

Nahor asked himself why he did what he had just done. He said that he was repaying her for doing the same thing but he didn't feel like he was.

Nahor sat there and thought for a moment. Maybe he did really care for Neya. Or was it just his imagination. Every time he looked at Neya he felt a different way. The first time he met her he did not even want to see her face. But now if he did not see her the whole day she would be worried about her. He did not know why he had started feeling different but what ever it was it was definitely because of Neya.

Neya had seen the improvement in Nahor's behavior. From his cold self. He was starting to become more polite. His behavior was slowly changing. Even though it was changing at such a slow rate . Neya was at least happy that she was doing something. She had not expected herself to achieve something as big as this when she first made the deal.but it was something . She believed that she was in the middle of her mission and she would soon complete it.She was happy that she had done something. She knew that within some more time. She would have completed her main task .

Everyone saw it. They wondered what special spell she had cast on Nahor to make him act this way.

Nahor had never been that way for a long time. He was very different. It had been such a long time since anyone saw him look calm and not so aggressive. Ever since the incident. Nahor had been so cold to everyone. But when Neya came in to his life he slowly began changing. They did not what Neya was doing to make him behave that way but whatever it was they prayed that she continued with it. Everyone only wanted the best for Nahor. He had been so distant but they only hoped that Neya would change that. They knew that as long as Nahor stayed with Nahor there would be a great change in the palace. Neya was their lucky charm.

Jordan was the one who had completely noticed the great change in Nahor. He had seen the once cold person slowly becoming a better person. He knew that what he had planned from the start would work very well. And he was sure of that. He only wanted Neya to stay there for just some more time and then he would be sure that what he was planning all that time would finally happen.

He had to discuss this with Neya so he called her to come and see him.

Jordan then called Neya to tell her that she was doing a great job and she would soon have completed her pledge.

He then said"Neya. I knew you were the right one for this job. I am asking you to continue what you have been doing because it is having a great impact on him. Neya. I do not what to say but you are just perfect. I am glad to have you here,"Jordan said.

"Oh Jordan you just blurt out the craziest words,"Neya said as all of them burst into laughter.

Neya was glad that she had some one who understood her and whom she could relate with freely. She had this strong Conn with Jordan. She knew Jordan would not lie to her. He was like a brother to her.

Neya just wanted everything to get done with so that she could go back home. When Jordan told her that she was almost done with her part of the deal. She was very happy. She knew that her time there would not be so long as she had expected. She had thought that her mission would take some more time but it seemed like fate was on her side. It seemed that luck was on her side too. She would soon be out of there. It wasn't that she did not like the palace but she did not feel at home there. Even though the people there were being so nice to her and treating her with royalty. Even though she had the nicest things and everything that any girl would only dream of. She still felt that something was missing. And that thing was the loneliness that she felt from the separation of her grandma. She was only doing what she was doing so that she could go back to her grandma.

Oh how she wished that she could only see her even for a moment so that she could at least get the strength to continue what she was doing.

"No, she said to herself."I mustn't think of my grandma now. I will only think of her once I am almost done with my mission.

Neya knew that if she continued thinking of her grandma she would feel lonely once more. She needed the strength that she could get to continue with her mission. She knew that if she thought about her she would be weakened. She had no one to talk with a part from Jordan. She then thought of making friends with one of her maidservants. She then thought that they would be too scared to relate with her freely. But she was willing to try. She then remembered. She did not have to make friends because she knew that when she left she would feel that pain of losing a friend. She then said to herself"I must not make myself attached to anyone here. Because it will affect my departure. I must remember. I did not come here to make friends but my reason for being here is to fulfill my mission. My mission is the only thing I have to focus on now. Friendship will come later. That is what I have to remember. I am sorry me because I have to sacrifice my happiness here if I want to fulfill my mission."

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