
First Day of Academy Part- 2

Sunbeams speared through the classroom window, casting long shadows on the desks cluttered with books. A cacophony of whispers and nervous giggles filled the air as everyone adjusted to the presence of the prodigal Uchiha. Those who hadn't witnessed the Massacre firsthand gawked, eyes wide with a mixture of curiosity and fear. Hinata, god bless her quiet soul, offered me her notes. Sharingan whirring, I devoured the material, desperately trying to catch up. Her eyes were glued to my swirling scarlet eye, wide with a mixture of awe and concern.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, interrupting the tense silence. Ino and Sakura, a tornado of pink and blonde, barreled in, their voices shrill with excitement.

"Sasuke-kun! You're back!" Ino screeched, throwing herself at me with the grace of a drunken hippopotamus.

"Welcome back, Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shrieked, her green eyes glinting with something less friendly than welcome. "Heard what happened. Need help with anything?"

The entire class devolved into a chorus of fangirl shrieks, making my head pound like a drum solo in hell. How the real me ever kept his sanity amidst this estrogen avalanche, I have no clue. I remembered Itachi's quiet amusement at similar scenes, and couldn't help but wonder how the elder Uchiha had ever maintained his sanity amidst this tidal wave of adoration.

"Fine," I gritted out, the word feeling foreign on my tongue. "Thanks for the concern, but I can handle myself. Now shut the hell up, all of you!"

My words, instead of the desired silence, ignited the already volatile situation.

"He spoke!" Ino shrieked, eyes popping like overripe grapes.

"Oh my god, even hotter than before!" Sakura swooned, clutching her chest dramatically.

The girls dissolved into a flurry of giggling and bickering, vying for my attention like prizes in a raffle. The two harpies bickered and clawed at each other, oblivious to my rising irritation. I looked to Hinata, seeking refuge in her quietude, but Ino, in a rare display of territoriality, want to plant herself firmly in the seat beside me.

"Move over, Hinata," she declared, her voice dripping with honeyed malice. "Sasuke-kun needs someone familiar next to him."

"No way!" Sakura countered, pushing Ino aside with a shove. "I will sat here first!"

The two kunoichi devolved into a squabbling mess, oblivious to the growing irritation radiating from me. I longed for Itachi's elegant aloofness, the ability to command respect without raising an eyebrow. Instead, I felt like a trapped lion, surrounded by squawking birds.

The two bickered like squabbling toddlers, while I contemplated unleashing my Mangekyo on the lot of them. Just as my Sharingan threatened to ignite, a booming voice filled the room. "SILENCE!" Iruka-sensei stood at the front of the room, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the chaos. The girls subsided, giggling sheepishly under his steely gaze.

With a sigh, Iruka continued, his voice softening. "Welcome back, Sasuke. We're all glad to have you safe and sound." He launched into a speech about resilience and brotherhood, the words washing over me like lukewarm tea. Then, with a practiced snap, he took attendance.

The door burst open again, and a blur of orange and blue shot across the room. Naruto, late as usual, skidded to a halt before his desk, earning a hearty reprimand from Iruka. As he slunk past me, he stopped, eyes widening in recognition.

"Hey, thanks for the ramen, dattebayo!" he grinned, oblivious to the storm brewing in my eyes.

Inside, I fumed. Look at the play of destiny, how Indra's reincarnation induced charity accepted by Ashura's reincarnation. It was enough to make me question the entire reincarnation cycle. I clenched my fists, suppressing the urge to scoff. This world, it seemed, had a knack for throwing Naruto into my path, no matter how hard I tried to avoid him.

The scene ends with my internal turmoil simmering, hinting at future conflicts and highlighting the chaos that is my new life.

[Done! I know it's short. I was writing a new one short book and was also rewriting the chapter which contain Neji vs Sasuke fight. Both has been uploaded. You can check if you want, Have a good Day/Night!]

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