
October 31, 2120

October 31, 2120

"And now, in these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever that we follow the rules. I know how hard it is to be forced to stay away from your loved ones, but it is the only way for us to move forward. Remember: get your vaccine as soon as you can and the second dosage two weeks later. This is the best course of action for all of us. As soon as everyone is vaccinated, we can go back to how things were before."

I raised the remote and clicked the television back to a cooking show. I was too tired to deal with this crap. It was the end of October, Halloween to be exact, and this shit had been going on for months. 

My biggest question was when did unprecedented times become the new normal? I was getting tired of the powers that be talking like it was a simple flu that made the world come to a standstill. 

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