
Chapter 14:- Who will feed Naruto?

Edited - I kind of forgot to add one important paragraph of the chapter. I realized my mistake after uploading this chapter. 



As Sakura and Ino continued their fight, Naruto enjoyed chatting with Shikamaru and the other boys. It felt really good to be talking with friends again after such a long time.

Naruto's thoughts drifted to the past for a moment. 'During the war, Shika lost his dad. And Neji... he died protecting Hinata. This time, I'll make sure they both stay safe,' he silently vowed to himself.

"So, Naruto, are you new around here?" Choji asked, curious about the new face in the village.

"I just arrived three days ago," Naruto replied.

"You know, Naruto, we should all hang out together sometime after school," Choji suggested warmly. Naruto had always valued his friendship with Shika and Choji. They were some of the first people who had accepted him for who he was, and that was something Naruto cherished deeply.

"Sure, Man. Just let me know in advance." Since from now on his schedule was going to be pretty tight packed. 

While Naruto and Choji were talking, Hinata and Hanabi came and joined them. Hanabi and Hinata were already like friends with Shika and others. 

"Oh....Hey Hina-chan.....!!!" Naruto greeted Hinata. 

"Hello, Naruto-kun." Hinata blushed and lowered her head. Everyone here could see that Hinata had a massive crush on Naruto. 

Shika noticed this and whistled. "Phww.....!!! It seems someone is already famous." Shikamaru said with a grin. 

Shika's words only made Hinata more embarrassed. Naruto ignored Shika's words and then asked. "So Hina-chan who is she?" Naruto asked her in a very gentle tone. Everyone could see that Naruto really cared about Hinata as well. 

"She is my twin sister, Hanabi Hyuga." Hinata said in a low tone. 

"Hello, Naruto-kun. It's nice to meet you." Hanabi said with a flirting wink. Hanabi was the completely opposite personality of Hinata. While Hinata was introverted, Hanabi was extroverted and liked to socialize. 

[Pic of Hanabi Hyuga]

Hanabi was the more bold and flirting version of Hinata. She was really beautiful. Naruto could see that Hanabi was more famous than Hinata due to her extroverted personality. As she playfully winked at Naruto, he instantly felt many killing intents directed at him. It was coming from the many jealous boys who secretly liked Hanabi. 

"Hi, Hyuga-san!!!" While Naruto was more direct towards Hinata, he was very reserved and more respectful towards Hanabi. Everyone noticed that. 

"Naruto-kun, you call me sister 'Hina-chan' right?" Naruto nodded his head. 

"Then you call me Hana-chan." She said with a flirtatious wink. 

Naruto didn't think too much about it and just nodded his head. He felt Hanabi was just messing with him. 

"Hanabi here. I've been wondering, Naruto-kun, how did you end up meeting my sister?" Hanabi asked, her curiosity echoed by the others who were also listening.

Naruto gave a brief answer. "I met Hina-chan on my first day in the village." He kept the details vague, which Hinata appreciated. She felt a sense of relief wash over her, thankful that Naruto hadn't shared too much. She knew that if he had, her sister would have had a field day teasing her about it later.

Hanabi was about to ask more, but just then, their teacher called her over for a sparring match.

Soon after, the bell signaling lunch break rang. The break was a whole hour, giving everyone plenty of time to relax and eat. As the bell echoed through the school, almost everyone, except a few like Hanabi and a couple of others, quickly made their way back to the classroom to enjoy their lunch.



Scene change____

Naruto glanced around, wondering where Sarada could be. She was nowhere to be seen in the classroom or the hallway.

'I'll search for her after lunch,' he decided, putting the matter aside for the moment. He reached for his lunchbox, and as he prepared to open it, a big grin spread across his face.

Back in his previous world, Naruto had always had to make his own lunch, which often turned out to be less than tasty. He remembered feeling envious of his classmates with their delicious-looking meals. But today was different. His mother had prepared his lunch, and he felt a wave of gratitude for this second chance he'd been given.

When he lifted the lid of his lunchbox, it was as if a bright light shone from inside it, making it seem magical for a brief moment. As the light faded, he saw the food laid out in front of him, arranged so artistically that he paused, wondering if it was even okay to disturb such a work of art with his eating.

Naruto was all set to eat his lunch but then it hit him that using his left hand for eating would feel awkward.

'I'll need to get used to this until I can use my right hand again,' he thought. Just as he was about to try using the chopsticks with his left hand, they were gently taken from him by a girl with light pink hair. It was Sakura Haruno from his class.

"Let me help you eat, Naruto-kun," Sakura offered as she sat down next to him.

"But..." Naruto started to protest because he didn't want to cause Sakura any inconvenience, but she wouldn't have it.

"Don't say 'but'! It's the least I can do as your classmate," she insisted.

"I'm sorry to trouble you," he said, feeling a bit guilty.

"It's no trouble at all! I'm glad to help," Sakura assured him with a bright, friendly smile.

As Sakura's smile lit up her face, Naruto felt a familiar warmth in his chest. She was the girl who had captured his affection for so long. Although the war had shifted his feelings when Hinata found a place in his heart, the close proximity to Sakura and her radiant smile were stirring up those old emotions, making them flare with new intensity.

In this world, Sakura still had her signature light pink hair, but it was styled differently — it was gathered into an intricate braid and twisted into a bun at the back of her head, a style that accentuated her features and added to her charm.

[Image of Sakura Haruno]

Naruto couldn't help but think, 'Even though she's not the Sakura I knew, that smile is just as captivating.' He watched her, almost lost in thought, as she held the chopsticks with grace.

Gently, Sakura picked up a sausage cut into the shape of an octopus. The little sausage tentacles wiggled as if waving hello. She held it out to him with a caring look in her eyes, ready to feed him. Naruto found himself mesmerized by the simple, affectionate gesture, his heart skipping a beat as the distance between them seemed to disappear for just a moment.

Just as Sakura was about to feed Naruto, the chopsticks were suddenly snatched away. In a quick move, Ino grabbed the chopsticks, complete with the octopus sausage, and popped it into Naruto's mouth before Sakura could react.

Naruto was taken aback by Ino's sudden and daring move, but he went along and ate the sausage.

Sakura, on the other hand, did not appreciate Ino's interruption. "Ino, what do you think you're doing?" she asked, her eyes narrowing at Ino in annoyance.

Ino stood tall, clearly proud of herself for stepping in. "You were moving so slowly, Sakura, so I just helped Naruto-kun out. Is there a problem with that?" Ino said, challenging Sakura with her tone.

"Ino, please don't get in the way. Why don't you go and hang out with the younger kids? We're just fine here without you," Sakura replied smoothly, gesturing dismissively for Ino to leave them be.

At Sakura's words, Ino's right eye started twitching heavily in irritation. "Hold on, Did you call yourself an Adult just now?" Ino said with a mocking tone, puffing out her chest and then glancing pointedly at Sakura's.

"Your chest has no details and you call yourself an adult. Go home and drink more milk maybe your chest will grow in the next 25 years." A vein started in the back of Sakura's palm as she angrily clenched her fist while glaring at Ino. 

"What did you say?" Sakura was very pissed. As Sakura stood face to face with Ino, everyone including Naruto could see the difference between them. When Naruto looked at Ino's chest, he could see that Ino's chest was fairly large; above average. But comparing her chest to Sakura....!!!

'There is really nothing...!!!' Naruto thought in his mind. 

"You heard me loud and clear. Naruto-kun probably likes someone who's actually grown up. Oh... and I guess all your body's growth went into making your forehead the smoothest and widest surface in the whole world," Saying that Ino folded her arms under her chest to make her chest look even bigger. In doing so, her chest almost jiggled. Naruto who was closely staring at this felt a twitch from his little brother. 

"Hmph!!! Being an adult isn't all about the chest." Saying that Sakura put her right hand on her hip and glared at Ino. Seeing this Ino, looked at Sakura's ass. Seeing the size and the shape of her ass, Ino felt that she had taken damage. 

While these two were busy arguing with each other, Hinata gathered her courage and walked up to Naruto. 

"Oh, Hello, Hina-chan!!!" Naruto greeted her with a smile. 

"Naruto-kun, let me feed you," Hinata said while blushing.

Hearing this Naruto did not refuse. He loved the fact that despite being so a shy and extroverted person, Hinata gathered the courage to feed Naruto. He was very touched by this. 

"Pl....please open your mouth." 


Naruto opened his mouth and let Hinata feed him. 

It was only then Sakura and Ino stopped arguing as they realized that while they were arguing someone else had taken their place. 

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