
20. Attack On Sanctuary

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Then while Sico chatting with Nora suddenly they hear the sound of an explosion and gunfire from the Sanctuary bridge. They hear a yell coming from Preston that they have a raider attack on Sanctuary, so Sico stops his conversation with Nora and they go to their own place to grab their gun to support Preston in defending the place from the Raiders.

When they arrived, Sico and Nora saw that the settlers who had been trained by Preston had been led by Preston to counterattack the raider. They rushed to help them, then quickly opened fire at the raider.

When Sico is attacking the raiders, suddenly he gets a quest from the system.

System: [Ding! You receive 2 quests, the first quest is: to defeat the raider that attacking the Sanctuary, reward is: an electric car blueprint. And then the second quest is: Find out the raider's base and destroy it, reward: The robot assembly line.]

Sico: 'Fuck! The second quest reward is so fucking awesome! I can place it on the vault to prepare my robot Army.'

After that, he went focus back on the battle. Sico counts that there were over 30 raiders who attacked them, the raiders must have been watching the place over the last few days because the attack was very well organized. Robert suddenly arrives at the battlefield using Sico's power armor and minigun, with the arrival of Robert who used power armor the raider's attack has been pushed back a little.

Then little by little the Minutemen militia force with the help of Robert who used a power armor pushed back the raider while killing them. Sico and Nora bring a few of the Minutemen militia to go around to the raider's back to cut off their retreat line.

When they got in the position, they launched a surprise attack on the raiders that got them by surprise, and had to split their forces to fight on two fronts. The raiders finally surrendered because they just had a few people left and their escape route had been cut off, so they had no choice but to surrender if they didn't want to die.

When the raiders surrender, all the people who are involved or not involved in the battle cheer up because they finally defeat the enemy and successfully protect their home.

After they captured the surrendering raiders, looted the dead raiders, and brought the wounded to see Jenny and Curie, Sico heard a sound in his head that the system told him that the first quest was done.

System: [Congratulations! You finish the first quest: defeat the raider that attacked the Sanctuary, and get the reward: an electric car blueprint.]

Sico: 'Yes! Hehehe finally a car, I can bring more supplies with resources more easily. Now there is only one quest left, I have to start interrogating the captured raider.'

Then Sico went to the temporary jail for the raiders to interrogate them and if necessary torture them to tell him their base location. After Sico arrived at the temporary jail, he quickly interrogated them but they didn't tell him where the location was after a few hours of interrogation so he used torture on them.

After torturing them for quite some time, Sico finally got his answer that the base was located at the Starlight Diner and told him that they still had many people in there. When Sico got his answer, Sico went to Nora and told her to bring all high level personnel to do some meetings at her house now.

Nora quickly called them even though she didn't know what had happened but she trusted Sico because there must be something important for them to discuss. After the high level personnel arrive at Nora's house that is Preston, Sturges, Jenny, and Robert, go to start the meeting led by Sico.

Sico: "Guys now that we have successfully defended the Sanctuary, I have important information that I got from the raiders who surrendered to us by interrogating them."

Nora: "So what is the information Sico?."

Preston: "Yes what is it? That makes you gather us right now not tomorrow."

Robert: "Yeah what's the information? You know I want to take a break after that long fight."

Sico: "So the information is that the raiders have a base in Starlight Diner and they still have many people in there. So I think if they got the news about the defeat of their first attack, they would send the second one and we are not ready for it. You know that the militia has many injuries and they have to rest for at least an entire week."

Jenny: "Yes what Sico says is right, me and Curie already cleaned and bandaged their injury but they still have to rest."

Nora: "So what do you suggest Sico? We can not send the militia there, we need the rest of the militia who are fit to guard the Sanctuary."

Sico: "Well my suggestion is that we send a squad of people who have high personal combat."

Preston: "If you suggest that, the personnel for the squad are fulfilled the condition is me, you, Robert, and Nora."

Sico: "Yup that's right we have Sturges and Jenny to stay here and lead the remaining militia to guard the place."

Sturges: "I can do that, while you guys are away I will lead some people to repair the defense."

Sico: "Great! Then tomorrow morning we assemble at the Minutemen command center, and after that, we depart from there to Starlight Diner dismiss."

Then when the meeting ended, everyone went back to their place to get some rest. The next day, Sico woke up and then went to eat breakfast that was made by Jenny then went to use his power armor and grab his minigun. Sico went to the Minutemen's command center to assemble with the rest of the squad.

When Sico arrived at the place, he saw that Robert, Nora, and Preston had already prepared for the attack. After gathering, they went to do their last briefing before going to Starlight Diner.

When the briefing is finished, they start going to Starlight Diner to attack the raider base in there. On the way to Starlight Diner, they meet some enemies along the way like a group of super mutants and a group of bloatfly.

When they arrived at the spot, they saw some raiders guarding the entrance to get inside so they gathered up to make a plan to get inside there.

Nora: "So what's the plan to get inside?."

Preston: "Guys I have a plan to get inside, so I think we can attack them from behind and climb that building to get an advantageous position to attack the raiders."

Nora: "Hmm… that was a nice plan. How about you Sico?."

Sico: "Preston's plan is good but I think we can just go gun blazing from the front with me leading the charge because I have a power armor and a minigun while you guys stick behind me."

Robert: "Hey, I think I like Preston's plan more than Sico but the choice is yours, Nora."

Nora: "I think we use Sico's plan, not that I am prejudiced against Preston's plan but I think we should go more efficient and swift than a complicated one."

Preston: "Okay then general, Sico you can lead the charge."

Robert: "Why do you two always like the difficult choice, fine then I follow your choice."

Sico: "Well then let's do some party!."

After that Sico runs through the raider's defense and fully attacks them with his minigun while Nora, Robert, and Preston follow closely behind him while opening fire at the raiders too. The raiders are caught off guard because of the sudden attack, so they lose quite men on the defense but then they go to regroup and begin counterattack on them.

They attack the place with a strong pace so that the raider's counterattack doesn't do much damage to them. Sico uses his power armor to protect the group and distract the raiders with it, so Nora and the rest can easily kill the raiders because they are being distracted by Sico.

After that, they met the last resistance from the raiders led by the raider leader, but their resistance was easily dealt with by Sico and the group. When they killed the last raider, they went to loot the place and brought what was important for them to Sanctuary later.

After finishing looting the place and the dead raiders, they got many resources, supplies, weapons, armor, and caps that had been put in a cart that had been pulled by Sico because he had a power armor. Then they went back to the Sanctuary to report the success of the attack and share the good news about the stuff they brought from there.

After thru arrive at the Sanctuary, Nora tells Sturges to get some people so they can move the stuff from the cart to their storage room. Then a few minutes later, Sturges back with a group of people takes the cart from Sico, and moves them to the storage room to place the stuff there.

Then they went to Nora's house to celebrate their accomplishments with Jenny and Codsworth made some food for them and prepared some booze there, after the party was over everyone went back to their place to get some rest.

Sico who arrived at his room, went open the system interface to get the reward from the last quest.

System: [Congratulations! You finish the second quest: Find out the raider's base and destroy it, reward: The robot assembly line.]

Sico: 'Hehehe… Yes!!! Finally, I can build a robot Army that will be useful when we want to build a building or make an army out of it.'

After getting the reward, Sico went to his bed to get some rest. The next day, Sico went to one of the Cryogenic rooms to place The robot assembly line there. He told Robert and Jenny not to go in there without his permission and he changed the lock so that the only one who could go there was him.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 5,44

P: 3,44

E: 4,44

C: 5,44

I: 8,44

A: 2,44

L: 5

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic and Science skills, beginner Shooting and Medical skills

• Inventory: 15.210 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 1 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, and The robot assembly line.

• Active Quest: None

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