
Chapter 433 New Home_1

The two paid their respects, and Qin Yi helped Su Pan'er to stand up, inserted the incense, and then turned to look at Su Xian'er.

Having experienced a series of changes, Su Xian'er appeared to have gained some stability.

"Why are you alone, where are the others?"

"When the news came back, our grandfather fell ill. His condition hasn't improved since."

Continuing with her task at hand, Su Xian'er replied, "We couldn't find people to dig the grave, my uncle, my father, and my elder brother went to do it. They haven't returned yet. My mother and my aunt are busy preparing the items needed for the funeral on the hill tomorrow, and they don't have spare hands to help. I'm the only one left here."

It must be said that Su Xian'er is quite bold.

Where would a normal woman kneel all by herself?

"Aren't there any neighbors to…"

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