
Chapter 42 : Exam Trials II

The flame tornados swirled, blazing and headed right at them.

Satoru acted quickly, jumping backwards and remembering his own speed, rushing at Rai whilst avoiding the tornado that took down multiple trees.

Aza punched the air with her palms, creating the air bullets that pierced through them and slowed it down, allowing more air to come into the punctured holes of the flame tornado and slowly start to dissolve it.

Following up by using the Water Wave, she arose it large and powerful enough and it collided with the flame tornados and entirely turned the area into mist upon collision. 

"Rai is one of the two warriors that that were the strongest when we were in school before all this. He and Aza, top fighters. He's definitely gotten stronger, but is nothing compared to me."

Before he could rush at him, through the scouring mist, Rai ran at Satoru and they began to throw strikes at his opponent yet all were dodged and countered.

Jab, jab, hook. Satoru swerved his last strike unexpectedly, twisted his body in a pirouette type of way and formed a hammer fist, a backhand hammer fist, connecting it right to Rai's face and sending him flying.

Aza perceived him and before he could land into a tree, charged up a palm strike, hitting him in the back with such strength that she sent him flying back.

Awaiting him, he put up his hand and grabbed his throat, beginning to choke him until he passed out and afterwards throwing his body to the ground as the mist scattered. They took his arm band and therefore had the purple band duo eliminated and had 2 points.

"You know, I'd have beaten him without you." she said, looking into the forest and concentrating to see where the others are if they're in the vicinity. 

"I know."

Satoru felt something coming from behind him, quickly. He turned around and caught an arrow going at his head. "Take cover!" he said to Aza, avoiding the arrows and getting behind a tree.

After about 10 seconds, they stopped as she spotted Nova and Sasha coming in on them and battling them now up close. 

"Hey follow me, Yui and Terin." she began rushing in their direction and Satoru quickly followed, seeing them trying to hide in the trees and go unnoticed.


"You think they'll find us up here?" Terin asked.

"No way. We were quiet and out of sight. We'll just wait until Satoru and Nova's matchup and jump them."

They saw Aza pass under alone a moment later, thinking about taking her down and quietly discussing it.

"You ready Yui?"


A chilling presence from behind them had them frozen as someone suddenly spoke "That all?"

The two of them quickly turned to it and it appeared to be Satoru who proceeded to kick them down from the tree. Terin landed on his back and shot out a large fireball up at the tree.

Before it reached up there, Satoru began to trust fall backwards, grabbing the large branch after the air automatically rotated his body and swung himself right down at him.

Through her knee, Yui was shot by a compressed water beam and she fell to her other knee, performing a sign with her hands that initiated wind cutters all around her, cutting down the trees so that she can anticipate what's next.

She saw Terin, clearly, get thrown right passed her and her eyes widened.

An earth pillar arose from the ground by Aza and Terin's back was against it, spitting out blood and going to go pull himself off of it. Satoru appeared in front of him and with a hook punch being charged.

Trying to act quickly, Yui sent out multiple air cutters, compressed of course, at Satoru to prevent him from damaging her teammate. Upon doing so, Aza began to barrage her pressure points from behind her, stunning her and not allowing her to move.

"They've definitely gotten somewhat stronger. I just wonder how much stronger Nova is. That'll be thrilling."

He handspringed backwards to avoid the air cutters and heard Terin utter something : "I got you now!" after initiating a sign and beginning to gain a boost in speed as he intended to run at Satoru, unsheathing his blade and going for an air elemental sword technique. 

He swung his blade a slash out of pure compressed air was launched at his opponent, traveling quickly. Satoru swerved it, having another one come at him, so he leapt up into the air and before he could swing his blade again, Terin's face was grabbed and slammed into the ground, knocking him out.

A few moments later, he saw a shadow on the ground, signifying that someone was in the air. Looking at it, he saw Aza and Yui exchange some blows as they were falling down, being launched up by the pillars or possibly leaping. Aza countered one of her punches and with a charged up palm strike, punched her towards the ground heavily, cracking the floor and making a dent in it as she flipped and twisted her body mid-air and landed an axe kick on her stomach, knocking her out.

"Nice move, where'd you learn that?" Satoru asked, taking off the band from Terin's arm.

She took off the band from Yui "You, actually. I've still yet to perfect it though."

The green band duo is now out of the competition, with Aza and Satoru now holding 4 points.

"I think it was good. Though the faster you perform the front flip motion in the air, the stronger the kick itself when connected."

She looked around to try and spot someone else with her eyes "I didn't know you knew physics."

"What physics?" he asked confusedly. 


They began to walk as she looked around to try and spot the others, yet none were in the range. "So you, Nova and Atreus - all of you are Gods?"

Satoru noticed a bird fly past them in the sky "You already know."

"You don't have to tell me, but how did you and Nova become Gods?"

"Karoi manipulated us into killing his brother which drove Nova crazy and temporarily cursed him, having him influenced to kill every God, so he went off and found Hades, killing him by himself."

Thinking she saw someone, it was just a deer in the forest so she moved on "Wow, that's.. He's strong. What about you?"

"I took Thor's place." he said jumping across the lake

"Thunder, cool. Ever thought about what's next?"

"No. What do you mean exactly?"

"Like..." she stopped for a second, seeing someone unconscious but not making out who it is in the distance "Like what exactly you want from life?

"I..." he was hesitant "I haven't thought about it."

Satoru lied. 

The two went to the unconscious one, who was still conscious just beat up. It was Kazumi and his band was missing, but despite being conscious he was considered like he lost.

They checked him and noticed the Ember High Guard come get him, but couldn't figure out which duo defeated him and there wasn't Jinn's body nearby.

However, there were arrows around, multiple destroyed trees and even scorched earth from what seemed to be fire. No ordinary fire could scorch it that much so it must have been Nova. The arrows obviously from Atreus..

"Could it be that it was a 3 way fight? Jinn's body isn't here so they may have gotten separated. Or perhaps one of them ran away."

"Anything?" Satoru asked, looking around as she was too. "Nothing. Whatever happened here was a few minutes ago at the least."

Both of them looked around as if they were waiting something to come from the tree line.

"Found Jinn. Let's go." she said after a few moments and they rushed through the trees, chasing after him basically. Satoru didn't want to speed and and leave Aza's side so she doesn't get jumped and her band taken so he ran beside her after him. 

He was quite fast because of the Speed Form, even using the Flashstep technique to gain more and more distance. Though as long as he was in the sight of the Pure Eyes, his exact location was known.

"He's your teammate, what's his weakness?" Satoru asked, running beside her

"Uhh he's not someone strong in a hand-to-hand fight but when it comes to speed, he's pretty fast. I don't think there's a weakness. Wait, aren't you fast enough to catch him?"

"I am, I simply don't want to leave your side."

She smiled but not on the outside, on the inside. "Satoru... You're a good person, no matter what they said about you."

"I'm not. I'm truly not."

"I may not know the story, or what you've done during your absences. Taking a life is hard, it isn't pleasant and you can feel guilty but that's the flow of life."

They were very slowly starting to catch up to Jinn "That's the thing Aza, I don't feel guilty or feel any remorse. It's indescribable, this feeling."

"When you can find the words, you tell me, okay? I'll listen. Up ahead, Jinn has stopped and someone's there fighting him, let's go!" she exclaimed.

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