
The Big Bad Wolf Was Really A Pup

—Hey Shido, I want to know, Who is Sera?

She had me pinned against the wall, was this her interrogation tactic?

"She was just a beast kin Princess I met yesterday."

—is that so… don't lie to me Shido you know I can help you?

Reina had put her face close to mine.

"She was a little pushy, from what I remember but my memory is fuzzy"

I felt like something was missing, and I felt like she already knew something that even I couldn't remember.

"Look Reina I'm gonna go confront Sera later, did you wanna come with me since you are so worried".

—hmph! Who said I was worried?

"Are you perhaps jealous?"

—hell no, why would I be jealous?

She's jealous.

"It's okay Reina, we all just want friends for this new school life, I'm pretty sure there's just a misunderstanding, plus you'll always be my one and only childhood friend, no one can take your position"

I just wanted to figure out what happened and I felt that If I confronted Sera personally then I would learn.

—Shido you idiot

Reina had whispered only to herself.


I had left Reina to go to my dormitory, she had looked tired so I also wanted her to rest. When I opened my door I noticed that my window was open.

I was getting a heavy sense of Deja Vu. I had closed my window and sat on my bed. I wondered why my memory had felt so fuzzy.

I jumped because I heard something rustling in my closet. I put my hand on my sword and slowly approached the closet.

I put my ear near the door and there was something moving around and breathing, or at least they were snoring.

I quickly slammed my closet door open and prepared to attack whatever was in my closet.

The slam of the door had woken up the monster in my closet and I heard a scream coming from there.

I too had also screamed at the sound.

I soon realized it was Sera and she had realized it was me. We had both seen each other scream and both paused and looked at each other blankly.

—hahahaha! We're you scared

"Hahaha! No way, were you?"

—pffttt! me? No way, I'm a Fenrir a mighty beast kin race.

There was a loud knock from the room next door, making Sera and I jump up to each other hugging in fear.

We had noticed we were clinging onto each other.

She had pushed me down and sat on top of my abdomen, she pushed me down with her hands on my chest.

This feeling had also felt familiar but I couldn't remember.

Her eyes were watery and she grabbed me by my collar and started to shake my head.

—please tell me what you did or who you are!

"What are you talking about?!"

—ever since I attacked you last night I've been attacked about four times within the last twelve hours!

She was crying

—I'm so tired! I don't want to die! I was gonna become the Queen.

She started crying as she clung her head to my chest. The whole time my second head was thinking the whole time. She was on top of me in a dark room and her lower half was rubbing up and down my lower half.

As my dark knight started to rise she had felt it a little. My teenage hormones were kicking in but my adult heart had overcome its urges.

I grabbed her feet and flipped us both over, the scene was kind of unimaginable if someone were to walk in on us it would look like an erotic act.

She tried to get up but I had pinned her knees to her head.

—she had moaned due to the extreme pressure of being squished in an awkward position. She was strong and I needed to talk to her.

"Please wait a second"

She started to blush

—please tell me what you want. Ooh!

"Listen what happened last night"

—I attacked you and tried to mate with you in secret, we weren't gonna make babies I swear. My friends had talked about mating but I could never do it in the village because of my mother. Gah!

"What I don't even remember you attacking me!"

—what! There's no way. Kya!

"Who attacked you, I don't even know many people"

—there was a girl with light magic, the foul-mouthed Princess from yesterday, ahn wait, there were also two strong witches, and that black-haired girl who looked kind of like me. Oh my god please wait!

She was trying to push me off even harder, so I had put even more weight down on her.

"Hold on! in not done yet"

—what! Ooh, wait! Ahn! Why are you going harder?

I knew all of them besides the girl who could use light magic.

"Yeah, sorry I know them all"

—what! Ahn! Who are you? Ahh, Please wait I'm not ready! I-I'm sorry I won't, oog, do it again, aah!

I didn't realize until my legs and back had started to tire. I had been putting too much weight on her while holding her down..

I had released my pressure off of her and looked down at her but i realized by my crotch area that there was definitely a tent pitched up but luckily it was nowhere near her.

—uh! I'm so sorry, please let me rest now, something just released I think I peed!

She was trying to tell as she moaned in ecstasy.

"Oh my god, what have I just done"






—Lil bro!?

I heard a bunch of voices say my name at once.

I'm fucking dead! there's no way I'm gonna come out of this alive!


Sera POV

I had run as my life depended on it. Ever since I attacked the pretty blonde boy everything started going crazy.

At first, I found him attractive, I was just gonna smell him but he had such a nice smell. I had accidentally started licking and sucking his neck before I knew it.

A large slash of fire was swung at me! I had to thank that girl who stopped me. My animal instincts were going feral.

She was disrespecting me so I had also been disrespectful back. Was this what humans do? This is very different from the beast kin greeting, humans greetings were so offensive and forward. Beast kin greetings are often just done with a sniff of the hand.

The blond boy smelled so good though, I had gone straight to sniffing his neck and even sucking on it.

I had told Shiva that it was okay, it was honestly my fault I couldn't help what came over me.

Later in the day, I walked around and I could smell that nice smell again. I had looked at my surroundings and had scaled a building just following my nose.

I eventually reached a window and lifted it ope, luckily it was unlocked. The smell was so strong.

I heard the door open and I quickly dropped and crawled under the bed. The boy had gone to the window and closed it. I was gonna escape going through his door but my animal instincts told me to jump.

I had jumped to the ceiling and the boy had turned to the door with speed. I was making my way to the window but my nose was going crazy.

I had used beast magic to keep my feet to the ceiling and I had started to sniff the back of his neck, this smell was so arousing to me. I was starting to breathe heavily and I had been distracted by the scent.

He had turned around and our noses had touched. I was so embarrassed, he had jumped back. As he jumped back I had also dropped down.

He started to yell and I had stopped him from yelling. Please think Sera, mother had said to always use my head in tough situations. I was going to apologize for breaking and entering the blond boys room.

I bowed with extreme intensity but my head hit him and his head flung back really fast. I used my beast magic speed to grab the back of his head to stop him from hurting his neck.

I was gonna walk in front of him and apologize but I accidentally ran with him toward the window due to the speed of the beast magic. I was about to run directly out the window.

His head was going to go straight through the window so I had changed our trajectory to the bed. I was going to apologize again, I was so panicked.

I wondered how to apologize. What was the gesture called? a handshake?

I ran to the front of the bed frame with quickness, I prepared to bow down and hold my hand with a handshake. I hear that the further you bend the more it shows your forgiveness.

I had bowed down so far that my head and arm went completely aligned with the bed. The only part that was not aligned was my elbow.

I had felt my hand hit something that wasn't soft like a bed.

"Kyaaaa! Nooooo! Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up!"

I had knocked the boy out. Did I just attack him? I swear I tried to apologize. No matter how you thought of the situation it looks like I had attacked him.

No matter how you look at this I did attack him. There is a big bruise on his forehead and neck.

I didn't know what to do anymore. I had made a joke he still looked a little conscious. I tried to play it off as a joke.

"I told you, I'll see you later"

I wonder if that was good enough.

Maybe an erotic joke like I read from books. Like do you want a bath, dinner or me?

"Tonight you're all mine"

He looked like he was about to faint so I had said it right after my last joke like an amateur jokster.

I pulled his shirt off and prepared the human treatment known as CPR, I think they said that if someone is unconscious or something, doing CPR is good right?

I had pressed his chest down in panic but left a big bruise mark on his chest.

"Fuck me!"

I started hitting his pressure points with my beast kin knowledge.

My father had learned about these pressure points to help my mother rest better and would massage her.

I threw his limp body back onto the bed and prepared to do what my father taught me. I had hit all his pressure points. His body was a lot softer than mothers so I was accidentally leaving bruise marks all over his upper body.

I felt like something was missing, my father usually massaged my mother fully unclothed. My face was heating up, but I had to. I unzipped his pants and was slowly pulling it down.

I was already in a weird position since the bed was a lot bigger than the thin table we usually massage Mother on so I had to crawl on top of him.

the bed was thick enough for me not to apply the right amount of pressure from the side but too thin for me to crawl around him, so I had to be in a position where I was on top of him.

I decided to not get off the bed to pull down his pants. I just wanted the pretty blonde boy to wake up.

What are the excuses that I would give him once he wakes up? Men like women right? If I say it was to mate and not that I was being a creep sniffing his room then I might be able to get away right?

You only mate with someone you like to make babies though. Maybe if I tell him it was to mate without making babies?

The door slammed open and I heard a woman yelling.

I thought I was caught in a suspicious-looking act. A blinding light had blinded me and before I knew it I was flying out the window.

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