

Song by ( Olivia Rodrigo - Good 4 you).

* Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily

You found a new girl, and it only took a couple weeks

Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world? (World)

And good for you, I guess that you've been working on yourself

I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped

Now you can be a better man for your brand-new girl

Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy

Not me, if you ever cared to ask


*Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby

God, I wish that I could do that

I've lost my mind, I've spent the night

Crying on the floor of my bathroom

But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it

But I guess good for you.

The crowd went crazy as the teen poposter mesmerized the guest with her angelic voice and energized band by singing her trending single " Good 4 you " . Alice had specifically requested for that particular song to be sang, apart from the fact it was one of her favorite songs and she could relate to the lyrics she also wanted to use the music to pass a message thankfully her guests were enjoying it immensely well, everyone was literally jumping up and down.

" Uhm muffin do you want to go outside? " Jack asked loudly trying to hear his voice above the loud music.

Alice ( in ayra's body) rolled her eyes mentally and tried to mimick ayra's sweet voice " No jack I want to stay in here " She didn't know what was wrong with ayra's boyfriend, from the moment he came he had brought flowers and chocolates even attempted to embrace her thankfully she had an excuse ready and now the party hadn't even kicked off properly and he wanted to leave already? Ugh I guess I won't blame him, he thinks he's with his sweet muffin. Alice thought to herself but his clingy protective nature was really getting on her nerves it didn't help that he held on tightly to her hands, used his body to protect hers from anyone ramming into her and constantly cleaned the corners of her mouth with the pads of his thumb. Like gawwwd why the heck was he so sweet? No wonder her innocent sister fell for his charms.

" Well that's a surprise muffin, I thought you would be relieved to be out of here" He joked.

Alice ( in ayra's body) smiled thinly " You know me so well jack but I have to stay here and look after my sister " She added sighting Natasha dancing in the crowd 'now who invited that bitch to my party?! ' she boiled in her heart.

" Tsk Alice is the last person that need protection from you" Jack said with a straight face.

"Oh not in that way Jack ,but today is her day and she's distracted and all so the last thing I want is for someone to ruin her party's , someone like this " She sneered pointing at the advancing Natasha.

" I don't care about her it's you I'm worried about. Tsk I know you ain't used to all this and - stop drinking what of it's spiked or something " He made to collect her drink and she almost shouted at him 'Don't fucking tell me what to do I'm not ayra ' ThankGod Natasha appeared and she saw- allowed her words back.

" Hi jack " Natasha greeted in a sweet voice.

" Really it's this all you could come up with? " Alice ( in ayra's body) scorned making reference to her dress.

" What are you talking about? " Natasha questioned acknowledging her presence, she had been waiting for an opportunity all night to talk to jack but he had stick to her like glue , she had no other choice but to walk up to him and pretend as though she wasn't there but she definitely wasn't expecting ayra to scorn her outfit.

" I mean ripped jeans and a tacky tank top? I thought you had better fashion sense , in case you missed the memo sweetheart this is a high class party not some a walk in the park. You look like a harlot " She finshed off with a beautiful smile on her face. Alice knew she had completely destroyed her by the sloop of her shoulders and the look on her face, right next time she wouldn't go for ayra's babe.

" Omg jack your girlfriend just Insulted me " Natasha shrieked wishing she could tear her into two but she was still recovering from the pain Alice had inflicted on her and didn't want to be beaten up again.

To be honest jack was surprised by ayra's words, his cutesy muffin would never intentionally tear someone down even an enemy that was Alice thing but maybe Natasha needed enough sass to leave him alone he thought shrugging it off.

" If my muffin says you look like a harlot then you look like one " He stated wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

" Period " Alice ( in ayra's body) giggled heartily " C'mon let's go over there I think Alice is calling me " .

" Sure thing muffin " He replied allowing her to drag him by the hands. Natasha could only watch in pain , embarrassment and shame. She cleaned her eyes slowly" I would have my moment " She swore to herself.

Ayra( in Alice body) smiled demurely as she received another set of exquisite gifts from friends, the room was filled to the brim the table meant for gifts was filled up too that Catherine had to get another one. Her lips were hurting from smiling too much , her under arms were sweating , her toes were killing her from standing up and dancing in the high heels and to cap it all of she simply wanted to lay her head on her bed and bawl her eyes off. This certainly wasn't what she bargained for, being Alice was so hard and energy consuming that she regretted ever envying her or her life.

" Alice smile for the gram " She heard multiple people scream toughening her spine , she smiled as though she was having fun as multiple lights flashed across her face momentarily blinding her eyes , she almost slipped but a hand held on to her arms, she smiled gratefully at Troy who had caught her and withdrew her hands from his immediately. She wondered if this was what Alice always felt but always covered it up with a smile or a sassy reply as she was doing now, but Alice always seem to be having fun sighing deeply she almost held her fingers to her mouth but seeing Alice with jack stopped her . Shit she couldn't even talk to her jack " She muttered beneath her breath.

" Did you say something babe? " Troy asked as gently as possible.

" Uhm no but I have to talk to my baby sis " She said.

" Oh okay " He seemed a little unsure but he knew he couldn't stop her too.

" Ayra it's time for you to cut your cake and give a speech " Alice ( in ayra 's body) wishpered immediately they stood together.

" No Alice i- I can't please I'm tired of playing you. It's exhausting " Ayra ( in Alice 's body) cried.

" You have to suck it up because you wished for this and honestly your life isn't any easier, your boyfriend is overwhelming and a couple of people had asked me educational questions I don't give a crap for. Like how am I supposed to know the capital of Italy, I have never been there" She mouthed recalling the pressuring moment.

Ayra almost laughed " We have been fools alice I guess no one can be us better than us " .

" That doesn't make any sense ayra but remember everything you have to say during your speech " .

Ayra started to complain how she hated being in the spot light and how she couldn't continue this little charde of theirs when Alice suddenly started swearing furiously.

" Damn it straight to hell why the hell is here? Who the heck invited him "?

Ayra turned around to see the person and her mouth opened open in anguish.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

simply_mackycreators' thoughts
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