
Lost Race

While Julia is now descending on her own into the mine's depths, Elaina is unaware of the other's actions and continues to climb down on the mines. However, just like what she expected, the mines have started to get really big. It's not as big on the 21st floor, but as soon as she stepped into the 25th floor, the space got really wide and the ladder to get into the new level took a while to find now that she has to break every single ore scattered around the area and be lucky to find it from the countless ores to break.

Thankfully, Elaina is dedicated so despite the added difficulty, she just mindlessly breaks every ore, collects what she can get from them, and continues the cycle. It didn't take too long for her to find the next floor's ladder. She checks the surrounding ores for any valuable veins and seeing that she didn't find any, she then descends to the next floor. And...the cycle continues...

Soon they finally arrived on the floor 30th floor.


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