
Start of rumours (3)

"Why are you trying to dig further when it was an accident? Don't go trying to make it something else when all the evidence points to the girl being a thief. End this now and do something else," Saul said, patting Mark on his back.

"The queen doesn't believe-"

"The queen needs to focus less on a dead girl and more on producing heirs. Honestly, her mind is not focused on the right things and now we pay for it by not hearing about a prince yet. I know how it is to want to get close to the royals but close this case now," Saul advised Mark.

Why do so much work over a maid when other cases need their attention? Cases that could benefit them.

"Is it normal for you to dismiss looking into a death because it is concerning a servant? She died in the palace and many who knew her said she wasn't one to drink. We have to look into it. The king and queen requested that we do," said Mark.

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