


Do you know about the 'most beautiful formula in mathematics history'?

It's eiπ+1=0, what people call Euler's Identity.

The natural logarithmic base e, the ratio of circumference to diameter pi, the imaginary number i, 1 and 0 all fit into this equation with nothing superfluous, and fit in such a way that it was meant to be.

If there is a god in this world, this is a piece of evidence that will be listed as one of the most credible.

What's amusing, or at least beautiful is that this formula was "PREDETERMINED" it is beautiful but when you think about it, it is also scary.

And yet, this woman, the Emperor clad in red just might throw out some candid advice even for the beauty of Euler's identity like this. "Umu! It indeed is beautiful. Beautiful, so beautiful it just make me swoon. The most beautiful part about it is that the answer is zero! That said, someone like me thinks that if the answer is going to be zero, there's really no need to go out of your way to make the calculation"

Hearing that, I reconfirm my belief. This woman is this emperor, and there's no way to express it. Before her, everything is beautiful. No matter what she does that may seem out of character, it always ends up being something characteristic of her. And so, this time, we have a story about this Emperor. Let's study.


Being lost is not something that surprises me as for I have experienced that many times before. Becoming lost not in the concept of place but rather time is what baffles me the most. Imagine walking out of your classroom only to be greeted by Ancient structures along with people wearing a mere white cloth to cover their body.

There is no doubt that anyone would be flummoxed facing such situation. I was not an exception. This is exactly what I am handling right now. Being jerked throughout time would be acceptable after confronting it and adapting, however being forced to accept that you somehow jumped not only through time but also world is the last string.

I was just a 17 year old guy with a unique past, and having a traumatic past doesn't make me different from others. It is not an excuse a person could use to be treated differently as such I adhered that line of thought. "Young man, step aside! You are blocking the way!" my thoughts were disrupted upon hearing that cussing voice.

I turned to the source only to find a man with bulky muscles staring down at me. I then realized that I was gawking for too long that people are already staring at me strangely. Suppressing the embarrassment, I lowered my head a little to the man. "I apologize" the man scoffed seeing my reaction, ah based on that, he deliberately called me out didn't he?

I stepped aside letting the already disinterested man walk away, strangely enough communication doesn't seem to be a problem. I know for sure that this is in the past yet I could hear and process words as if they came from modern ones. Another mystery that needs to be solved. I put that aside and began walking to a place where no people are available. This would help me stabilize my full throttled mind, it is difficult to think if there are gazes laid on your figure.

Upon reaching an alleyway, I immediately grabbed my hair and started clenching it. "What the fuck is this?" muttering this my mind went into panic. This situation is really uncomfortable. I could not simply accept the fact that I was jolted into this place! Like where the explanation is or even hints to where or why I was thrown in this place.

Just imagining the dark activities people do in the past is already giving me chills and now I am being forced to experience it myself? If this is really the past then I really am doomed. Torture, Crucifixion, Treason, Public Humiliation, Madness, Burning in stake, Slavery, and even Assassinations, those things horrified me the most.

I sincerely hope that I wasn't thrown in a time where those things are normalize. However as if mocking my hopeful thoughts, a sound was suddenly heard not far away from me. It was deeper in the alleyway where you could mostly see dark. "H-Help! P-Please…!" I visibly flinched hearing those words. My body refused to move at this moment.

I was well aware that something horrendous is happening inside there yet my body firmly refused to move, I stared at my hands and instantly saw the answer. It was shaking, 'Ah, I'm scared aren't I' my thoughts were displayed by my frozen body. In the first place, being able to stand and swiftly help others in this situation is just pure bullshit. Fairytales are full of shit.

"N-No..! Please stop! My husband is waiting at home..!" based on the sound, the situation was getting worse. Judging from the sound of clothes tearing, I concluded one thing on my mind. 'Rape'. Realizing that I could do nothing to help the woman in need, I looked around and saw many people passing the alleyway.

This raised my expectation as the pleading of the woman was loud. I stared at their faces and saw some of them noticed the commotion, this brought a small smile on my face… which was instantly destroyed upon seeing the sneer on their faces. 'I'm fucked up…' I thought fully comprehending what that complies. This situation is normal and people don't care whether it happens or not.

"Fuck!" I cursed loud clenching my fist hard. My mind is in shambles right now, I was literally just thrown here minutes ago and now I am being forced to face this situation? This is impossible! My thoughts was in contrary with my body as without my command, it started moving. "Shit, shit, what are you doing?" I muttered trying to control it, unfortunately my fear was still eating my mind.

It is getting crazy, my instinct as a modern person is giving force to my body to move. It is heading towards the crime scene without any sort of hesitation on its steps. Reality dawned on me as I realize that my mind is really weak. I could not even stomach helping the woman as it was immediately focused on the thought of saving myself.

'I really am a bastard' I thought gritting my teeth. It was at this moment when an unknown light emerged from my body, strangely enough, the fear of my mind was slowly being erased. I was slowly gaining clarity and my thoughts are now aligned with my body. There was no fear embedded on my mind and instead there was only firm determination to save that pitiful woman.

My steps became hurried as I saw the scene that enraged me. From the first time in my life, I really wished to murder someone. It is not a fleeting thoughts you experienced when you are angry at someone, this murderous thoughts are genuine and real.

I stared as the man brought out his manhood and aligned it with the woman's maiden, he was grinning happily while the woman just screamed in desperation. That was the turning point for me, I clenched my fist hard and dashed to the man with newly profound speed. My fist met the man's face forcing him to temporarily fly in the air.


His body collided with the wall as his jaw was broken into 3 pieces. His consciousness was already devoured by the pain leaving his bloody body leaning on the wall. My eyes widened when I just realized what happened. I hurriedly went to the man and checked his pulse only to find out that none of them are pulsing.

My mind went blank. It could not process thoughts anymore for it broke. I clenched my head, wobbly walking to the side. Without any kind of resistance, everything that I ate before revealed itself to the world. I vomited to the side in full glory. The bloody scene hits differently when you see it on movies!

The woman perhaps worried about her apparent savior went closer to me and patted my back. Honestly, it is comforting for me considering that she is the first to show a kind attitude to me in this world.

It took me a minute before I emptied myself. I sat on the side and took a closer look at the woman. She is beautiful, visibly beautiful than the woman I have seen on the streets before. This might be the reason why the bastard did not hesitate to assault her. "Thank god you are fine lady…" I muttered giving her a bitter smile.

My figure right now is really messy. It would not be a surprise if this woman simply walked away in disgust. However different from my expectations, she lowered her head sincerely and said her gratitude. "Thank you!" those two words were simple and short yet it seemed to make my world brighter even just for a little bit.


Creation is hard. Throw some stones will ya?

Asthoglhocreators' thoughts
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