
The Abyss is Whining

After the weird prompt that the Freedom Matrix gave, Aether and Sibley didn't know what to do, but since it came from what is basically Sibley's best weapon, they decided to ignore it for the moment and go to sleep, at least Aether went to sleep, Sibley just laid there waiting for it to be morning, "...Does dying seriudly not let me sleep?" She thought, realizing she wouldn't pass out any time soon. Since this was absolutely asinine, she brought the Freedom Matrix to her face and tried something, "Freedom Matrix, open a clock or something." She whisper-requested and got what she wanted, a digital clock, [Day 1 as a SpiritCatcher/ 23:19]  "Ah damnit... Freedom Matrix, make me fall asleep for... seven hours." Sibley requested and immediatly the Matrix shut off and she fell asleep.

The Next Day.

Just as she requested, Sibley woke up seven hours from when she requested, what she didn't expect however was waking up to Paimon and Aether carrying her to the Kights of Favonius Head Quarters, "What happened when I fell asleep?" She asked making Aether put her down on her feet and put three fingers in front of her, "How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked in concern, "Three?" Sibley replied confused, "Albedo did this already, I woke up after seven hours." She pointed out, "You wouldn't wake up no matter what we did!" Paimon retorted feeling aggravated, "I asked the Freedom Matrix to make me fall asleep for seven hours, and it did." Sibley explained, "Okay... So it makes you fall sound asleep without letting anything, but yourself wake up... Good to know." Aether responded with a hand on his forehead.

Sibley tilted her head not really knowing what to say to that, but then the Matrix started beeping and the hologram came out, "Hello! As said yesterday, today we'll begin the lesson on how to use the map!" It said as it got it's own device, "I completely forgot about that." Sibley muttered as the hologram continued "To use the map, you can either open it from the app icon, or ask the Freedom Matrix!" It said while projecting a map midair in front of Sibley, "When using the map you can either project it like this, or view it on hte Matrix's screen, the first is better if you need to show it to multiple people." The hologram suggested, "That would be incredibly helpful." Aether agreed with the hologram.

"When viewing the map you can use a variety of functions, like creating waypoints to remember important locations, and you can teleport to them for comodity!" The hologram added, "If you can put them where you want it's much more convenient than the regular ones!" Paimon cheered at the possibility. The hologram opened a tab on the map, displaying a variety of pins, "You can use these to customize the waypoints! Another useful thing is the 'Fastest Route' system, select a location in the world and then activate the system to display the best route you can take!" The hologram explained further before closing the map, "Hope that was helpful! See you the next time you need instructions on how to use the device!" The hologram finished as it disappeared.

Without wasting a second, Sibley immediatly opened the map app and projected it in the air in front of her, "Getting to Liyue is going to be a joke with this!" She smiled as she said that, "Can I?" Paimon asked and Sibley gave her the go ahead. The pixie then proceeded to scroll around the map until she foud Liyue Harbor, "Right there!" Paimon instructed, indicating for Sibley to use the Fastest Route system, "Even with this it's still pretty far... "Aether commented, "Says here it'll take about twelve days." Sibley read from time tab, "Maybe we do need to get supplies after all." Aether thought outloud.

As the three were discussing about what to do, Amber approached them, "Hey guys!" She greeted, "I thought you were on your way to Liyue?" She asked curiously, "We were, but some things came up and we had to postpone." Aether explained, "I see, I'm guessing it has to do with the Symbol of Mondstat's hero disappearing?" She asked having long noticed it wasn't there anymore, "Yeah it was a spirit, we even asked Klee for help." Sibley clarified, "It was you who asked for her help?" Amber said in realization, "That would be us, yes." Aether confirmed, "Sibley, I've been meaning to ask, what is a spirit exactly?" Paimon asked.

Now met with this question, Sibley could do nothing, but shrug, "I know as much as you do, it's just my job to capture them." Sibley responded with as much ignorance on the matter, "By the way, I was just looking for you three, Master Diluc said he needed your help." Amber brought up, "Why not ask the Knights?" Sibley asked, "He doesn't hold the Knights of Favonius in the best light..." Amber explained, "I see... Where can we find him?" Sibley asked, "He said he would be at Dawn Winery." Amber informed, "We know where that is!" Paimon exclaimed, "Paimon just hopes he'll give us a reward this time..." She lamented while reminiscing.

"Well then... I guess we'll be on our way." Aether said as he began walking to the Winery, "We'll come give our goodbyes when we stat heading to Liuye." Aether told Amber as he waved at her, "You better!" Amber told back before heading back to her duties. On their way, Sibley kept fidgeting with the Matrix's map to see if there was anything the hologram didn't say, "Do you think that there's more to this function?" Paimon asked, "There usually is, the construct function and capture function both had things I wasn't told about." Sibley explained her doubts, "What were they?" Aether asked, "The construct function follows physics, the cature function can work without traps." Sibley explained as they arrived at the Winery.

Looking at the building they saw Diluc standing in front of of the main entrance, "There you are, I'm guessing Amber already told you I needed your help." Diluc said cutting right to the chase, "She did, What's up?" Aether asked, "Something with the Abyss Order came up, "Again? They never know when to let up do they?" Paimon lamented, "What's the Abyss Order?" Sibley questioned confused, "Oh, sorry, I didn't notice you there, the Abyss order is a group of non-humans determined to cause the fall of humanity." Diluc explained simply, "By the way, I'm Diluc as you might have guessed." He introduced himself quickly, "So racists? Also I'm Sibley." Sibley introduced herself.

Diluc raised an eyebrow, "I think I saw you when Dvalin dropped us off near the Church... You were with the Chief Alchemist, right?" Diluc asked remembering the moment, "Yeah, that was me." Sibley confirmed, "Hmm... Well, I didn't plan to originally including anyone else in the plan, but if the traveler trusts you than I don't see why not fill you in." Diluc told the SpiritCatcher who nodded in response, "Here's what's going on: It seems the Abyss Order has been gathering a lot of Ruin Guards, after some investiagtion it appears that they're trying to reactivate them to launch an attack against Mondstat." Diluc explained the situation, "It didn't work with Hilichurls, so they're trying with ruin guards? That's quite the leap not gonna lie." Aether commented at how crazy that was.

Now that everyone was filled in, Diluc pulled out a map and showed them a marked location, "I've managed to follow a group of Hilichurls that was carrying a Ruin Guard to this location, that's probably where they'll start the attack." Diluc said before giving them the map, "Wait, you're not coming!?" Paimon exclaimed in shock, "I have my hands full with dealing with Abyss Mages that have been trying to infiltrate Mondstat, there's the possibility that this is all just a distraction so that they can steal informations or cause as much destruction as they can to demoralize the people." Diluc explained further, "So basically deal with the bait before they can put it into motion." Sibley summarized with a nod as she tried figuring out the direction to head to.

With information now at hand, they went to check the area Diluc indicated, "You're still tampering with that thing?" Aether asked Sibley who was still checking the app, "I actually found something you know?" Sibley retored surprising Aether, "I think you should be less skeptical about this, it's her device after all." Paimon pointed out, "That's fair. What did you find?" Aether conceded, "It's a tab labeled 'Area Alteretos', it's giving me a list of weird stuff." Sibley showed by projecting the map, "Rain, storm, hurricane, me- METEOR!?" Paimon exclaimed after she read that, "I think you can apply these things to a location on the map, can you select anything?" Aether suggested.

After a bit of thinking, Sibley decided to pick rain and circled the area around them, then a prompt appeared asking "Are you sure you want to apply this effect?' with yes and no options, "Yes." Sibley confirmed as she pressed the option, and around them it started raining, "This is amazing! Does it work everywhere?" Paimon asked with a smile, "I hope so, if it works in deserts it's perfect!" Sibley agreed, "Wait, I have an idea, pick meteor and select the area Diluc indicated." Aether intructed immediately getting Sibley to understand what he was hinting at.

A few minutes after the instructions were entered, a meteor was visible from the distance, "You know, maybe this should be a last resort, it's pretty extreme." Sibley pointed out, "At least it's only that area." Aether brought up, and a moment later the meteor landed causing a small earthquake in the surrounding area, "We should go back to the Winery." Aether suggested, "Wait a moment! Paimon wants to see another one of these effects!" The pixie requested looking at Sibley expectently, "Alright, there is this one I wanted to check, Wonder Effect." She said selecting the are around them and hitting yes.

Not even a second after selecting yes, the ground turned bouncy like nothing else, "Woah! WOAH!!" Aether exclaimed as the ground morphed under him and he started bouncing like a bounce house, "This is pretty fun!" Sibley smiled as she bounced around too, "WAHOOO!!!" Paimon cheered as she bounced from place to place, but Sibley stopped moving around to check the map, "I just noticed this is a timed effect." She told the other two, "Timed? How long does it last?" Aether asked, "It says here it should run out-" Sibley was saying, but then the ground turned back to normal and they hit it hard, "Now... Ouch..." She lamented as she got back up.

At Dawn Winery.

"You're back already?" Diluc asked in surprise, "Yeah, threw a meteor at them, made it very easy." Sibley explained, "Meteor? You're the one who did that?" Diluc questioned with a frown, "Yeah, why?" Sibley asked not getting it, while Aether got it all too well, "You should go explain that to Jean. I've been seeing Knights go all over the place to deal with it." Diluc explained, "Whoops..." Sibley let out realizing how she messed up.

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