
Back to the Camp

The ride back to the camp had been smooth, besides the constant moaning of Rel'Tir above the horse. That wound seemed to be really hurting the boy, but Alex couldn't care less. Maybe the situation would make the other elf humble, but Alex doubted if he could live to that day. He wasn't prepared to be in a life full of dangers.

Even though Tina was weaker than him in physical prowess, she had much more spirit than the boy. She was much closer to becoming a real adventurer than Rel'Tir.

They saw movement around the fire when they were close enough to the camp. Everyone was walking to greet them, their faces a mix of surprise that half of them were covered in blood and happiness for all being alive.

Everyone got down from the horses at the edge of the camp, except for Ravi, who kept going until he reached the most prominent tree around and dropped there. Leaning his back against the tree and started singing and drinking as if nothing had happened,

"What's the situation, Valther?" Ratamir asked with worry on his face,

Alex then explained the whole predicament. How they had been ambushed, and how he and Tina had taken care of two of the attackers while Ravi single-handedly killed close to ten orcs. Alex told them about Val'Mir's situation and about the city of FrontHold. Close to them, Tal'Dore, Bogath, and the kid in robes watched the conversation,

"The situation is worse than we expected, Tal'Dore." Ratamir said, locking gazes with the dark elf, who nodded with a grave expression, "We need to press and reach the town as fast as possible," everyone nodded positively, and then the elf teen walked towards Val'Mari.

"Are you a believer?" She nodded affirmatively, and he extended one hand to her, who grabbed it with enthusiasm, "I'll ease your soul, my dear. Come with me. My name is Fal'Mar, and I'm a priest of the Goddess,"

The woman seemed relieved by the religious figure. Alex had suspicions that the man was some kind of monk, but he didn't think he was an actual member of the local religion. That was another topic that interested Alex deeply. Understanding what ticks the people in their beliefs would help him immensely in his journey.

Bogath helped Rel'Tir get off of his horse and promised to cure him.

It's time to get back to my book before we go away. I have only half a day now to conclude the task. Alex thought, unloading the horses. He had taken from the orc bandits one sword for him, one for Tina, and an armor leather vest. They would pass over the camp again, and Alex would get it if they needed something else. 

When he was already walking towards the wagon, Ratamir stopped him with one hand. Tal'Dore close behind. Tina also halted while they waited for Ratamir's words.

"Congratulations, young ones." He said with a slight smile, "That was quite a feat. Fighting two orcs and winning on your first day of training? These orcs are members of a larger criminal organization. They are not just the normal scum." The dwarf widened his smile and continued, "You two form a good team and seem natural to the profession."

"Thank you, sir," Alex replied. Praise was always welcomed, and out of everyone in the guild, Ratamir was the one he respected the most, so listening to these words made Alex feel good about himself.

"We expect great things of you. I'll just ask you one thing: be careful approaching Ravi in the middle of a fight like that… he tends to get uncontrollable sometimes. Just like an orc in bloodlust," Ratamir said. Alex felt that Tina was about to interject him and comment about the orc in bloodlust, but Alex stopped her with one hand.

There was no need for them to know that Alex had gone one step further and killed an even more powerful enemy,

"Thanks again," Alex replied. Tal'Dore nodded to both, "I'll head to the wagon now. I'm tired, and I need to read a book Bogath gave to me,"

"Of course, of course," Alex replied, moving to the wagon. Tina was close behind him. When he entered the place, he sat at one of the benches and stretched his legs, removing his boots and sighing deeply. 

"It was supposed to be just a training…" Tina said, also stretching herself on the opposite side. Alex looked at his bloody shirt and felt disgusted. He would need to fix that soon.

Aiming to escape the dirtiness and the smell of blood, Alex removed his shirt and threw it in one of the corners of the wagon, forgetting for one second that Tina was there too.

When their eyes met, Alex realized the girl was totally blushed. Her pristine white face had been replaced by pink cheeks and shining eyes. She looked to the side, embarrassed,

"Did you need to do it?" she asked, and Alex smiled,

"What? Did you want me to wear a shirt full of blood?"

"No! But you could've asked me to leave,"

"C'mon, we live together." He said, stretching and grabbing his book on the side. He was way past the half and tired but needed to press further. He looked over his quest and read it,

Quest: [Read the Whole Book]

Time to conclude: 14 hours

Reward: A permanent buff in Intelligence,

Punishment if not concluded: Inability to read for 7 days.

He had plenty of time, but reading would take a lot of mental effort after the heavy training and fighting. Not wasting more time, Alex opened the book, trying to keep his attention on the philosophical discussions proposed by the author.

The Arch Mage talked once more about how mysterious the arcanite light was and how some philosophers considered the Eather, the other name of arcanite light, something that was present in everyone and everything. 

Alex felt his eyes closing, but Tina's glance brought him back to reality. She had eyes fixed on his body, more specifically on his chest.

"What?" he asked, and she left her trance state, blushing even harder.

"You are… bigger," she said hushedly, and Alex glanced over his body. Within close inspection, he could see what she was saying. He was definitely more muscular now. His chest was slightly bulkier, and his arms too.

"Heavy training is paying back," Alex replied, locking eyes with Tina, "you are looking better, too," Alex completed, and she smiled,

"I think so… But I still lost to you and Rel'Tir. I didn't know you were good with a sword,"

"Neither did I," Alex replied, locking gazes with her, "what the piece of shit tried to do to you…"

"That's fine, I'll handle it," Tina said with determination. She was planning something, and Alex didn't want to get in her way again. She had her objectives, and as long as they intertwined with his, they could keep being close, and a close relationship needs to be built around respect. Alex nodded to her, not extending the conversation, and glanced over his body again,

Yes, he still looked lean with a shirt, but wasn't too skinny anymore. That's a welcome change, he thought and glanced back to Tina, who was now looking out her window, trying to ignore him and the awkward situation.

Alex smiled and returned to his reading, leaning on the bench and putting the book over his eyes. He started to read, feeling his eyes fighting him to close. When Alex blinked, the book was open over his head. 

It was already night, and he could hear voices hushing outside and inside the wagon. 

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