
The Wedding Venue

"How about this one?" Huria showed Skyla another design for her maid of honour dress.

"This one is good, if we can make slight changes then it will be perfect," Skyla answered, holding a pencil she began to make the necessary changes and showed it to Huria by holding the paper up.

"I quite like it. I think we can make it work, let me send it to the Sewing Department. I want it to be ready as soon as possible. How far along is your dress?" Huria asked, taking the paper from Skyla and retracing the design on her tablet, adding the required colours and attaching the notes of the materials she wanted.

They had chosen mauve as the main colour with different shades of purple for ribbons and gemstones on it.

"It's almost ready, the strangest part is my ex-mother-in-law and my about-to-be mother-in-law are preparing it together," Skyla answered with a small cackle.

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