
A Request to spare a friend's Life

Zero reappeared on a tree some distance away and spotted some savages upahead running in his direction.

The beasts were everywhere he went and they seemed organized.

Was this the big plan they didn't want to include him in?

He disappeared and reappeared to find even more savages on this side as he looked below.

Zero spat on the one below him and cleaned up his lips with the back of his hand,in the other he held his helmet.

The beast raised his head and growled at him.

"Hmmmphhh!!!...empty devil!"he spat again before vanishing to appear at the mouth of the cave.

Zero's eyes scanned the huge entrance before he sniffed at it.

There was just one in,it had to be the Alpha,making it easy for him to get to him with wasting his strength on some lowlifes.

He couldn't smell dark whom he supposed to be covered in Fripju lily.

Zero took one look back at the direction he came from, envisioning Gerald and praying the emperor took his words to heart.

The Chief Knight sprinted in,the flames on the wall lightening his way through the darkness.

He ran for a while,following it's scent as he turned down countless large tunnels with large holes carved into its walls,Nests.

Zero took a bend before spotting Dark but what held his gaze as he froze was the young lad that sat on the Alpha's throne with a blue magic circle Infront of him.

His glowing blue eyes held the Alpha's attention as it knelt before him as if hypnotized.

It's face now at eye level with those of this lad looked dreamy as it knelt before its own throne chanting the exact same words the lad spoke in,words Zero couldn't hear.

He knew exactly what the Child was,a Leiner.

When Dark saw him,a brisk smile broke through his face.

"Well,well...what do we have here..."

"So this is the big plan you all decided to keep me out of....Tssskkkk!"Zero grinned as he eyed the young lad and the beast before his eyes settled back on the Sorceror whose hair concealed the scared part of his face,almost covering his eyes.

He was dressed in his usual black clothes with a hood over his face but Zero could still feel those loathful eyes on him which thirsted only for blood.

They flickered in the darkness with an unwavering depth of cruelty which Zero couldn't phanthom.

One of the most feared sorcerors of the realm whose powers and spells was rumoured to be limitless but for some reason,he never frightened the Chief Knight,who only respected him as an older experienced Demon he had learnt a few spells from.

"I only have one request...don't harm the Emperor's knight"Zero spoke up "You agree then I'll leave and won't interfer in whatever you are all cooking up"

"And if I dont_"

Zero pointed at the Alpha.

"Then I'll kill it and Kill the lad as well"

Dark laughed so hard that it resonated in the Cave,he even felt his ribs cracking before stopping to catch his breath.

"What makes you think I'll let you do that?"

"You don't have to let me....I'll kill you if I must!...I just have one request...if I kill the Alpha now his power will be reincarnated immediately and finding it will be almost impossible amongst the millions of beasts out there"

"Your friend is the reason for this gathering and this plan...Your request is one I cannot grant"

"The emperor knows am here for it's head but I can just leave and cook up a story and everyone goes home happy"

"Killing the Alpha will make the higher ups destroy you!"Dark warned.

"Fine then!"Zero spread out both hands"I want myself destroyed.... Just let him be"

"Take back the path you took... Knight!...your presence here irks me".

"Very well then...Ill take that as a no..."Zero said tossing his helmet aside before summoning a magic circle Infront of him and dozens of swords appeared pointing in Gaby's direction.

Zero let them loose and they aimed for both Gaby and the Alpha.

But Dark raised a pile of earth to block them just in time,their sharp ends digging into the raised earth with a loud battering sound,raising dust as they drove through it.

It wasn't until Dark sensed a weapon behind him that he realized the Knight's real intention.

The sword was already aiming for Gaby but Dark reappeared Infront of Gaby,using his body as shield and managing to block it just in time as it drove into his right shoulder.

Dark groaned in pain as the metal tore through his flesh,blood vessels and muscles before breaking his bone and emerging from the other end.

He lost balance immediately,stumbling down the throne till he hit the floor with a loud thud.

The Chief knight grinned as Dark slowly got to him feet.

"Last chance!....promise me and ill_"

Zero paused as his atmosphere completely changed into that of a Valley with a red sky which housed a blood moon.

The barely oxygenated atmosphere reeked of both death and terror mingled with fresh blood.

The grass below him stressed behind like a carpet as far as he could see.

Infront of him was what seemed to be a sea of blood littered with bones.

"Feel Real terror young Knight before you breath your last.... Welcome to the Valley of death".

Zero turned to see the numerous bloodshot eyed monsters emerging from the distance before his eyes settled on the blood sea.

"An illusion"he muttered to himself,"Such power!"

He walked towards the sea of bones which was a few paces away but as his feet touched it,the bones began gathering and taking form.

He tried summoning a magic circle but his power wouldn't yield then slowly backed away from the blood sea before pausing to look at the red sky.

The Chief Knight closed one eye and the opened one turned black.

Looking at the blood moon now,he could see Dark and the lad.

He stretched out a hand and tried summoning a magic circle again,this time it worked.

A triumphant smile broke through his cloudy features as a sword appeared in his hand.

Zero Chuckled.

"Darkkkee!!"he called out through a sinister grin"Do you know why your illusions won't work on me?....I have the very eyes of Death itself...".

Zero sent it flying straight at the moon,it cut through Dark's illusion.

"It's impossible for death itself to be trapped in the land of the dead!"

Before the Sorceror could blink the sword had flown swiftly past him,into Gaby's Chest.

"Nooooooooo!!"the Sorceror screamed at the sight.

The magic circle disappeared,freeing the Alpha from it's influence and leaving Gaby falling into the throne on his side as blood welled up in his mouth.

He had been listening to their conversation all along and praying deep within him the Knight pulled it off,wishing with all of him he was stopped and thankfully he did it,with him gone whatever their plan was was ruined,so was any future plans to use him the King had.

Dark's illusion vanished and Zero reappeared staring at the sight with a sinister smile then he turned his gaze towards the Alpha.

Upcoming exams...pls will continue after them...

Bluebird001creators' thoughts
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