

"You don't know?"

At this point, Rey raised one of his brows in confusion as even more curiosity ate at him.

'Is it because of my Singularity Class? Am I special in a sense?' His Additional Information did say he possessed the interest of the World… whatever that meant.

"It seems your role remains undecided. Perhaps you will be chosen as the next catalyst? Perhaps some kind of Beast? Either way, you are of no real relevance to the current issue at hand, and yet… you possess one of the six Primeval Skills."


The Oracle's answer was completely different from what he expected.

'I'm not relevant to H'Trae? What does that even mean? If the Primeval Skills are just six, and so far… I know only Adrien and The Oracle have them, then doesn't that make me incredibly important?'

Based on how The Oracle spoke of The Dragon Emperor, it was most likely that he also had one Primeval Skill.

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