

"Sword fighting lessons."

Adrien smiled warmly. "Yes. Sword fighting. It'll be good to be able to defend yourself, and in the meantime, it'll give you some skills to practice with."

"I don't even..." She waved her hands helplessly. "I cut my hands chopping...carrots..."

"A knife is very different than a sword, my dear."

A knight approached, holding a rapier. "Keybearer, come with me."

"Huh...okay, okay...." She gave him a wary look but followed.

When he led her to the sparring grounds, she found a sword already set on the bench and picked it up.

'Ahhh...this is gonna kill me, isn't it.'

"Ah." The prince immediately swooped in and gently pulled that out of her hands. "Let's start with a practice sword first." He nodded to the knight, who bowed and left, returning with another weapon.

She picked it up gingerly. It felt so heavy!

"Prince Adrien, I..."

He held up a finger. "Practice first."

The prince waved off the knight.

"Show me. Move forward. Slash!"

"Oh...! Hup-!" She awkwardly moved her arms, swinging the heavy sword at a target post.

She miscalculated the weight of the sword and just how much it would move her. So she missed. A target that wasn't moving.

It felt a little like a slap in the face.

"My feet moved, but the sword didn't hit!"

He smiled kindly, giving her a reassuring look. "Try it again, slower. Balance yourself properly before striking. Like this." He swung a training blade.

His body barely moved.

It was clear his swing was much stronger than he showed.

He looked at her again. "Your turn."

She held the wooden sword aloft, trying to imitate his movement.

This time the sword moved in an arc.

But the force of the swing still made her stumble, the sword slipped from her hand, and clattered across the ground.

"Aaagggh!" She groaned. "I suck at this!"

Adrien smiled softly. "I wouldn't say that." He leaned over and handed the sword back to her. "May I assume...in your youth you played with toy swords, and with sticks you pretended were swords?"

She pouted. "Yes! Yes I did...!"

"Mmh. Real swords are balanced much differently than those. Try to forget how you expect it to weigh and feel based off of those, and instead feel the real weight and balance of it." He held out the sword to her. "Each sword is different, so it is important to be able to sense it and adapt."

"Can't I just punch people and run?" She huffed, shaking the heavy sword.

The prince smiled. "If you had the speed and strength for that, you could, yes."

"Prince Adrien, you're teasing me..."

"Hm. Perhaps." He walked around her, putting his hands on her shoulders and bending so his chin was nearly resting on her shoulder. "Let me adjust you...feel the shift of your hips. Where you are, is where the blow will be. But if you can twist...swing your whole upper body with the strike...see? It allows for a larger reach. And the wider the angle you are able to create, the more powerful your attacks become."

She could feel her face turning red from the contact and his words, and she felt slightly dazed, even after he stepped back and pulled away from her.

"Your hips lead the rest of you." He smiled brightly. "Try again!"

"...Right." She nodded slowly.

She attempted to ignore the pounding of her heart as she prepared for another strike.

Her stance felt unsteady, but she raised the sword.

And struck.

This time she stumbled a little less.

The prince gave a quiet little hum and walked forward to place a hand on her shoulder.

"Try to incorporate your hips a little more when you strike." He stepped up behind her, his hands guiding her hips gently, twisting her more than she'd initially anticipated.

Her face went bright red. "A-Adrien-!"

"Hold that position."

His touch moved to her hips. She felt the warmth of his palms, sliding to her thighs and then gliding down to her calves.

"Put all of the energy of your movements into that area."


Her brain had lost the ability to form words.

When he released her, she stumbled, and then caught herself.

"Ah...! Ah, I did better!"

Adrien gave a kind smile, his purple eyes shimmering as they watched her.

"Indeed, you are showing quite the talent."

There was something...strange in his gaze.




It wasn't her business, and she shouldn't pry.

But it did make her heart ache, just a little, to see.

"I...I can't even begin to thank you, Prince Adrien. I know you're a busy man, but...if there's anything I can do to help you in return for your kindness..."

He laughed gently, a smile tugging at his lips. "Lady Emily, you flatter me. In truth, I enjoy helping you." He folded his hands, and watched her closely. "But if you could spare a few hours of your time to grant me some companionship...I would be most grateful."

"You just want to hang out for the afternoon?"

His smile warmed. "Yes. Would you join me, for a short while, after my court business has finished?"

She ducked her head, smothering a dumb, shy smile. "I'm pretty sure I'm ripping you off with that deal."

He chuckled. "Are you? It would be worth...much, to me."

His words, and that strange, sad smile, left a heavy impact.

And a flutter of concern.

"O-Of course! I...I would love to spend time with you!"

She could see he was pleased, but that underlying sadness still clung to his features as he continued. The more she looked at him, the more she was sure that sadness...never really left his face.

"You honor me greatly, Emily." He smiled faintly. "I hope I am not too much of a bore to spend time with."

"No." She shook her head. "Of course not, why would you ever think that?"

Adrien didn't reply. Instead, he continued watching her in silence, that small, enigmatic smile still playing on his lips.

There was...

So much going on behind his eyes.

She could see it.

She could see it all playing out in his complex expression.

But she couldn't understand it. Or him. Not yet.

But she felt she understood him a little better.

He was very, very lonely.


The soft look in his eyes grew a little brighter. A little more peaceful. "Yes, Emily?"

She stared at him, hesitating a moment before answering.

"..I think I want to continue with swordplay...if you're...willing to stay and keep helping me?"

That faint smile brightened considerably, and a warm chuckle rose from his throat. "I'd be delighted, Emily."

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