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As they made their way back to the Slytherin Common Room, Harry excused himself and went back to his room. Taking the Enchanted Mirror for Distant Viewing from his inventory, he whispered, "Third Floor Forbidden Corridor." Since he had shown the place before, the mirror shimmered and started to show the place.

The mirror revealed a dimly lit corridor, lined with ancient-looking portraits and a series of closed doors. The air seemed heavy, laden with a sense of foreboding. Harry scrutinized the image, searching for any sign of enchantment or danger.

"Looks like the perfect place for a secret rendezvous with destiny," Nigel commented with a hint of sarcasm.

Harry ignored the quip, focusing on the task at hand. "We need to understand what's there before making any move. The last thing we need is to walk into a trap."

"Or worse, a surprise pop quiz," Nigel added dryly.

Harry rolled his eyes, though he couldn't suppress a smirk. "I need to be careful. If there's something valuable or dangerous there, I can't just barge in."

He then shook his head, "I can't watch it all the time. I need to be more proactive." He put the mirror back into his inventory and got up. As he entered the Enchanted Haven Briefcase, he worked out his physical and magical skills. After a strenuous session, he returned to his room, feeling the weight of the day's revelations. He continued his routine as days passed, and finally, the day of the Flying Class arrived.

Thursday morning, as Harry sat at the Slytherin Table, Hedwig arrived with a letter from Petunia. His heart leaped slightly; although it has only been a little over a week, they exchanged letters often. He broke the seal and unfolded the parchment.

"My dear Harry," the letter began, "I hope this finds you well and thriving in your magical world. Crookshanks and Misty are great companions, but they can't quite fill the void left by your absence. The house feels so quiet, too quiet at times. I find myself listening for the sound of your footsteps or the murmur of your voice."

Harry smiled faintly, touched by her words. He continued reading. "I already miss you, Harry. Despite it being a little over a week, I can't help but miss your presence in my life," Petunia's letter continued, her handwriting a neat curve on the parchment. "The house is so silent now, almost as if it's holding its breath, waiting for you to return and fill it with life once again."

Harry read on, his heart softening with each word. Petunia expressed her loneliness, the void left by his absence. She reminisced about the small moments they shared, the conversations, the shared meals, and even the quiet times when they simply sat together, each lost in their thoughts. It was clear from her words that she found comfort and connection in his company, a stark contrast to the coldness that once defined their relationship.

The letter took a more somber turn as Petunia recounted recent unsettling developments. "Vernon and Dudley seem to have vanished into thin air," she wrote. "I don't miss them, Harry, not really. But it's disconcerting, like a bad dream you can't wake up from. Vernon missed his appointment for our divorce. It's as if they've been erased from the world."

She detailed her attempts to locate them, her visits to Marge's house, Vernon's sister, who claimed she hadn't seen them for years. "It's a mystery, Harry. One that I'm not sure I want to solve. Dudley choosing to leave with Vernon hurt me deeply. I felt betrayed, but now, with their disappearance, I'm left with more questions than answers."

Petunia's words painted a picture of her life, now quiet and solitary, a stark contrast to the bustling, often tense household it once was. She spoke of her daily routines, the little things she did to fill her days. Crookshanks and Misty, her only companions, provided some comfort, but it was clear that she felt isolated, disconnected from the world she once knew.

The letter ended on a hopeful note. "Despite everything, Harry, I find solace in knowing you're out there, learning and growing. You're my connection to a world I barely understand, but through your eyes, I'm beginning to see its wonders. Be safe, my dear boy, and remember that you're always in my thoughts."

Harry folded the letter, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He missed Petunia too, more than he thought he would. Her words, warm and genuine, were a far cry from the cold, indifferent aunt he had grown up with. It seemed they were both finding their way, navigating the new dynamics of their relationship.

"Quite the heartfelt missive, Master Harry," Nigel commented, his tone softer than usual. "It seems Aunt Petunia has grown quite fond of you. A touching development, indeed."

Harry couldn't help but smile at Nigel's words. "Yes, it is. I never thought I'd see the day when we'd actually miss each other."

"That bit about your dear uncle and cousin worries me, Master Harry," Nigel said, his tone more serious than his usual witty demeanor. Harry nodded as he folded the letter carefully and placed it over his heart, "I feel the same. Vernon should have gone to his sister. He has nowhere else to go. Also, he missed the official court hearing for the divorce."

Daphne, who sensed his thoughtfulness, asked, "Everything alright, Potter?" Harry nodded. "Thank you. Everything is fine." He pulled out a blank parchment and wrote a letter back as he offered some snacks to Hedwig, who was now perched next to him.

Nigel chimed in as Harry wrote, "Penning a response to the matriarch, are we? Make sure to include a line or two about your thrilling escapades here. Spice up her day, Master Harry."

Harry shook his head slightly, a small smile on his face. "I'll spare her the details of our more dangerous adventures, Nigel."

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" Nigel retorted. "A tale or two about dueling a wild dragon or a midnight flight on a broomstick might just brighten her day!"

Rolling his eyes, Harry read the letter he penned, a touch of humor lacing his words:

"Dear Aunt Petunia,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, despite the unusual quietness of the house. Your words brought both a smile and a pang of longing to my heart. The castle is vast and filled with wonders, but it lacks the familiar comfort of your presence.

I'm settling into the rhythm of Hogwarts, navigating through lessons that are as challenging as they are fascinating. I've learned more in the past week than I ever did in the Muggle world, and each day brings new adventures (don't worry, the safe kind, mostly).

The absence of Vernon and Dudley is indeed troubling. I share your concern and the myriad of questions that accompany their mysterious disappearance. While I'm far from the detective type, I promise to lend a thoughtful ear and a helping hand in any way I can from my end.

As for Crookshanks and Misty, please give them my regards. I'm glad they're there to keep you company, though I'm sure their conversation isn't quite as engaging as our usual banter over dinner.

Remember, you're not alone. We're connected by more than just blood or magic – we share memories, hardships, and now, a bond that grows stronger with each letter. I'll be back to visit as soon as I can, and we'll have much to talk about over a cup of tea.

Stay strong and take care, Aunt Petunia. You're in my thoughts always.

Warmest regards,


As he sealed the letter, Harry couldn't help but smile wistfully. Petunia's transformation from the cold guardian of his childhood to this caring figure was something he'd never expected, yet deeply cherished.

Nigel's voice broke through his reverie, "Ah, touching indeed, Master Harry. You do have a way with words. Now, let's hope your heartfelt prose doesn't get lost in the owl post. It'd be quite the tragedy."

Harry chuckled, "I'm sure Hedwig is more reliable than your average postal service, Nigel."

"Indeed, but do remind her not to make any pit stops at any bird conventions en route," Nigel quipped.

As Harry sent Hedwig away after carefully wax-sealing the letter, his attention was drawn to an owl dropping a box for Neville. The boy opened it excitedly, revealing a glass ball the size of a large marble, which seemed to be full of white smoke. From his table, Harry used the Observe function of his System. A message soon appeared:

[System Message: Remembrall. It glows red when the owner has forgotten something. Concealed Ability: Detects and alerts the owner when a memory has been tampered with or erased. Glows pulsating blue for tampered memories and red for erased ones. Linked to the bloodline of a noble house, reveals full capabilities only when held by a true heir.]


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