

"What? What do you mean stay?" Veronica asked feeling so furious.

"I swear if I stay in here one more day I might go crazy." She said but Henry shook his head. She was still trying to accept the fact they have gone broke and lost all of their wealth. Veronica has been wealthy since the beginning of her life, knowing they were now of the same status az a peasant angered her.

"We can't leave Nari all alone in this hospital, and remember, Mack has warned us about not letting her know what has happened for the sake of the child." Henry said.

"She's the reason we are here in the first place." Veronica crossed her hands on her chest.

"She's carrying Mack's child. Our grandchild. You use to love her before what changed now?"

"Everything!" She yelled holding the ray before her. Veronica did not mind the people who stared at her as she yelled at her husband. At this point they were in a more drastic situation than.

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