

(All For One pov)

I had hoped that having to kill her teacher would awaken her Quirk, but it seems it wasn't much of an emotional shock for her. 'At least it served a good purpose. She's much stronger now.'

"Ughh, die, you stupid boss." I was just with Shigaraki, but I didn't know what I did wrong for him to turn into this. Entoma is acting more mature. 'I'll have to wait until something pushes him to grow, but it's not his time yet.' Suddenly, I remembered one traitor. I had a smile on my face. 'Well, as I thought of her, I'll send Entoma after her. She'll be an excellent candidate to awaken Entoma's Quirk, two birds with one stone.'

(Entoma pov)

"Mr. Garaki, your experimental room has been cleaned."

Garaki waved his hand. "Yes, yes, thank you, Entoma, you can leave now." I bowed and was about to go to my room when someone called me. "Entoma, wait a moment, your Master said he has an important task for you, one that only you can do."

I nodded and began to wait. I stood there motionless, staring at Garaki.


"Stop staring at me like that, what do you want?"


"Well, fine, here's someone's hand, and stop staring like that." I began to nibble on the hand. After an hour, the door opened, and I quickly ran to it. "Good morning, Master."

He just nodded and started stroking my hair.

"So, Entoma, I have an important task for you. You will need to find a woman named Suzu Sakari. She's a traitor, stabbed me in the back, and fled. Your task is simple: find her and kill her, that's all. Your mission starts now, and it's a long-term one."

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

"It's really a long-term task."

I bowed. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

"If you excuse me," I turned and went to my room.

(All For One pov)

"All For One, you know that Entoma could easily die. That woman has several Quirks in her, and I still don't understand how she can withstand it, or not go crazy from several Quirks."

"But Entoma will kill her, and maybe unleash her Quirk in the process. If it doesn't work and she dies, she would be weak and useless."

"After this mission, I'll send her to Shigaraki."

Garaki scowled. "I don't know if that's a good idea. She probably won't listen to him."

"If I tell her my plan to take over Shigaraki's body, she'll take care of him, or rather, his body."

"Hmm, that could work."


(Entoma pov)

I was in my room, preparing for the mission, and Nautilus curled up next to me. "I'm telling you, it won't work. You're too big, and you'd be seen everywhere. If you dug underground, you'd cause a lot of damage, and Heroes would want to destroy you. So be good, stay here, and watch over Master and Mr. Garaki."

'I can already see him accidentally hitting a pipe or accidentally crashing into the subway.'

I looked in the mirror, wearing the classic maid outfit. I started thinking about the mission.

'I'll need initial information and also change into something else despite my love for this outfit.' I began to change.


'That would be it.'

I stood in front of the mirror, clad in a black hoodie, a gray sweater, and a green skirt. A white spider was on the back of the hoodie. Sleeves longer than my arms.

(Image here)

I was ready to go. I hugged Nautilus. "Take care." Nautilus just nodded.

I left my room, and Master and Mr. Garaki were waiting for me.

Master stroked my hair, and I hugged him. No words were needed. But to my surprise, Mr. Garaki spoke. "Good luck, you'll need it."

Several thoughts crossed my mind. 'How long will it take? What did he mean by saying I'll need it?' And the most important one. 'I must not disappoint Master.'

And so, my first mission began.


In my mind, there was only one thing. 'Informant, informant. Where can I find an informant?' I walked through the city and didn't even know where to start. 'Okay, to start somewhere, I have to find some villains and ask them if they know any informant.'

I walked through the city, and it didn't take long for me to find some thugs, or rather, some thieves.

It seemed like they were showing off some loot. I got right behind them. "What are you doing here?" Both of them were startled, neither of them moved. "If you tell me someone who has information, I'll let you go." Both nodded slowly, still unmoving. "One guy. His name is Giran, and you can find him in a bar a few streets away."

"Umu, thank you."

"You're wel...." Before he could speak, his head was rolling on the ground. "Please, please spare me." An hour later, two half-eaten bodies lay on the ground in an alley.


It was already night, and the moon was shining on the city. I stood in front of the bar where Giran was supposed to be. I opened the door, and as I opened it, there was silence. Everyone was looking at me. I slowly entered the bar, and others started minding their own business. Laughter, a fight, everything you can think of, in a rule-less bar. I walked to the main counter and sat on a stool.

Behind the counter, there was a middle-aged man of moderate height and slight build, with eyebrows that appear to be drawn up and notably squinted-looking pink eyes. He has short gray hair worn parted to his right with side bangs hanging above his eyes.

"So, what will it be for the girl?" The man with a gap between his teeth smiled.


"Hmm, are you speaking to me with your eyes, girl?" I sighed and pulled out the money I took from those thieves.

"Young lady, Giran is at your service." He said sarcastically.

"Suzu Sakari."

"Hmm, I have nothing on her right now, so come back here next week, killer lady."

(End of a chapter)

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