
How do you know my preferences?

Lu Xian looked at her questioningly when she turned to look at him. 

''What were you doing just now?" 

''Teaching you how to paint,'' he said, almost with certainty despite questioning himself inwardly. What was he doing just now?

She laughed, seemingly almost in disbelief as she shook her head, ''I had my fair share of classes of art and poetry when I was young. All of those who came to teach me ran away with their tails tucked in between their legs.'' 

''That's because they were not me. I won't run away.'' 

She paused, and chuckled again, ''They were all few of the finest people in this field. But they told me I was a hopeless case when it came to art, painting or poetry. Even my best friend who was an equal lost case in art did it better than me. While she was not outstanding at it, she still was much better. I just had no sense of colors, no idea about strokes, drawings, anything.''

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