

 Emily sighed as she walked toward the city gates. Mia skipped along next to her, disguised as Stella.

On her other side, Merwyn walked. For once, he wasn't clinging to her or actively aggravating Mia - Stella. Instead, he read some book with a title in a language Emily didn't recognize.

"You know...last time I did this it didn't turn out...."

Merwyn glanced up at Emily, expression pensive, as if he were ready to whip out his pout in a moment.

She squinted at him.

"....I didn't make it to the summit."

Adrien offered her a sympathetic smile from where he waited at the royal carriage. 

"None of us did. When you vanished, I had to request a delay."

Right. She sighed. "Hopefully we don't run into a bunch of orcs or something on the road this time..."

Well. With Adrien and the others present that would still be less problem than her suddenly getting kidnapped by a clingy fae and unable to escape his tower for...like...a month.

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