that person's name, and tell Voldemort in this way that we will no longer be afraid of him, and we are ready to fight!"

Whether it were the professors or the students in the great hall. The fear in their eyes gradually faded away and a determined gaze took its place.

Neville looked at the magic mechanism in his hand, turned around and walked out of the great hall with a few people.

Watching the magic mechanism gradually cover the entire wooden bridge, the faces of Neville and the others were full of shock, and then their expressions turned into excitement.

It seems that because of this magical mechanism, their chances of keeping Hogwarts are now much higher.

In the great hall, everyone dispersed and prepared their own defensive measures and Professor McGonagall removed a clear glass vial from within her robes.

"Harry, do you still have a lot of questions after returning this time? This can answer you. Go to the Headmaster's office and use the Pensieve to watch it."

"This is?" Harry looked at the bottle in his hand suspiciously.

"It's Dumbledore's tears."

Harry immediately understood what the other person meant by that.

Just when he turned around to leave, Professor McGonagall's voice came again from behind.


He stopped and looked suspiciously at her.

"Welcome back!"

"Thank you, Professor!"

Hogwarts' allies came one after another to support, and the first to appear were the students of Slytherin House.

Wearing the wizard robes of their House, they came to the depths of the Forbidden Forest step by step.

Other support personnel were also rushing to the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Voldemort on the high ground was staring at the Hogwarts Castle in front of him. Aware of the futile resistance of the people inside, a contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

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