





My sleep felt great... I woke up feeling more different, in a good way. As I stirred from slumber, something was noticeably changed—I felt a strength coursing through me that wasn't there last night. The soar, aching pain mostly gone, my stamina being fully recovered too. 

'Heh, the doc was right... I did heal over night.' I smiled at this prospect.

I turned, the sun lazily peeked through my curtains curtains, casting a warm glow into the room. Stretching my limbs, however, I sensed an unusual vigor in my muscles, an energy that seemed to have amplified somewhat overnight. It was as if each fiber of my being had been recharged, revitalized in a way that I couldn't quite explain...

'Did... Did I actually get stronger from a nights rest?' I thought but chuckled to myself.

As I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, there was an undeniable lightness to my step. The usual morning grogginess was replaced by a newfound sense of vitality and stamina. It was almost as if I had tapped into a hidden reservoir of strength that lay dormant within me.

Walking across the room, I could feel the muscles in my body responding with a renewed vigor. Each movement felt far more effortless, yet purposeful. It was like I had discovered a secret reserve of energy that propelled me forward with an unfamiliar, but exhilarating, force.

Even the simplest tasks, like opening the curtains or pouring a glass of water, felt different. There was an underlying confidence in my actions, a subtle assurance that I hadn't experienced before. It was as though the night had woven some invisible web of resilience around me, leaving me feeling a little stronger, more capable than I had been the night before...

I oddly felt a sense of shift in my perspective too, an an incredibly minor one, but it was there. Still, I quickly adjusted.

'It couldn't be?...' I couldn't shake this feeling of increased strength, so I decided to I check my "stats". I know it was a little off, but I wanted some tangible confirmation that what I was feeling wasn't entirely just a figment of my imagination...


Name: Alex Young

Age: 17 Years Old and 0 months

Race: (Proto) Human

Weight: 242 --> 244 Pounds

Height: 5'6 1/2 --> 5'7

Health: 94%/100%

Mana: Nil

Stamina: 100%/100%

- Striking strength: 291.7 --> 323.587 KG

- Grip Strength: 73.1 --> 81.241 KG

- Lifting Strength: 156.4 --> 173.804 KG

- Dexterity: 2.9 --> 3.2 (10 for a normal human male)

- Movement Speed: 9.18 --> 10.1778 mph (current Max)

- Attack Speed: 54.4 --> 60.384 mph

- Reaction Speed: 72% --> 80% greater than your Attack speed (Permanently scales to your Attack speed, and can be increased with training)

- I.Q: 139 --> 152


I checked my panel, half-expecting everything there could still be the same. But there it was—a subtle, but definite increase in strength and speed. It surprised me, a quiet shock that brought a rush of questions and a growing sense of excitement within me.

However as I looked lower, I saw that my weight had slightly increased, but another thing increased, which was my height.

'I was right! That change in perspective wasn't my imagination... I did grow half an inch in a mere couple of hours!' Looked happily at my sudden surge in stats. The only bad thing was the increase in my weight. The sudden stature change, as well as my muscles underneath the fat must have grown a little.

It made sense, I was lighter stronger and faster than before, in just a mere three days.

Still, It was as though I'd stumbled upon an unexpected upgrade while I slept, and the tangible evidence in those numbers made it all the more real for me. This newfound change felt like a thrilling secret waiting to be explored. I have a hunch that this wasnt my Baki or Garou genes. It might just be Daniel's Genes...

But this was just my little theory at the moment. For the time being, I stopped thinking about such things.

I quickly decided to put this newfound strength to the test, and what better way than through the boxing techniques Jason had taught me? With a grin, I swiftly got into the stance I copied from him, feeling a smoothness compared to when I first did it.

I through a straight, and a hook, then a left with speeds that were new yet unsurprising.







'Woah!' I thought surprised. Contrary to my appearance, my punches actually made sounds while thrown at full speed and power. My blows were akin to a blur...

As I continued to throw more punches, I immediately sensed a difference. The fluidity to my movements, a power behind each jab and hook that felt more pronounced than before. It was like the techniques Jason had drilled into me were now amplified by this surge in strength.

The rhythm of the punches felt more natural, and there was a solidity to my stance that hadn't been there yesterday. Each strike reverberated with a newfound pedigree, a reassurance that I was indeed growing much stronger.

With each movement, I reveled in the progress I had made. It was exhilarating to feel the impact of this growth firsthand, to witness the techniques I had copied and essentially mastered now take on a new level of effectiveness.

As I continued to practice, a sense of pride swelled within me. Jason's teachings, combined with this unexplained improvement, felt like a winning combination. And this was just the beginning too!

"Alright, calm down Alex, It's time to train." I said to myself resolutely. I wasn't going skip a day of training.

Quickly I began my usual morning warm-up routine, but almost immediately, I noticed a stark difference. The stretches and exercises that used to feel mildly challenging now seemed almost too easy. It was as if my increased strength had rendered my typical routine insufficient.

'That's going to be a bummer...' I thought grimly.

I paused, realizing that if I had indeed grown stronger, I needed to up the ante. With a smirk, I modified the routine on the fly, pushing myself to extend the stretches further, to hold the yoga poses longer, and to add more reps to each exercise.

It was invigorating, this sudden need to adapt my routine to match my newfound strength. The once-familiar stretches transformed into more demanding movements, requiring a deeper level of flexibility and control. Each push-up or squat felt like it needed an extra level of effort to truly challenge my enhanced capabilities.

I didn't feel discomfort at all, but actual content having to push myself. At least exercising wouldn't be something boring for me from now on...

Locking in, I powered through the intensified routine, I felt a rush of exhilaration. It was as though I had unlocked a new level in a game, and now the challenges had to be adjusted to match my upgraded abilities...

As I finished my run, which was surprisingly twice as long as last time. I felt the familiar exhaustion hit me like before. Suddenly, I heard my stomach grumble with defiance for sustenance...

Now that I think about it, I haven't had anything for a while...

'I am quite famished at the moment...' Without much care, I sorted through my fridge. I grabbed the necessities, making 4 sandwiches, in which barely did the trick at the moment...

Seeing how empty my refrigerator had gotten, I remembered that I had a crisis of money on my hands, that needed to be solved quickly... I didn't have much left in the tank for this month, so I had to think fast.

Though I was Feeling a little lazy. 'On second thought. I'll leave that issue up for the me, tomorrow...' I closed the door then I ate my breakfast. Done, I headed up to sleep until the designated time...




~After getting ready~




'Not bad, my stamina has actually improved too. I don't feel like a bag of lead when I walk now.' 

I got off the bus. However, I noticed something strange in my surroundings. Everyone was looking at me, oddly.

Walking into the familiar halls of my high school, something felt, off. The usual buzz of chatter seemed different today—it was hushed, but not in the usual pre-classroom quietness. Whispers darted around me like mischievous sprites, their words too muffled to catch, but their intent palpable.

'Just what is going on?' I asked myself, continuing to walk ahead.

But I couldn't shake the sensation that the whispers were about me. My steps faltered as I passed by groups of students, catching furtive glances and hushed conversations that abruptly stopped whenever I drew near.

It put me on edge, this clandestine discussion that seemed to involve me in some way. Were they talking about the change I felt within myself? Was it visible to others? Impossible... 

The air felt charged with curiosity and speculation, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of unease and curiosity. Why the secrecy? What had changed that was causing this clandestine buzz around me?

Walking through the corridors that once felt so familiar, I now felt like even more an outsider in my own environment. The whispers followed me, casting a shadow over what should have been a routine morning.

I tried to brush it off, to focus on my classes and the tasks ahead, but the undercurrent of murmurs persisted, making me hyperaware of every glance, every stifled conversation that stopped abruptly as I approached.

Suddenly the whispers reached a crescendo when I spotted Jason in the hallway... He was surrounded by his usual group, but something was different. His confident demeanor seemed strained, and there was a faint discoloration on his side—a telltale bruise.

It hit me like a punch to the gut—literally. That bruise on Jason's side, the way he winced when he moved—it was from the punch I had landed a couple of days ago, the one that had caused my victory.

Still, I felt a pang of guilt mixed in with an odd sense of satisfaction. Jason, the bully who had tormented me for years, had finally received a taste of his own medicine. But seeing the physical evidence of my action made me uneasy, even if just a little...

A part of me regretted the force behind that punch, even though it had been a calculated response to his relentless bullying. It wasn't in my nature to really harm others, even someone like Jason.

As I passed by, I caught his eye for a moment, he grunted silently, but I caught on. There was a flicker of recognition, a silent acknowledgment between us. But behind that acknowledgment was a hint of something else—maybe a vulnerability that I hadn't seen in him before? I wasn't sure...

But there was one thing I knew. 'I wasn't afraid of him anymore...'

Still, this was a sobering reminder that actions, even in self-defense, could have consequences beyond what we all anticipate.

The whispers around me now felt different, tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. I couldn't help but wonder if these muted conversations were about the altercation, about the unexpected turn of events that had left both Jason and myself in a new light.

Walking away, I carried a weight in my chest—a conflicted feeling of having stood up for myself but also of having caused unintended harm. It was a complex mix of emotions that lingered as I navigated the rest of the day, leaving me grappling with the consequences of my newfound strength and the consequences of using it, even if that meant that person deserved it...

Moments passed, and it was time.

I took my seat in my physics classroom, the chatter around me fading into background noise. Today was the day of the test, and I felt an unusual calmness settle over me. Last night had been a whirlwind—I had delved into the textbook, absorbing its contents with a clarity that felt almost otherworldly.

As the test papers were distributed, I glanced at the questions, each one a puzzle waiting to be solved. With a quiet confidence, I began to tackle them, my mind effortlessly retrieving the knowledge I had absorbed in a single night.

The concepts flowed through me as if they were old friends, each equation and principle coming alive in my mind's eye. It was as if the information had seamlessly integrated into my understanding, thanks to a sudden surge in intellectual prowess.

'It's a good thing I studied the text book last night, the increase in my mental acuity, and processing speed felt immense. My thinking speed felt as if it had more than doubled compared to two days ago, unluckily it seems that my I.Q stat's growth was non-linear... But still, I'm more than ready for this test.' I thought confidently.

As I scribbled down the answers and calculations, a sense of exhilaration replaced any hint of apprehension. The complexities of the problems were unraveling effortlessly before me. It felt less like a test and more like an exploration of concepts I had somehow mastered overnight.

Time seemed to warp as I progressed through the test. The pages filled with confident strokes of the pen, and each solution clicked into place like a perfectly assembled puzzle. The hours of study condensed into a single night had paid off in a way I hadn't imagined possible.

As I finished the last question and set down my pen, a quiet satisfaction settled within me. The test had been a breeze, a testament to this sudden surge in intellectual comprehension. It was a reminder of the untapped potential within me.

Within minutes, I was once again finished. I quickly walked up to the teacher's desk, placing my paper down, leaving the classroom. Going onto my next lessons...

Time flew, and hours passed. The day felt productive. I learned new things today, and I was glad everything worked out for the best... However, just as I was about to leave. I felt someone's hands touch my shoulder. I quickly turned, only to see a familiar face.

'Hmm? Jane?' I thought, wondering what she wanted. We don't usually talk a lot, or much at all going based on this body's memories...

Jane's touch on my shoulder made me surprised to say the least. Her expression was tentative, as if she were unsure about approaching me.

"Hey," she began, her voice hesitant yet filled with a sense of curiosity. "Hey, Alex... Um, I've been hearing some... Interesting things about you lately."

Her mention of 'interesting things' instantly put me a little on guard, considering the whispers and hushed conversations that had been following me all day.

"Hi, Jane. What do you mean by that?" I replied cautiously, trying to gauge her intentions.

She leaned in slightly, her voice lowered. "I heard about what happened with-" She looked behind herself, then continuing, "-Jason. Is it true you... well, you know," she paused, searching for the right words, "took him down?"

The mention of Jason made me uneasy. I wasn't sure how widely known that incident was, but clearly, it had caught some, if not a lot attention.

"There was an altercation," I said carefully, not wanting to divulge too much. "It wasn't my intention to cause any trouble."

Jane nodded understandingly, her gaze thoughtful. "I get it. But," she hesitated, "I also heard about your acing the math test recently without breaking a sweat. That's impressive" She complimented.

A Blush on my face appeared, then a chill ran down my spine. The whispers, the covert glances—they were all starting to make sense now. It seemed my 'actions' weren't going unnoticed. But what was I going to do?

"Uhh, yeah... I Passed, it's nothing to worry about," I stammered smiling awkwardly, trying to downplay the situation.

"Anyway," Jane said, breaking the moment, "just wanted to say hi. It's interesting seeing things from a different perspective sometimes." With a faint smile, she turned and walked away, leaving me standing there, grappling with the newfound attention and the implications of this sudden shift in perception.

This wasnt good for me, too much attention in this world meant bad things, and dangerous people...

"Oh, Alex!" Jane called to me again.

"Ye-Yeah?" I said a little curious.

"I just wanted to ask, have you by any chance have, gotten taller?" She asked curiously. A hint of surprise flashed in my mind. I couldn't believe she noticed even an inch of growth...

'She's oddly perceptive...' I knew she was smart, like really smart. But to think she would notice that about a loser like me is interesting... For her answer, I simply nodded my head, she thanked me before saying goodbye for real this time. 

'Time to head home I guess...' I said to myself.

As I stepped out of the school, my mind still reeling from the day's unexpected encounters, I noticed two figures in black suits making their way towards me. Recognition sparked within me—they were representatives from the orphan agency that had been supporting me, allowing me to live independently.

Their black expressions hinted at an unpleasant conversation ahead.

'This can't be good... What the hell are they doing here?' I thought confused.

"We need to discuss some changes," one of them said, their tone businesslike but tinged with an underlying tension.

As they spoke, the news hit me like a blow. The altercation with Jason had resulted in a consequence I hadn't anticipated—they were cutting off part of my support, the financial assistance that had been crucial for my independence so far.

"What!? Why!? I was the one who was attacked!" I shouted back in frustration. The hell were these people thinking?

"I'm sorry but people came out and aid you attacked him from behind on more than one account, but you were already hanging on thin ice before... However, you may still keep the house, but you will need to work instead for your income." The agent finished.

' 'Thin-ice' and 'From behind? ' Those words riveted in my mind. However it didn't take me long to realize that these people wanted nothing to do with me. To them, I might as well be a hindrance and extra expense on their hands. My history of bad grades were enough, but this one fucking fight caused this!? Not only that, I was lied on?

At the moment, my home, the one semblance of stability I had, would remain, but the loss of financial aid meant a drastic change in my circumstances. It felt like a punishment for defending myself, a price I hadn't anticipated paying.

'I won't accept this...' I thought with defiance.

As the representatives explained the situation, I couldn't help but glance over their shoulders. There he was—Jason—standing not too far away, wearing a smug grin that spoke volumes. His presence behind them was no coincidence. He had orchestrated this, reveling in his twisted version of victory.

'No, fucking. Way... HIM?' I felt furry burn through me. He was the one who caused this, he must have had his goons give a false accounts to back him up!

Anger surged within me, but it was quickly replaced by a sense of helplessness. Jason had succeeded not just in provoking me, but in tarnishing the stability I (this body) had worked so hard to maintain.

The representatives finished their explanation and left, leaving me standing there, feeling a mix of frustration and injustice. Jason's triumph was evident in his smirk, a reminder of the power he apparently wielded, even indirectly.

I clenched my fists and grit my teeth in frustration, knowing I had to navigate this setback and the repercussions of the fight. But in that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of isolation, a realization that despite the newfound strength and abilities, some battles couldn't be won without paying a heavy price...

But I wouldn't go down like this.

I glared towards Jason, causing the fucker to flinch before walking and limping away.

'*TCH!* I didn't need them, I'll find another way. I have a week tops. But I'll get through this...' I thought with finality.

I gripped my bag, and decided to walk home. Thinking of any solution I could find within a week that could possibly help me make money in a week's time...











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