
Low-tier Mission

"We just had some discussion, nothing else," Aur said.

Hearing the word "discussion" somehow made Sophia blush as she hurriedly hesitated, then spoke, "Wh… what type of discussion?"

"The kind that adults have," Aur replied, his eyes flickering with amusement.


Sophia instantly shut up and returned to her group with an embarrassed expression.

Aur was a little amused by this. "Why is this girl so embarrassed?"

After all, Aur and his group could already be considered adults by the standards of his previous world. It was time for them to be mature, take responsibility, and venture out on their own to find jobs and become more independent.

So having knowledge of such matters should already be common for them, but seeing Sophia's reaction, it seemed she was still immature in this regard.

Soon, they arrived in a crowded hall, and Aur looked up to see a board in which "Task Hall" was carved in bold golden letters.

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