
Jan Vs Alice (2)

[Pinnacle Academy, Stadium 1 - Arena A: VIP Box Suite #4] 

"Now, this match," she declared with a grin, "this is going to be something special." Yuka Azira was practically shining to see Jan in full action.

Julian George leaned back in his seat, his posture relaxed and a subtle smile playing on his lips.

"Interesting, certainly," he agreed. "But I still have faith in your prospect Jan. He has a way of rising to the occasion."

Yuka snorted playfully. "Of course, Jan has no reason to lose. Even If Alice pushes him to his limits he would still win. But I'll admit Alice is impressive, Julian. That girl's no joke. Her technique, her speed... it'll take more than brute force and a sunny disposition to get past her."

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