
Extra 1! Meeting the Originals!


Godly Plane.

All of a sudden, a lot of people were teleported in the empty white space that made up the Godly Plane, "What happened!?" "Where are we!?" "The Fatui!?" "Were you living under a rock!? They turned to regular military force!" And other various voices sounded out.

While that was happening over there, Sibley went to talk to the owner of the Plane they were in, "So exactly why did you do this?" She questined the Goddess.

"I thought it might be an experience." Shiva Samba explained, "ALRIGHT EVERYONE!! GET IN LINE!!" She ordered, diving them in about equal groups.

The moment that happened, all eyes were on the Goddess and Divine Fury, "Sibley! What the hell is going on!?" Aether questioned in confusion.

Sibley shrugged, "It was her idea." She replied, pointing to her boss, "If you have any complaints, bring them up with her." She instructed, getting said boss to sigh.

At the sight of the Goddess, all the Archons immediately bowed, making everyone else bow too, cause if the Gods were bowing they should probably do as well.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of having a meeting with the God of Gods?" The Archons all said at the same time, making those who thought said God was just a child to pale.

"Just a little experiment, you'll be meeting the versions of you from a world where M.L.E. Didn't intervene, or at least those with notable differences." She explained simply.

That information made even Sibley surprised, "I'm having the opposite discussion with the other version right now, Sibley here will act as security to avoid any possible issue." She added, before snapping her fingers, telepoting herself away and bringing the other versions there (The originals will follow this naming system: O-Aether, O-Paimon, etc. etc.)

Seeing other versions of eachother was a bit awkward, but they decided to start talking with the respective counterpart.


"So... Why is your Paimon taller than Lisa?" O-Aether questioned, comparing his own companion to her counterpart.

"I would have to begin at after we freed Dvalin from the Abyss's grasp to have it make sense." Aether informed, "But I guess we have all the time in the world right now..." He considered.

O-Aether gave a thumbs up, "Why not, I have time." He jokingly said.


O-Paimon looked at her counterpart unsure of what to think, "So your Aether knows about... You know..." She questioned.

"More or less, it would be thanks to Sibley though." Paimon explained, "But he didn't discover this until we got to Fontaine." She clarified.

 "In that case..." O-Paimon said before turning into her true form too, "I guess I can stay like this for a while." She decided.


The two were a bit weirded out by looking at eachother, "So we're the exact same right?" O-Scara asked confused.

"Yes, but everything considered, you're probably still part of the Fatui." Scaramouche threw the guess in.

This tidbit made O-Scara's eyes widen, "You aren't part of the Fatui anymore? They wouldn't just let omeone as powerful as us leave like that though." He pointed out.

Scaramouche smirked at that, "After Celestia got destroyed, they became just like any other political and miltary force." He explained.

"Did you just say Celestia got destroyed!?" O-Scara questioned in absolute shock.


"Those bandages can't just be for show, what happened exactly?" O-Signora asked her counterpart.

Before replying, Signora pointed to Sibley, "Only thing you need to know is that there's a reason she's security right now." She said, "I almost died of bloodloss trying to get the Gnosis from that damned bard." She muttered angrily.

O-Signora looked at Sibley, "So that kid is more than she seems..." She realized, "Seems like the kind of power Dottore would be after." She commented.

"Thankfully that scumbag is dead in my world." Signora said, "So dead his corpse is liquifed." She added, thinking of the puddle they found instead of the corpse.

Nahida (And Azar.)

"Who is that old guy?" Nahida asked her original counterpart, "And why is he wearing a sage's outfit!? The Sages were outlawed five hundred years ago!!!" She exclaimed, ready to kill Azar.

Azar took a step back since his Nahida certainly wouldn't dare to talk like that to him, "Who do you think you're talking to!?" He angrily questioned.

"An outlaw." Nahida replied, "Those who are caught even just acting like a Sage are to be executed on the spot!" She explained, immediately sprouting vines around Azar so he couldn't move.

This information made Azar pale, while O-Nahida came to the realization that the only reason he could step all over her is because she was letting him, "...If you want I'll pay you to kill him." She offered her counterpart.


"I don't understand why you cower to that little girl, even the 'God of Gods' shouldn't be able to stop the rise to Eternity." O-Ei pointed out, angry at having been pulled out from the Plane of Euthymia.

"She is as eternal as I once wished to be, and she herself says it's the most horrible thing, and considering Inazuma would have been destroyed if I didn't stop, there is no reason I should have kept going." Ei explained.

Hearing that Inazuma was threatened like that caused O-Ei to rush at Sibley, planning to attack her, only to be grabbed by the face, "No." Sibley simply said before punchi O-Ei in the face so hard that everyone was thrown back a few meters.

Furina and Focalors.

"How do I wish the prophecy wasn't meant to happen..." O-Focalors told her counterpart, tired of being stuck in the Oratrice.

O-Furina nodded in agreement, "Yeah, and that switching deal sounds like the best thing ever." She said, thinking how much more together her life woiuld be like that.

"Oh it is one of the best things... At least until the Narwal decided to start killing people through reality making us think there was some kind of Inhumane murderer." Furina explained, remembering the trial where it happened.

"Luckily Sibley decided to treat us to a nice vacation after she destroyed Celestia." Focalors added, "Would you like to hear about it?" Focalors offered.

Seeing as they would be there for a while, "Yes, let's do that." O-Furina agreed.

Next Chapter: Vacation with Sibley.

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