
Storm of Hearts, Part Three


{Three years ago}

Mel couldn't remember the last time she slept on an actual bed. 

The morning sun launching a fiery barrage against her eyelids forced them to part. Mel sat up on the park bench she was sleeping at, stretching her hands up as she yawned. 

The cup resting by her feet had no money in it. That was odd, given that Mel had received a few dollars from people passing by yesterday. 

[Someone stole it.] 

She sighed. 

Thankfully, she'd long since developed a countermeasure for this. 

She would stuff 75% of whatever money she received into her panties. The 25% she left out in the cup was intentionally placed there, to make anyone who wanted to rob her think that was all she had. 

Thus, she pulled that 75% out. 8 coins, each worth one royal respectively, with a few stray pubes decorating them. 

[Okay...] Mel breathed out. [I can buy some breakfast.] 

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