

Neya hurriedly headed to Jordan's room.

She knocked a few times on the door before Jordan opened.

"It seems as if he was still sleeping,"she said to herself.

"Sorry to wake you up from your sleep", Neya said.

"Who said I was sleeping?"Jordan asked.

"I can tell,"Neya said.

"So tell me what you brings you so early to my room,"Jordan asked Neya.

"Jordan,I hate being kept in the dark !"Neya said.

"What are you talking about, Neya?"

"Tell me who I mean what are you?"Jordan was shocked to hear this sudden question from Neya.

He hadn't expected it from her so soon.

"I don't understand, Neya."

"Don't pretend Jordan, you clearly know what am talking about!"

"I mean Nahor just got an injury on his hand yesterday.But when I looked at his hand it wasn't there!"

"Now don't come up with any excuse. This time I want the truth from you. Nothing but the truth!"Neya said.

Jordan didn't know what to say. He definitely wasn't going to tell her anything because it wasn't yet the right time.

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