
Chapter 34 : Crystal Hotel

In the Rock Nation, specifically in the largest village there - Flintbrook Village, Satoru visited and registered inside the most luxurious and best rated hotel - Crystal Hotel, not even an inn or motel, but a hotel.

It was really large with over 200 rooms and overall the best of the best with even a breakfast, lunch and dinner addition in the hotel at specific hours and all accessible by paying.

Not knowing how long he'll be there, he registered to the hotel and decided to stay a few nights and paid in advance for 4 nights, each being 900 gold coin.

Staying in Flintbrook, Satoru bought a set of new clothes, the bottoms being something similar to loose black sweatpants but the warrior type and the top was a blue longer sleeved shirt, similar to that of a kimono.

His hair was growing to be slightly longer than usual, but he couldn't be bothered to cut it and it's not really that noticeable right now anyway.

[Name : Satoru]

[Species : God]

[Speed : Subsonic, 242m/s in base, faster in a form, much faster when in RoT, much faster with Stormstride]

[Strength : Large building level at least]

[IQ : Genius]

[Abilities : Fire, Water and Earth Manipulation, Advanced White Thunder Manipulation, God Lightning, Advanced Thunder Manipulation, Bifrost, Tail Beast, Single Clone Sub]

[Age : 13>14]

[Money : 71,827 k]

"Fuck!" he yelled out and threw the book into towards the trash and missed.

Over the last few days Satoru bought 23 books, all which had just the mention of the word 'God' just so he can locate the missing Hephaestus but he had no luck.

It was quite early too and he spent the last couple of days training and reading through the books, nothing more.

"I should get something to eat..."

He got up from the desk and left all his weapons there and going down to the first floor into the 'restaurant' part of the hotel and there he grabbed something to eat, specifically eggs, bacon and some toast.

He sat at a table and began eating whilst thinking about what had happened so far and how he never expected to be in this situation, the situation of having to find someone... He began daydreaming about what could've been if he wasn't basically manipulated by Karoi to kill his mother and growing his hate for him more and more. 

Halfway through his meal, some girl, approximately his age sat at his table. It wasn't a large table, but a table for two as well.

She was 15, long fiery orange hair, orange eyes and dressed in a black apparel with a golden necklace and silver bracelet.

"Hey there!" she said to Satoru who didn't even notice her until she said something.

He seemed confused "Hi? Can I help you?" she lowered her voice when responding : "I know what you are, who you are."

"Is that so?" he said, still eating calmly "And just who and what are you? Have you come to try kill me?" he took another bite of the bacon

She took a sip of water before responding : "I don't want to kill you. In fact, I want the opposite! As for my name - I am Trix. I'm a Goddess like yourself, daughter of the Japanese Pantheon's God of Fire, Kagutsuchi and Greek Pantheon's Goddess of Mind Reading, Mnemosyne."

Satoru didn't respond for the moment and ate his scrambled eggs : "I guess it's nice to meet you. What do you mean by the opposite?"

She leaned back into her chair and stretched before leaning back "Growing up in the God society, in Olympus with my mother, it was pretty boring. I'm not saying I wish for a massacre, I don't but.. There is nothing going on. Everything is forbidden and guess what? The gods can simply rape and kill anyone they wish to. They've grown lazy, predictable and cowardly. I, on the other hand, wish to become strong like my father and become a powerful warrior."

"That's quite the goal, but what does it have to do with me?"

"You don't realize it, do you? Satoru, you've become a lot more famous in Olympus and across the 9 realms. Not all the Gods have been clued in as Zeus doesn't believe it just yet... Egyptian Pantheon's Ra reported that Karoi was the one that killed all the Gods except Hades. But after his death, more bodies have been dropping and everyone is left uneasy. Some actually suspect that it was you."

Satoru continued on chewing down his toast and bacon and tried to say : "'z dat so?"

"Believe it or not, to me it's actually an honor to meet you. They've found bodies of Hermes and Tithonus alongside Poseidon and his wife. Gosh I didn't like them... Ugh... But witnesses, followers, gave out a description of you. White hair, black eyes, carries around an axe. My point is, you are hunting 'them' right?"

"Them?" he said and yawned right after

She kept gazing at him and wondering why he's so calm. "Yeah! Yknow, the hollow holders? I know you're hunting them. Zeus noticed that too and he is REALLY mad for having both of his brothers killed.. I've never seen him that angry." she was silent for a moment "That would make the last one you need to find...-"

"Hephaestus, yes I know. He's proving to be damn difficult to find." Satoru said after finishing all the bacon and having only the scrambled eggs left now.

"Neither of us two were born back then, but it was about 200 years ago that Hephaestus went to meet with Hades and since then he was never seen. When Zeus asked Hades where his son went, he said he had no idea and Zeus believed him. Me personally? I think that Hades did something to him after a potential disagreement." she said confidently

Satoru took a quick sip of water and commented : "That's great and all but I still need his location. Wait, why are you even helping me? I'm basically killing your kind."

"OUR kind. Don't mistake it, you are a God too. It's because I believe that you'd make a great leader, one that could and definitely would change the entire realms. Besides.. Nothing fun happens around and the other God kids are weird and have completely different motives..." she said looking down for a second and meeting his eyes once more.

He almost started choking on the food and said : "Listen.. I only intend to complete my goal because-" he stopped speaking suddenly

"Because?" she asked further

"Hm.." Satoru said "Because I want to be powerful. I hold no interest in being a leader. Not right now anyway and not in the near future."

"Hmmm okay... I get that but let me at the very least help you find Hephaestus."

Satoru thought about it for a few seconds whilst looking at his nearly finished place, feeling the gaze by her and thinking how she might actually be useful in the end. "Have you perchance in-"

"Yes." She interrupted him "I have inherited the abilities from both my parents. I can prove to be useful."

Satoru nodded and finished his plate, getting up and telling her "Alright, come with me."

"Sweet! Am I going to see you fight humans? Monsters? Gods!"


"Satoru are you fucking serious..." she said being disappointed

He shrugged.

"If you weren't able to find anything in the books, how do you expect me to find something?" Trix asked him slightly angrily.

"I honestly don't know. And of the 2nd method?"

She sat down on the edge of his bed whilst he sat down in the chair : "It's very risky and it could very much kill you. Or there's a chance that I either paralyze myself or you, or end up killing us both or perhaps only end up killing you, if not paral-"

"You talk too much."

She looked at him angrily : "We can try the ritual but not only do you have nothing of Hephaestus', you don't even have anything of Hades'..."

Satoru stood up and went across the room, opening the large wardrobe's door, having his axe leaned inside there, his tanto beside it and a kunai, a teleportation kunai that was given to him by Nova. He took it out and gave it to her.

"Could this work? It belonged to the current God of Hell that killed the old one." he asked Trix as he sat back down.

"This is far more big of a stretch with greater risks than the first indirect mind reading.. But I guess there's a way.."

"Then let's begin."

Trix sighed and in the end accepted to do it, having him lie down on the floor and her sit on her knees beside him and placing the kunai on the other side. She touched the kunai first and then Satoru's forehead.

"Are you ready?" Trix asked him, still being uncertain about this.

"Do it." he said non-hesitantly 

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and uttered a word in Latin. 


Her finger touching Satoru's forehead began to glow a green color as Satoru's eyeballs turned entirely white. The finger touching the kunai also started to glow and her veins glowed too as they reached her head from her arms, opening her eyes wide as they glew a bright grass green.


Satoru opened his eyes and he was entirely in a dark space, hearing something speaking but not being able to determine what..

"Can you hear me, Satoru?! Are you dead?!" an echoing voice could be heard, Trix's voice.

Satoru looked around trying to determine where the voice was coming from but no luck "I'm alive. What do I do now?"

"I didn't think this'd work. Shit.. Okay, focus on Hephaestus now, about what you'd want to know. His location mainly."

Satoru set aside his natural anger and focused on the God immensely but nothing was really happening until he saw a light in the distance to which he started moving to.

After what felt endless walking, he reached it and it wasn't Hephaestus' location but instead it was a folded piece of paper.

He tried to focus more but not much was given to him... It looked like a stone wall and nothing more. It's not much to work with at all.


A piece of folded paper began to appear too but it was beginning to distort. He tried to grab it but his hand phased through it.

"Any luck?" Trix's echoing voice asked.

Satoru quickly replied with : "Not really! Just a piece of paper.. Wait. Something else is forming now"

Around the piece of paper began forming a bookshelf and s square of wooden planks. Satoru's nose started to bleed and he wiped it off, focusing more on it despite not knowing what it was.

It didn't take him long to realize. However a headache began forming with the blood beginning to drip down his nose again.

"That damned librarian.. He didn't tell me everything. This is the Starlit Library. AKA my next stop."

"Satoru, I'm pulling you out now!"

A blink later, he quickly sat up on the floor and felt his head ringing, and blood drip down his nose which he quickly wiped off.

"So? Anything? Because there is no way I'm doing that again. Not until I master it." Trix said as she stood up and helped the white haired boy up.

"Greenthorn Village. The Starlit Library. There's a piece of paper there that's most likely the key to Hephaestus' location and that's precisely where I'm going next."

He took the cloak from the wardrobe and Trix grabbed his shoulder and let go : "W-Wait, that entire place was supposed attacked 2 days ago by the nations in the attempt to regain it. Satoru.. They failed before they could even begin."

"How the fuck is that even possible? I get that there's a lot of mind influenced warriors in the village itself plus the addition demon eye wielders, but nations attacked them. They should have won." he said, putting the cloak around himself.

Trix looked down and back up : "They should have, but Lady Elara of Mirazora's Mage constitution said that they've got a rogue Mage helping them and obviously boosted by some sort of amulet of artifact because a barrier was made around the entirety of Greenthorn that prevents anyone from entering, but not leaving."

"And the nations that were supposed to attack? They just go back home?"

"No." she said as she took another cloak with a hood from Satoru's closet "They're waiting for a weak point to exploit in order to get it. According to Lady Elara that is."

"I appreciate your help, I really do. Especially since I've met you today, but I can't bring someone who'll slow me down. I best work alone." he said as he placed the tanto up into the sheathe and axe on the back below the cloak.

"Don't underestimate me. I can hold my own okay? Besides, it surely isn't fun to just go around alone and kill in silence right?" she said, tightening the cloak around her.

"Okay okay, but we're not gonna bother ourselves with killing those morons." he said, opening the door of the room and going outside, closing it after Trix left outside. 

"So what will we do then if not kill?" 

"You'll see."

They got to the lobby and Satoru gave an additional 1800 gold coin for 2 more days to the receptionist at the counter of the hotel, specifically to just keep the room and for no one go clean it.

Satoru and Trix now departed to Greenthorn Village.

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