
Chapter 12

Zane's guards had taken Aaron back to his room: throwing him onto the floor: and slamming the door shut behind him.

He didn't move. He lay on the freezing ground. The fireplace looked as if it hadn't been touched in days.


He laid staring at the floor.

"How long was I gone?" He gently scraped his fingernails on the wood base.

He felt used: discarded.

He just wanted to curl up and disappear.

The door abruptly opened a short time later. Anna rushed in by Aaron's side.

Her and a couple other maids had come with hot water and towels.

Aaron didn't move.

"Aaron?" Anna reached her hand over and placed it gently on his shoulder.

He didn't speak.

"Aaron?" Aanna asked again with a little more urgency in her voice.

A figure moved into the room brushing past the other staff.

He reached down and in a swift motion lifted Aaron in his arms.

Aaron looked up.

The black hair and dark eyes of Zeke looked back at him. His steely gaze accompanied with a cold expression.

"Everyone move!" He looked forward. Turning: he carried Aaron out of the room.

"You women follow me", He commanded Anna and the others.

He stopped at the door. Four guards had their backs against the wall looking down: avoiding eye contact at any cost.

"None of this reaches The lord." He hissed at the four of them.

"Or you will all pay". His eyes dark and deadly.

Zeke walked by them with an aura of authority. No one else dared to move.


Aaron sat in front of the fireplace of Zeke's chambers. His mind wandering as he watched the flicker of the flame: the crackle and snap of the wood being burned.

Having been cleaned and changed into new clothing; Zeke put him there to warm his body up.

He had given Aaron food and water but he didn't so much as look at the plate.

Zeke had been pacing back and forth behind Aaron.

Turning around, the Omega made eye contact with the younger Alpha.

Zeke stopped moving.

Looking into Aaron's eyes he felt a slight twinge in his heart. Exhaustion coated the man's face, his eyes looked as if part of his soul had been stripped away. The glimmer and hope replaced by a rumbling storm of Grey clouds.

He cautiously walked over.

"How are you feeling?" The young Alpha scanning Aaron from head to toe.

The Omega didn't speak.

Zeke clicked his tongue.

"I screwed up, I'm sorry. I screwed up and you were the one that paid the price."

He turned and kicked a chair: sending it across the room.

"What are you talking about?"

Aaron finally spoke. His eyes never left Zeke's form.

Zeke let out a long: deep: heavy sigh. Placing his hands on his hips as he stared at the far wall.

He wrestled with his thoughts.

Scratching the back of his head he turned back around to the Omega who had been patiently waiting behind him.

"That Alpha is the one who did this not you", Aaron pointed towards the door.

"Why do you keep repeating it's your fault?"

Zeke's eyes darkened.

"You're not supposed to be here".

Aaron slightly cocked his head to the side: his face twisted in confusion.

"That pill..." Zeke started.

"The heat suppressant?"

Zeke closed his eyes.

The Omega's eyes widened slightly.

"The HEAT suppressant?!" He asked once more, making sure the young Alpha heard him.

The black haired male gave a slightly pitied look.

"A sedative", He corrected Aaron.

Aaron slowly stood up.

His face seething with anger. His breaths short.

Zeke spoke slowly.

"You were supposed to take it the night of the Gala. I had sent my guards up to retrieve you before you were to be summoned but..." He frowned.

"They reported back you were missing. Next thing I knew you were being walked down the main staircase."

Aaron thought back a moment. He remembered the not so friendly look Zeke had given him that night.

"When I realized you hadn't taken that pill I had to come up with another plan".

"Why?" Aaron took a small step back.

"Why are you telling me this? Why are you even helping me? What do you gain?"

Aaron couldn't fathom why the son of a rich man wanted to help a poor street Omega like himself.

Zeke went to open his mouth but hesitated.

"What about you?" The young Alpha asked.

"What about me?"

"Why are you eagar to leave?"

"Why weren't you like the others? Why don't you stay put and do as you're told? Why leave a place that feeds, bathes and clothes you? What do you have to gain on the outside?"

Aaron looked Zeke up and down: he didn't say a word.

"So it seems we both hold secrets." Zeke Scoffed.

"So we do".

The two of them stared at one another.

"It doesn't matter." Zeke sauntered back around the room.

Aaron's eyes following him.

"I don't have a way to get you out now."

"My father knew about your heat and he put you with my brother three days ago."

Aaron stood straight.

"I'll just get thrown out".

Zeke stopped walking.

"He won't let you go now."

His face serious.

"Use your brain Omega! You have now been officially mated with him."

Aaron's stomach dropped.

Zeke walked over to Aaron. He stood looking down at him. Taking his index finger he jabbed Aaron in his stomach.

"Because of this you'll be watched day and night now".

Aaron's eyes shifted down to his stomach.

"You're going to end up like-" Zeke bit his tongue.

He turned his back to Aaron.

He took a deep breath to calm himself.

"No...you won't."

A knock came on Zeke's door.

He walked over and opened it. A figure dressed in black leaned in and whispered into the young Alpha's ear.

"Thank you". Zeke nodded his head.

He shut the door and walked back to the fireplace.

"I have to take you back."

"What are you-"

"The doctor is on his way here."

Aaron felt the reality of the situation sinking in.

"What I've told you here you have to keep it a secret."

He gave a pitied look to the Omega.

"I'll find a way for you to get out. You just need to trust me."

Aaron smirked.

"I can't. But what choice do I have".

Zeke nodded his head.

Motioning for his guards he had them briskly take Aaron back to his chambers. He watched them quickly scatter down the long hall.

Zeke shut his door.

Walking over to the mantle he pulled a loose brick revealing a small hole. Reaching in: he pulled a photograph out.

He stared at the photo for a long moment before pressing it to his forehead.

"I swear he won't end up like you mom".

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