
Chapter 365 - Astrid's Heartfire trial

As soon as the Heartfire sigil activated, Astrid suddenly found herself in familiar place she'd just left behind.

Frowning, she looked around, and mumbled, "Kirkenes? What am I doing here?"

She was standing on the Kirkenes docks, the town on one side, and the cold, northern sea, lapping at the dock's mooring on the other.

Only, the town looked like it did before the awakening, without any of the damage that all the fighting had done to this place. It was like she was walking in her memories, with the only difference being the lack of people. She was all alone.

Just as she was about to start walking around and searching for anything that might indicate why she was there, something changed. Shimmering, two humanoid forms suddenly appeared in front of her. When their faces became clear, Astrid scowled in anger and frustration.

"Edda," she growled, filled with hatred.

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