
Alex's System Bound Involuntary Hunter School Slice Of Life Is Exhausting, As Expected. Part 5

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Credit to Glorious4EyedKing for the Beta Reading Labor!)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

The final class of the day, headed by Thumbelina Peach.

Teacher of Plant Science, Dust, and...




It was a most brutal prospect - A math lecture as the final lesson of the day when you are simultaneously mentally and physically drained.

Suffice it to say... Even the most diligent like Weiss donned a weary expression.

The atmosphere was as soulless as the subject of the matter itself.

Each second felt like an eternity, as the students' souls were drained with each passing moment, with every drawing of a triangle or otherwise.


But Alex was Alex.

'What use is trigonometry when we're supposed to be fighting Grimm?' He couldn't help but wonder in his mind, his face intimately plastered on the desk as he gazed aloofly at the whiteboard.

[What use is decent combat power if you're too stupid to use it?] The System offered matter-of-factly.

'That's a dumb argument.' He waved her off immediately, closing his eyes.

Though, he couldn't help but feel that was a dig at him, specifically.

...He never refuted his stupidity in the first place.

"Professor! What use is this lecture when we're supposed to fight the monsters of Grimm!?" Weiss shot her hand in the air, voicing out the question present in the minds of all students here.

Ruby gasped in shock, "Weiss has a telepathic connection with me?!" Dread flowed through her body, as the repercussions of such a reality scared her.

She gasped once more, "I can't think of that! Sorry Weiss!"

I need not describe what went through her little weapon-obsessed head.

The aforementioned Schnee turned her head at the Rose with a perplexed frown and an arched eyebrow, "What?"

"RENNY! WEISSY CAN READ MY MIND?! WE MUST BE SISTER-" The orange-haired gremlin turned to her childhood friend with a gleeful smirk and a loud tone.

She seemed to have concluded the same as Ruby.

Much to Alex's dismay.

"Different height, hair color, eye color, facial structure, history, childhood, shape, education, weapons, Semblance, and skill-" Ren nonchalantly listed and corrected.

The usually silent Blake scoffed with good humor, "You could never be a Schnee... That's a compliment." She assured.


Professor Peach easily noticed the racket growing louder and louder, as the other students seemed to agree with Weiss's point of view.

Pinching her brows, she clapped her hands loudly with great strength.

One of the requirements to be accepted as a Professor at Beacon - being a licensed Huntsman.

And so, the clap was exceptionally loud, reverberating across the room thanks to the Aura-boosted strength doing its magic.

Immediately silencing the fatigued and paradoxically fired-up racket.

All eyes turned to the...

You guessed it - Peach-haired Professor.

Her squeaky voice did little to reinforce her position as a formidable Huntsman, "Listen well. While learning beyond basic mathematics would not help you directly in any regular Huntsman duties. It does help stimulate your brain, which is essential for Huntsman of all levels and predicaments."

Silence reigned as she paused, nodding as she continued, "Remember well, while Humanity and Faunus are slowly losing the war against the Grimm, the key to victory is both Combat Capability and Technology - Whether Dust specific or not."

Pointing at the gigantic whiteboard, "The ideal we are aiming for all individuals in this dangerous world... Is the 'Scholar Huntsman'. If all of us are of such a level, then we'll beat the Grimm and advance our civilization beyond imagination." Her tone grew more profound as she ranted on.

With a passionate grin, she nodded once more, turning to the students, "What say you? Dear students?"


""YEAH!"" A good fifty percent agreed eagerly, with varying tones or small smirks cause yelling obnoxiously was beyond them or something.

"I say whatever floats your boat," Alex mumbled as he shrugged.


Silence once more as all eyes, including Professor Peach herself turned to the bane of human existence.

Blinking at the great deal of attention directed at him for the umpteenth time this day; although this time not due to his absurd combat ability...

Alex could only respond with a simple:

"My bad?" He tilted his head, not quite seeing what he did wrong.


"Alex Andrite... See me after class." Professor Peach frowned, a stern glare fixated on Alex.

"Ooo~ Sleep neighbor's in trouble!" Nora chortled with a slight sadistic glee.

...Somehow, Yang managed to delve deep into the realm of unconsciousness and not be singled out like Alex had been.

Despite his little... Self-expression.

'I'm usually not one for violence... But I would make an exception.' He couldn't help but have that one morbid thought in the forefront of his mind.

[Umu, umu. Can't really blame you, Master.] At least the System readily agreed?

However that simply only made him feel a degree worse.

So, he ignored her as standard procedure dictated.

"Sure." He nodded, stating his agreement indifferently.


"You wanted to see me?" Alex inquired as he was alone with the peach-haired professor in the empty lecture hall.

The last class was done, and everyone was free to go and spend the rest of their day as they pleased.

Self-directed sparring, dinner, sleep, whatever works.

After waving off his Team Leader who was insistent on waiting on him alongside Pyrrha.

Weiss wasn't too keen on wasting her time due to Alex's own misguided behavior... Or something.

But he couldn't help but notice that the white-haired princess was a touch more...



Of Ruby's suggestions.

'Good for her.' He nodded.

Pyrrha did offer to save some food from dinner in case he couldn't make it in time with whatever... Peach wanted.

'She's a good girl.' Alex nodded innocently once again, confirming his thoughts.

[Maybe 'Professor' has ulterior motives~?] Alex couldn't help but feel System wiggle her eyebrows as she talked nonsense.

So, he ignored her once more.

Smiling reassuringly at Alex, Peach shook her head, "Not exactly. Headmaster Ozpin wants to see you, I'll guide you to his office."

Without hearing out his protest, or anything of the sort...

She headed off, her footsteps echoing audibly in the spacious and empty classroom.

Expecting him to follow her.

Alex Andrite Sheep Instincts - ACTIVATE!

Blinking, Alex tilted his head as he sweatdropped, "Okay?" He followed her with only a touch of confusion.

'She's a sly one.' Alex confirmed to himself with a loud sigh.


'I'm going to get nagged by the others thinking I got punished or something. Would've been better if she just simply approached me after the lecture ended... I'm not particularly fast.' Alex frowned lightly.


And so, he followed Professor Peach for a good few minutes.

This school was gigantic, after all.


Walking alongside Professor Peach, Alex enjoyed the relatively quiet and cool breeze of the campus outside.

Being stuck in stuffy classrooms never was his thing.

Thus, they stopped just before the entrance to Beacon Tower; undoubtedly one of the most impressive structures and marvels of engineering in the world - except Atlas but that was an absurdity in of itself.

Reaching beyond the clouds, and surrounded by smaller steel and stone towers, it was a mechanical marvel with many interlocking cogs and gears.

Resulting in the namesake of the Academy itself:

Large green orbs near the top of the tower - A 'Beacon'.

Straining himself to try and see the top, Alex hummed in impression, "Cool."

"It is marvelous isn't it?" Professor Peach nodded in blatant pride, as she nodded at the security guards.

The two of them entered a spacious hall with quite a decent few visitors.

Their eyes were immediately captivated by the bright lights that contrasted with the dark outside.

And a striking smell that can only be described as - excessively clean.

"Students may use the Terminals of the CCTS at their leisure to send messages or otherwise to their families beyond the Kingdom Of Vale." She explained as Alex's eyes neutrally settled on the crowd lining up to a specific room.

[It is an impressive technology indeed. This Cross Continental Transmit System. Instant communication across the globe!] System chimed in gleefully.


"Okay." Alex nodded.

He didn't really have a use for it.

She continued explaining, against Alex's will, "Beacon Academy is the greatest Huntsman Academy, thus, a lot of our students are from other Kingdoms or from settlements outside of Vale. Thus, this communication is necessary, as Scrolls would not reach." She lectured with a lifted finger.

"I see... Where are we supposed to go now?" Alex replied nigh instantly, changing the subject swiftly.

Coughing, she recomposed herself from her 'Lecture Mode', "Right, we're heading to the top of the tower. Ozpin's office is there." She pointed at a trio set of elevators.

Without further conversation, the two of them entered a vacant elevator and clicked on the floor number...



"So, how's your first day going?" Professor Peach broke through the silence.

"Phenomenal." He replied immediately.

Back to awkward silence.

[You're quite the conversationalist.]

'Shut up.'

[Exactly my point.]


Knocking on the door, Professor Peach called out, "Headmaster Ozpin, it's me. I've brought Mister Andrite."

A pleased and calm tone replied, "You may enter."

The door opened automatically at his call out.

Revealing Ozpin's extravagant office.

Situated near the top of Beacon Tower and with glass walls that offered a breathtaking view of Beacon Academy, the City Of Vale, and beyond... It was a symbol of power in its most basic form.

The office in itself wasn't anything extravagantly or filled out in terms of decorations.

In fact, it was pretty empty:

A fancy desk, a custom cup filled with coffee, a chair, and a tiny kitchen area in an unassuming corner of the office.

The smell of coffee was particularly noteworthy.

'I like it.' Alex gave his honest first impressions.

...It's because he can relate to an empty room, probably.

Nevertheless, the visitor's eyes gravitated to the two men sitting in front of them.

Headmaster Ozpin himself greeted them with a friendly smile, "Thank you for bringing him here, Peach."

She smiled back, "Call me if you need anything. I'm off to the city."

He inquired, "Herbal tea?"

"Indeed." She chuckled as she left, leaving Alex to stand there like a...

Emotionless Chicken?

There's really no way to describe him.

As for the other individual in the office...

"Hey! Good to see you so soon, Water Bottle Hero!" Jaune Arc flashed a grin at Alex, waving his hand excitedly.

Alex blinked.

"Who are you again?" He innocently questioned with a tilted head.

Jaune's confident and friendly smile froze at Alex's brutal forgetfulness.

"I-I'm Jaune Arc?" He squeaked weakly.

Blinking once more, Alex pointed at himself, "You're asking me?"

Shoulders slumped, Jaune sniffed, "Never mind..."

Ozpin chuckled lightly, "We shall continue our talk later, Mister Arc." He nodded at the taller blonde, his look conveying that they were done here.

With a more serious expression forming on the blonde's face, Jaune nodded, "Right. Thank you, Headmaster!" He bowed enthusiastically.

He turned to leave, leveling an awkward look at Alex, "Urm, bye Water Bottle Hero."


"I feel like I've done this already, but... Jaune Arc. It's short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it."

"Nice to meet you." Alex nodded, his eyes seeming to hold little, if any sentient life behind them.

"Likewise! Cya later!" He waved, exiting the office and leaving Alex alone with Ozpin.


"Why don't you take a seat, Mister Andrite?" Ozpin offered with a receptive smile.

Alex blinked, his ingrained skill of sensing shady salesman triggering with each passing moment they were together.

He apologized, "Sorry, I'm not interested in buying your online course. I'm perfectly fine with my 9-5."


Ozpin blinked, leveling a perplexed look on Alex, "Online Course?" He repeated.

Shaking his head, deciding to just correct Alex's... Odd expectations, "Nothing of the sort."

Blinking once more, Alex nodded, "Then... Do you need something?"

[You ask that now?] System chastised.


[Following someone without even inquiring about where they are taking you? Sheesh I wonder how you survived London.] System thoroughly expressed her disappointment in Alex's survival instincts.

'I survived with Invisibility. It worked... Until it didn't. I can usually tell the shady people apart. Like this guy.'

Ozpin's eyes gleamed with intrigue as he nodded, deciding to not hide his intentions, "Indeed there is something I'd like to discuss with you."

Raising an eyebrow, Alex sat down in front of the shady salesma- Headmaster Ozpin.

'Got to be careful with guys like him. Don't let him sell you his course.' Alex readied a few more brain cells for this following conversation.

[Didn't he just mention he isn't selling you anything like that?]

'A bluff.' Alex nodded resolutely.

His dull amber eyes met with Ozpin's own brown curious eyes.

Pausing for dramatic effect, Ozpin sipped on his coffee.

Noticing the coffee, Alex's eyes narrowed dangerously at the cup.

'Do not fall for temptation.'

His face hardened and turned even more stoic than physically imaginable for such a man.

A detail that a veteran of human interaction like Ozpin effortlessly noticed.

He readily offered, "Would you like a cup? I highly recommend you try some. I've managed to get a hand on the exclusive Vale Ultra Coffee Machine MK 4000 it hasn't even managed to leave production yet." He directed a hand at a little machine at his little kitchen corner.

'?!' Alex's eyes widened at the discovery.

His passion grew with every moment, "As for the beans, I managed to procure the finest Mistral Coffee Beans. Though they are quite expensive, needing to be transferred from Argus directly to here."


He fell for temptation.


Weiss Schnee is a woman of many characteristics.

She won't dive into the fine details right now, however, she is sure of one thing she most certainly was as of lately...

Too Hasty.

Too Judgmental.

And, as degrading as it was to admit this...

Too Selfish.

And worst of all...


After having that childish argument with Ruby, an argument she believed she had won.

Professor Oobleck's words were most biting...

They stood in the hallway, encountering each other shortly after her argument with Ruby, "Replace Ruby Rose as the Leader? What a foolishly hasty decision!" He cared not for sugarcoating his words.

"W-What?" She blinked.

"I trust my life with Headmaster Ozpin, he would not make such a mistake, and even if he were... It is much too early to judge the girl... Mayhaps did she wound your pride? Are you envious of the younger girl's talent?" He brutally dismantled her with simple questions.


Much too shocked, and already emotional, Weiss ground her teeth, "And what would you have me do?"

He smiled broadly, stating matter of factly, "Is it not obvious? Play out your role as best you can! A teammate? Be the best teammate you can be!"

Pointing at her, he added, "If you do that, it is only natural the girl will see your efforts and reciprocate by trying to be the best Leader she can be." He nodded.

His eyes were sharp as Weiss's respect for Huntsman was the only reason she had been listening so intently, he pierced through her, "That, is my advice as a Doctor."

It could only be admitted as poetic and awkward timing that not shortly after, the childish Ruby approached with some kind of renewed resolve.

"Give me a chance. Please." Those determined silver eyes met her hesitant blue.


What kind of aspiring Huntsman, a proud Schnee would she be...

If she couldn't agree to such a plea?

"O-Of course." She nodded, smiling awkwardly.

Yet her tone grew more genuine and resolved as she offered her own apology, "I-I'm sorry."

Ruby's eyes widened in pleasurable surprise but she nodded immediately.

She awkwardly chuckled, "I'm sorry if I disappointed you so quickly..."

Shaking her head, Weiss looked at her sharply, "No. It was my blunder, I truly was too hasty. I will try my best to be a worthy teammate... I only hope you will do the same as my Leader."

Ruby expected many things, but Weiss's taking out the stick from her butt was not one of them...

"Uh... Yeah! I'll do my best!" She eagerly nodded, shaking Weiss's hand as they headed to the last lecture.

A challenging smirk formed on the Schnee as she pointed a finger at Ruby's chest, "But if you dally... I'll be taking that Leader position from you."

Reciprocating the gesture, Ruby smirked back, "Just try it!"


Eventually, it led them all back to their dorm room, as dinner had already been served and the sun had set on a productive first official day in Beacon.

Weiss was almost ready to admit that Team RAWP was finally in a peaceful, content, and functional state.

Almost ready.

Frowning, Weiss addressed the elephant in the room as she sat on the edge of her bunk below Pyrrha, "What's taking him so long?"

Nodding, Pyrrha mentioned with a worried frown, "His food's getting cold." She pointed at the neatly wrapped food, losing warmth with each passing moment.

Munching on some cookies, Ruby hazarded a guess, "You think he fell asleep on the way here?"

The thought that Alex had managed to somehow get himself in some deep trouble being the reason behind his great delay flashed in their mind.

It was quickly dismissed given who he is.

"It's possible." Pyrrha hadn't dismissed that option at all.

"I mean, what could that useless dolt even do?" Weiss sighed in irritation, leaning into her bed.

Weiss really didn't feel like going to look for him, but given Ruby and Pyrrha, it was a highly likely outcome.

Pyrrha held her face in a deep contemplative manner, she wondered aloud, "...It might be something to do with how he's forced to be here."

At that admission, Weiss's and Ruby's eyes shot toward the redhead.

"What do you mean?"


Smiling apologetically, Pyrrha looked at her fellow teammates, "He didn't really outright tell me; dismissing me with a dry joke... It's not really polite to tell you without his permission. But I think he can forgive me."

"You're really making this come out more dramatic than it probably is," Weiss stated matter of factly, yet she couldn't help but feel infected by Pyrrha's tenseness.

She nodded, "His attitude... Alex doesn't genuinely want to be a Huntsman but is forced to be one. I don't really know the details, unfortunately." She shook her head with a frown.

Ruby's frown was most profound, "What... What could even force him into that?"

Pyrrha smiled sadly as well as she met Ruby's eyes, "That's what I wondered as well... But he dodged the question."

With a lowered head, Weiss admitted, "...It all makes sense now. I had dismissed that option given his blessed talent and presence here."


A heavy, melancholic atmosphere enveloped the three teammates as they contemplated the mysterious circumstances of Alex.

Drawing absurd pictures in their head and vivid imagination, their frowns deepened.

The leader and Alex's partner herself voiced her turmoil, "Is there even anything... We can do for him?"

They turned to look at her, as she continued, "We don't even know each other very well... I doubt he'd trust to tell us anything right now... Should we just-"

"Act normally, not call attention to his reluctant attitude to being here. Be there for him." Pyrrha nodded, reading Ruby's intentions.

Weiss appeared more worried about their functionality as a team, "Then... Are we essentially three members then? Can we truly not do anything? If he's forced he should just leave."

Shaking her head, Ruby mentioned, "If he's forced despite how awesomely strong he is... I really don't know."

Pyrrha offered, "If he's forced, then he might be reluctant but he'll still be a teammate. I've talked with him at length. He hasn't closed himself off completely... It's more like he's acting in a slight rebellion of whatever is forcing him here."

Clapping her hands cheerfully, a flash of an idea formed in her mind, "What if we make him like it here?!" Ruby shouted her ingenious idea.

"How?" Weiss deadpanned.

"Being ourselves!" She nodded proudly at her ingenuity, pointing a thumb at herself.

"And they call Schnee's excessively prideful." Weiss scoffed good-naturedly.

Pyrrha chuckled, "She does have a point, if we do anything excessive or fake... It won't be genuine."

Weiss's respect for Pyrrha was always high, but that statement instilled a touch of doubt.

"Well, that seems pretty obvious, doesn't it?"


A comfortable and resolved silence enveloped the warm dorm room of RAWP.

As the girls of the Team decided to be good, supportive teammates in spite of the reluctant and... Victim? Alex.

"I think the issue is resisting the urge to strangle the shameless idiot," Weiss admitted her struggles.

"Agreed. I'm not carrying him anywhere anymore." Ruby nodded without nary a hint of shame.

Lowering her head with a weak smile, Pyrrha admitted as well, "Sadly... I agree." Her tone appeared truly apologetic and sympathetic to Alex.

No matter how eagerly she wanted to...

She couldn't defend his demeanor no matter how much he didn't want to be here.

But... Where was he?

"You know, I think I've come across a real issue..." Pyrrha came across a profound realization.

"Which is?" Weiss arched an eyebrow.

"Tell us!" Ruby huffed, nodding intensely.


"Do any of you have Alex's number?" She fiddled with her scroll, waving it around.


"I'm a bad partner..." Ruby sniffed, her shoulders slumped at the embarrassing revelation, hiding her face in her hands.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Another day, another yap chapter.


Just a lil more, and we'll finely be skipping to the actually interesting stuff.

(I'm losing my mind, Gojo Fic save me!)

Anyway, for the sake of accelerating stuff, I'll try and upload anotha chapter for this in like... 24 hoursish?

Then cya in 10-20 days again!

Love ya! Bu bye!

Siguiente capítulo