
whole day

[A/N: ugh that last chapter was kind of my mistake. It was just a draft for me to expand upon with dialogue and action scene but I forgot about it because of Diwali cleaning houses you know. It got posted as I scheduled it earlier And I don't really feel like writing it and editing it again. So let's move on with new chapter]


Carmel accepted her defeat since she is prideful and a bit of exaggrater but not dumb. So she gave up after competing with zeff without waiting for judges to announce the results.

(After some time on port of loguetown )

I was sending our neighborhood baratie pirate cook back. These were good days, zeff taught Carmel as she wished to learn while giving lecture likes of observe and learn and all.

" see you Mr. Red leg zeff...hahaha sorry I mean uncle zeff hehehehe " I said as I turned back while waving my hand. Teasing this old cook is really funny as his mustache dances up and down while he shouttttttttss...I felt back of my skull getting smashed by something really heavy.


I flew away like a log and got smashed into the wall like a truck. My head was still ringing like a broken alarm and wind coughed out my lungs "cough cough". As my head throbbed with pain I tried to pull myself out of cracked wall.

Thud ... and I fall on my knees.

"Cough... cough " Again but this time with blood.

As blood fall like water drop 'plip plip' from my mouth I raised my hand and reached out for back of my head.

I felt something...something wet...no it's blood but how ?

" see you again kid " I heard a familiar voice.

I looked up to see old man zeff waving his hand back at me as his ship sailed in sea.

" Huh...he can use haki" I said dumbfoundedly.

[Flashback jutsu finish ]

(Present time after finishing the lunch)

" Gulp.. gulp that was really delicious " I said to my newly aquired personal kitchen slave hehehe.

" ofcourse ofcourse it's heavenly. I prepared it from catching biggest the sea king and.." She started her usual exaggerating blabbering which I respectfully ignored.

" but sis that was jus." 'Bam Bam'

" Shut up " said the hot pink haired chef.

I looked in her direction to see her two assistant wailing in pain and Carmel putting her trusty pan back in her dress?, kimono ?'what is she even wearing '.

She is wearing something like her usual but with her smooth wheat skin legs showing and bit of her cleavage too....

'Huh is she trying to look more sexy-- naah that's not possible she won't right. After all she loves her sea beast too much to care about anything else'

" yeah that's not even remotely possible" I said as I slap my cheek and stood up to walk in direction of all present marine recruits.

" nice work in this week's 100 pirate run. As usual this will be your normal patrol duties. Three soldiers at every street to look out for pirates or any thug who disturbs the safety. Shoot your smoke signals for reinforcement. Dismiss"

"Yes sir " all marine soldier saluted and scurried away.

100 pirate run well this was my idea of capturing criminals and training at same time. It was my 3rd run and it's getting along although it took more time then my liking. My first run was awfully slow. Many pirates even ran away before I reached the smoke location. Second run was alright but I ran out of stamina too fast since I was trying to run too fast.

Anyways it's fun training.

" here sir " sasazuka came forward and gave me my marine coat or clock or whatever. It's too long for it's own good.

" thanks" I said as I put it on my back.

" Are you training as I told you " I asked sasazuka in my authoritive Voice.

" Yes sir. I exercised till I dropped dead sir " he almost shouted as he shriveled and saluted.

" hmm ....dismiss" I feel like let him go today.

I looked around to see if I can still find my beautiful swordmaster to have a bit of fun but alas she is not here. " next time I guess."

I walked around in the city. From execution tower of pirate king then some window shopping. I bought some hotdogs for a quick snacks.

" he said this sword is curse bro we should not take it. " said someone

" hahaha you are a fool. There is no Such things as curse sword. This sword is magnificent. I can feel it with this sword I am gonna be strongest swordman of sea....hahaha" said the wanna be swordsman.

As they walked away with one afraid and other skipping like a fool. I saw the sword in his hands.

'isn't that zoro's sword ?..... I guess they are old victim of curse sword before zoro became it's owner. Should I help them or.... naah who cares. Let's focus on hotdogs' I thought as I came to conclusion of focusing in my food then some stupid swords which can kill you.

"Yeah with this mindset I will definitely become pirate king someday hahaha" I said out aloud rather then thinking. Ugh Slip of tongue.

" what did you say smoker san?" I heard a sweet voice from my left side.

"Hooooh....hooh don't come out of nowhere and surprise me tashigi. I just got a heartache you know." I said while patting my heart. ' yup observation haki in to do list'

" anyways where did you suddenly came from ? I didn't see you."

"Uhh..uh t..that I was just watching s..swords" She said stutteringly while moving her fingers in circle.

" Are you lying ? " I said a bit confused

"Ugh w..why would I do lie to you smoker san" She said moving her fingers more frantically. ' don't tell me he knows about me following him...no no he can't he will devour me if he knew '

" yeah right. Lets Rome in city tashigi " I said forgetting about her surprise attack.

" ugh but what about that piratttt"

" let's call it our first date " I grabbed her hand and ran forward

"AHHH..smoker saaannn"

" hahahhhaha" I laughed like pirate king while running with her hand in my mine in the world of pirates.


so it's done. you know end of mess I started. thanks for reading

gaurav_Kumar_1424creators' thoughts
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