
Chapter 16 - Deep Inferno

After an engaging day of learning and gathering new allies and an exciting evening inside the formation, Lilly found herself alone with her thoughts as the evening quieted. Mia seemed to be sleeping already, letting Lilly think back on the events of the day.

'Gods, another busy day. I hope things slow down a bit over the next few days cause these last ones have been… Ah, I haven't practiced my enchanting…' Those thoughts of her forgotten homework were the last ones she had before drifting off to sleep.

But as soon as the first dreamscape showed itself, she knew this would be a long night. It was another meeting with someone from the afterlife, and she assumed it was Myndia wanting to talk to her again. 

'Ah, figures. Even my dreams are haunted. Do I tell her about Grandfather?' Lilly pondered, nervous about her reaction. 'Oh, I hope she doesn't still read my mind...'

The scene changed to one of deep tranquil water, at odds with Lilly's inner conflict. Soon, a familiar red-haired child approached, drifting towards her. Myndia was looking as adorable as ever, hiding the immense power she was capable of exerting behind her charming exterior.

"Hi again, Lilly. Has your control improved since last time?" Myndia asked calmly, as if disconnected from the real world and its consequences.

"It has! I tried rotating the flame inside my body, and that improved my control a lot. It probably improved the purity of my body as well, but that's fine, right?"

Myndia responded with cautious approval, "As long as you're careful. I haven't heard of such methods of improving control before, but if you think it's working, then feel free to continue. It didn't cause any damage to your surroundings, then?"

Lilly let out a small chuckle, despite the tension she was feeling. "Oh, it destroyed my surroundings! But I had moved to a quarry before trying it, so nothing important was damaged."

"The one just outside the city? That's good thinking," Myndia noted, her expression turning contemplative. "I was wondering if anything interesting happened after the attack. Since you haven't asked for my help, I assume everything is fine."

Lilly chuckled again, but her expression grew concerned. "I wouldn't say that, exactly. I was made Lady Protector after the previous Protector, Selene, lost her position. And the princess came to give me a title and medal."

"Oh, well, that's to be expected after what we did," Myndia remarked, seemingly finding the matter obvious.

"Yeah, that part is fine, I guess," Lilly conceded. "The problem is that the king knew about the attack and helped facilitate it, aiming to sacrifice Selene and Thundrel for an advantage in the war."

Lilly could sense the temperature of the water increasing, and saw Myndia clenching her jaw. "Really? He thinks so little of my city and its people?"

'Is she the one controlling this place? I thought it was my dream…' Lilly pondered. "Yeah, he's quite the bastard. But his daughter is on my side, and we intend to peacefully force him from the throne after the war ends."

Myndia's demeanor softened slightly. "Hmm, at least some noble blood remains in that family. I mostly had a good relationship with the royals, but it varied with each ruler. Your diplomatic approach is wise."

Lilly felt encouraged by Myndia's approval. "I'm glad you agree… Can I ask a question?"

"Sure, that's why I'm here."

"What will you do if you come back to life?"

Myndia pondered for a moment. "Hmm… I thought of revenge for a long time, but since the flame was dormant for so long, the chance passed me by. So I guess I'd just take care of your family, maybe start my own again, and see where life takes me. But I don't want you to be in a hurry, or even pass it to me at all. Let it pass to your descendants."

'So she thinks the assassins are long dead, as I thought… I'm scared of what she might do to Eolande if she learns… But that might happen regardless of me telling her now if she is reborn again.'

Feeling very hesitant but also wanting to be honest, Lilly eventually tried bargaining. "… If I told you something that might make you change your mind… Could you promise me one thing?"

"That's awfully cryptic, Lilly. Change my mind? About coming back to life?" Myndia's expression grew troubled as she threw a sharp look towards Lilly. "...About my revenge?"

"Could you promise me one thing?" Lilly reiterated, the weight of her request hanging between them.

"Tell me what you want, Lilly, before I'm tempted to pry into your thoughts again," Myndia warned.

"Promise me you won't hurt Eolande," Lilly pleaded, her voice laced with urgency.

"Hurt Eolande… The rogue– ELF?" She had connected the dots by herself, and the calmness of the water began to give way to turmoil. Bubbles started rising fervently as a dark aura enveloped her.

"She's not the one responsible! She was manipulated, and now she has left the assassins responsible! But they are all alive still…"

A blazing inferno now surrounded Myndia, dwarfing anything Lilly was capable of. Lilly was pushed away even in her own dream, helplessly trying to find her bearings in the chaotic water. Even her words could barely reach her now. "You want me to spare one of the assassins of my family? Are you aware of the innocents, the children, the lives shattered?"

Lilly desperately tried to defend Eolande, begging to change the dark future she was dreading. "I understand that, but she's a good person! She was conditioned since birth to do as she did, and only started questioning it after your family was…"

"Tell me the name of the damn culprit then!" came the voice from the inferno.

"They only call him Grandfather, I don't know his true name, but he's an ancient elf. He's here in the city, teaching me enchanting," Lilly hurriedly explained.

The blaze seemed calm in thought at first, but burst into action again as Lilly finished her last sentence. "You're learning from him!? How much do you intend to anger me?"

"Not by choice! He's watching me, trying to prevent you from coming back!"

The inferno receded slightly, showing Myndia's form again. She still looked furious, but a hint of consideration was reflected in her golden eyes. "... He's afraid of me?"

"Wouldn't you be? I'm honestly just guessing that part, but if you are the reason they killed everyone in the first place, it makes a lot of sense," Lilly responded, hoping her theory was sound.

Myndia fell into contemplation, the gears of her mind visibly turning as she recounted past encounters. "I should have known a big player was behind it all… An old elf, controlling a clan of assassins…" Her voice trailed off, lost in old memories.

"He seems to use a lot of aliases, his most recent one is a royal enchanter. He has likely tried to keep his footprints small throughout history."

"Certainly, I can't think of any such figures…" Myndia sighed deeply, pulling her flames back. "A lot of coincidences are starting to make sense now. He has had a hand in his so-called peacekeeping for centuries, even millennia. I should have seen the signs…"

With a gesture of despair, Myndia covered her face, her voice barely a whisper, "I should have realized..."

Lilly was surprised at the sudden change in emotion, but she could feel the depth of Myndia's remorse. "You can't blame yourself for what happened. No one could have predicted that."

Now curled up in a fetal position, Myndia responded, "I could have! If I hadn't shown so much power or acted so righteous, no one would have any reason to do what they did… But I had to show off, had to show the world the great power of Myndia, the Phoenix Queen!"

Lilly rather ungracefully floated over to Myndia and extended a comforting gesture, gently tracing soothing patterns across her back. "Everyone has regrets, Myndia. Especially people your age. But you can't hold yourself to such high standards. And I'm sure you have much to be proud of that you're ignoring right now."

Myndia let out a soft chuckle, slightly muffled by her sleeves. "Being comforted by someone many generations my junior feels odd… But I guess you have a point." She floated there for a while longer, absorbing the comfort offered before shifting the topic back to the pressing concern. "This 'Grandfather,' he poses a significant threat, doesn't he?"

"Eolande wouldn't have a chance against him, according to herself."

"... Then your actions are understandable." Myndia acknowledged, eyes closed, and brows furrowed.

"What do you want to do now, then?" Lilly asked, hoping for a solution. Grandfather wasn't an enemy she could face alone anytime soon.

"... I would very much like to get out there and tear his soul to pieces. Very much… But that would require your death, and I'm not willing to cross that line." She paused, lost in thought again. "If you keep purifying your body and improving your control, I might be able to control the flame again to help you fight him."

"Right, that might work! How much do you think I'll need to purify? Lilly asked, excited by the idea.

"I don't know how much your technique helped last time, so… Do you have the amulet on you?" Myndia asked, shifting the topic slightly.

Lilly found the question rather strange and looked down to her chest. The amulet was hanging there like it usually did in her dreams.

"No, in the waking world," Myndia specified, sensing Lilly's confusion.

"Oh, it's on my nightstand," Lilly responded.

"That's good enough. Is it fine if I use it to inspect your body?" Myndia asked, perhaps still remembering Lilly's reaction to her intrusive actions in the past.

"Sure. You can do that?"

"Me, the flame, and the amulet are tied together by a deep bond. What the amulet sees, I can see if I want." She closed her eyes, focusing on the task. 

After a short while, her eyebrows lifted in surprise before furrowing again. "Interesting, you've forged a remarkably strong bond with the flame."

Opening her eyes again, she continued. "The technique you used was very efficient in purifying your body and strengthening the flame. Also, uhm… Mia was studying your face while you were sleeping."

Lilly couldn't help but chuckle, imagining Mia just looking at her sleeping face. "I've done the same, is that weird?"

Myndia had a wistful note in her voice as she responded. "I guess not? Well, love never came easily to me, so I wouldn't know too much about it. And it has been thousands of years…" She seemed to reminisce of times long past. "Oh, right, one more thing! My staff might help you improve faster, and also make it easier to defeat that bastard later."

"Your staff?" Lilly asked, imagining some incredible artifact. "Is it hidden somewhere?"

"It should be hidden deep under the main stairwell of the barracks. You know you're close when you get to black volcanic rock, and you'll have to melt it out. As an enchantress, I assume you'll figure out what it does on your own?"

"I… I'm not very good at that yet," Lilly admitted, feeling embarrassed.

"Well, consider it practice then. And if you really can't figure it out, ask me through the amulet."

"Will do! And… about Eolande."

"I'll spare her, I promise," Myndia conceded in a soft voice. "I can't say the same for the rest of the clan, but they'll have time before my return to prove they deserve to live- unless you do something stupid and pass the flame to me, of course."

"I'll try to be smart. And thank you, I know letting her go must be frustrating," Lilly said gratefully.

"I saw her save your life and care for you, and it's clear that she regrets her actions. That's the best I can hope for, honestly," Myndia acknowledged.

Lilly could feel her shoulders lighten, grateful she could have this talk now. "Ahh, I'm glad I decided to tell you. Everything seems so much more manageable now. I was considering just convincing Grandfather to avoid killing innocents in the future, but I think he deserves whatever you decide to do to him."

"I can understand your hesitation, considering Eolande. To you, it's just something that happened 300 years ago, after all. But I still live with the people who died. I see them every day, people who were given too little time to enjoy life. It's painful…"

Lilly could barely imagine the pain Myndia must be feeling and felt her determination resurfacing. "I understand, Myndia. We'll get him together!"

"Indeed!" Myndia responded, a smile breaking through for the first time in their conversation.

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