
Chapter 81 : Title At The End (Bonus Chapter)

The pursuit of mind art then lets both Hermione and Orion into a wild goose chase. Hermione was apparent about not asking any professor for help, maybe something to do with Nick.

Not like Orion cared much, he just needed an excuse to teach Hermione the mind arts before Nick could do this favour. Overall, it's about ruining whatever Nick was planning.

Thus both of them started to search each and every page of the library to get some knowledge about Occulemency. 

But ultimately it was no luck. There was nothing in the common section which provided any information about Occulemency. Orion though didn't understand why, Legilimency is banned and he knows that, but Occulemency ?. Why that book too doesn't exist? 

In fact, everyone should practice Occulemency, it's nothing but helpful. 

[I am pretty sure that that book will be kept in the restricted section] Merlin chipped in. 

'Yeah me too, I will get a copy of that later on to show Hermione,' Orion made a mental note.' 

"There is nothing," Hermione said in a dejected tone.

"Yeah, there is nothing on Occulemency. Well, at least here that is," Orion added.

Hermione caught the wording pretty fast, although even Orion didn't spend much time with others but after almost one year, Hermione could tell what he was thinking.

"What do you mean, not here ?" 

"Oh come on Hermione, we both know that Hogwarts has an extensive collection of books, there is no way that it doesn't have something so impressive as Occulemency. If we can't find it here then there is no doubt that we are just looking at the wrong place," Orion said with a knowing smile.

"You mean the restricted section," Hermione asked slowly.

"Of course, where else do you think you will find a book about Occulemency," Orion smiled.

"But that's against school rules, we can't do that," Hermione said with a scandilous look. At this though, Orion just gave her a look.


-Next Day-

Classes again resume and so is Orion's usual grinding. He planned to break into the restricted section and get a copy of the Occulemency book later on. 

Doing his daily rituals and training, which nowadays consists of learning the Law of Presence. It was harder than he thought but Merlin assured him that he was learning pretty quickly.

But that was Merlin, only aiming to get enough mastery to solve the crowd control problem, while Orion wanted to learn it more in line with Conqueror's Haki. Merlin said it's possible but he had to learn this Law to a pretty high level before he can pull something like that off.

"Hey, why didn't I see you two yesterday? What were you doing," Rose suddenly interrupted Orion's thoughts as he and Hermione were heading towards the breakfast hall.

"Good Morning to you too Rose," Orion said with a smile.

"ah, good morning," Rose for some reason always got flustered when Orion smiled like that.

"And where is my good morning," Hermione asked childishly.

"I would have told you if you didn't leave the dorm before everyone else," Rose narrowed her eyes, like accusing her best friend.

"Not my fault that you sleep like a Troll, not waking up even after using multiple spells on you," Hermione retorted back. And the reaction she got from Rose was also epic as she looked horrified about what Hermione just said.

Honestly, it's not like Rose didn't wake up early but she just didn't want to, she usually has to in Dursleys and then works for them. She just wanted to be like a normal kid for once.

But now she felt ashamed when Hermione said, especially in front of Orion, she is sure that her reaction would be that much if it was Ron or someone else. 

Seeing Rose's cute reaction Orion could not help but smile a little.

"It's fine Rose, growing kids like us need all the sleep we need. Don't listen to Hermione here, her books keep her awake all night but that doesn't mean that you too have to wake up early," Orion added, 'Ah, this peaceful life is good, shame how this not gonna last much longer as that bald bastard will start his world domination plan.' Orion then thought.

This brought a blush on Rose's face but Hermione looked at Orion with narrowed eyes.

"Oh excuse me if you have any problem with my books then you should have told me, I don't remember me saying anything when you wake up at 4 every day and do your grinding," Hermione huffs.

Rose's eyes widen by just hearing the time Orion wakes up every day while Orion gets curious about how Hermione knows this. 

"Oh, and may I ask how come you know about my daily early morning exploits, Ms Granger," 

Hermione then realized that she said something which she shouldn't have.

[Check her mind, I have a suspicious feeling about this] Merlin added sensing something was not right here.

Orion didn't like poking into his friend's mind but Merlin said it, there must be a reason right. So after thinking and pondering with superhuman speed he connected his eyes with Hermione and got inside her brain.

And just how fast he went in, he came out as well but his normal smile was gone. 

"Ah, it's nothing. I just saw you practice while you were training," Hermione said.

"Ah I see, well if you want to develop muscles like me then we can't slack off now can we," Orion said while lifting his sleeve to show his tone and well-developed muscles.

Rose's eyes wide, she had actually never seen Orion's bare arms, only today she just how jacked he was. But Hermione on the other side was blushing.

When she said she saw him training, she wasn't lying and Orion has a habit of training topless. It was really hard to stop blushing after looking at that miniature Greek god's body. 

And since then, it was not just books which didn't let our Ms Granger sleep at night.


[We might have underestimated the enemy my friend] Merlin said with a serious look. 

"Yes," Orion said. 

He saw the reason why Hermione was there in the first place, It was Nick who manipulated her. This bastard was not saying anything outright but sure was Manipulating Hermione and maybe the reason is him. 

Orion doesn't know why but apparently it seems like Nick too is onto him for some reason. 

He did some mind diving and realized that Nick asked Hermione to be there, but not directly, he just said to her, how Orion usually trains something strange at this time, god only knows how he knows.

And the next day, Hermione was there, it's just underlying manipulating. Later he asks about everything Hermione saw and much information about Orion through her and even has to gall to slowly try to shift Hermione;s viewpoints against Orion and others. 

It was nothing major, but you don't need anything major to influence a yet-to-be teenager. 

'What do you think, what I should do now ?' Orion asked Merlin with a confused look.

[Nothing, it doesn't matter if he manipulated her, just keep your friendship and that's all. Try to save her if that is what you want but in the end, her well-being is not your duty. Focus on your own shit] Merlin said, surprising Orion for once.

"You're saying to let Hermione be Manipulated by Iron," Orion asked with agitation.

[No, I am saying to help her out but in the end, you have your own shit to deal with, try your best but don't get too involved. Remember you can't help everyone]


Orion didn't agree with Merlin's approach to the situation. He will help out Hermione and make sure to protect her from Nick. Merlin too didn't argue much about it but just sighed.

"Hey, what are you thinking? We are getting late for the DADA class. Come on," Daphne saw Orion's gloomy look so she came up to him, grabbed his hand and said while pulling him.

"And since when did you become so interested in Defence Against Dark Arts, Ms Greengrass ?," Orion asked with a questioning gaze.

"Oh, I am not longer the Princess. I am so sad." Daphne acted hurt but Orion didn't give two shit, right now he was not in the mood of playing. And seeing no reaction from Orion, Daphne just pouted.

"What's not there to be interested about? Lockhart is an excellent teacher as all." Daphne said while still pulling him.

'Yeah Right,'

[Yeah Right] 

"Of course what's better than DADA class In Hogwarts," Orion said with an ugly face.

(The last line is the Title)


Seems like Orion was not as smart as he was expecting himself to be. What do you think, is Hermione is a SPY? Are there any other spies? 

Why is Nick so interested in Orion?

Hmm, Find out next time in Magic Punk.

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