
Chapter 134 : Kinta Mori's Confession (1)

Kyushu, particularly Kagoshima prefecture, was the historical domain of the Satsuma clan, the driving force behind the rebellion that took place in the year 1877.

Led by Saigo Takamori, who was once one of the three great nobles who led the Meiji Restoration, the Satsuma Rebellion was the last and most serious of a series of armed uprisings against the new government of the Empire of Japan, the predecessor state to modern Japan.

In "Dream Of The Ancient Period", Kiyoshi Matsumoto along with many other samurais joined the rebellion, but it was not mentioned whether Kiyoshi fought on the side of Emperor Meiji or Saigo Takamori.

This historically important arc, comprising forty chapters at least, followed Kiyoshi and Akiko's engagement to each other, the subsequent separation due to the rebellion, and then their reunion, followed by a grand wedding to unite the two prominent families in marriage.

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