

"You idiot! Why are you wearing clothes like that?" Christian whispered in Selena's ear.

  "We're not going anywhere. So I just wore something comfortable," Selena whispered.

  "Selena are you relaxing? Sorry I disturbed you," ee u Mark.

  "Oh yeah dad, I was just in my room. I was looking at wedding dresses on the internet," Selena said with a lie.

  "Dad, you brought a lot of people. What's going on?" asked Cristian looking at the people behind the sofa.

  "Oh yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you first," said the father smiling at his son.

  "All of you sit down first," Mark ordered the people.

  Now everyone sat on the sofa.

  Cristian and Selena looked at each other in confusion. Because they had no idea what Mark was actually going to do.

  "You two sit near me," Mark said kindly.

  Now they both sat down immediately.

  "Now father has prepared everything. The groom's dress and gown are ready. These are the people who will help you," I said with a beaming face.

  "You mean, we're both going to have a wedding dress fitting?" asked Crhistian curiously.

  "Yes, because I'm sure. They are very competent in wedding matters," said Mark confidently.

  "Dad, but why did you have to choose it? Selena and I are trying to find a dress and everything by ourselves. You shouldn't have to do that, Dad. It's a waste of your time and energy, Dad. You're an old man, Dad," Christian said with annoyance.

  Selena saw Christian's treatment become very sad. Selena's hand suddenly grabbed Christian's arm.

  "Dear Christian, you can't say that to your own father. After all, it's your father who has taken care of you since childhood. You have to be polite with your father, Christian," said Selena, making Christian's face so embarrassed. Because all eyes were on Christian. In this moment Christian was very embarrassed by Selena.

  "Apologize to your father. Because you spoke in a loud tone earlier," Selena said softly.

  Mark the father just smiled at Christian's embarrassed face.

  "Never mind Selena. You shouldn't blame Christian. He wins people like that," said Mark while patting his son's back familiarly.

  "Sorry, big sir. Can we start the wedding dress fitting? Because we don't have much time," said a woman in a white blazer.

  "Oh yes, sorry. Do your best now," said Mark confidently.

  Now Selena and Cristian entered the room. Some people also entered it.

  "Shit! You're really inconvenient. Fitting a wedding dress at home like this. It's ridiculous," Christian said with annoyance.

"You didn't want this marriage anyway. So you just shut up and do what your father wants," Selena whispered into Christian's ear.

  "Oh my gosh, this dress is too tight for me to wear. I'm not comfortable," Selena said, holding her chest and stomach. While the woman behind her was trying to cover the back of the dress with great effort.

  "What a fat woman," Christian quipped softly.

  The little girl in Christian's eyes glared.

  "What did you say? I'm fat?" Selena's face was angry.

  The man with hazel eyes just smiled smugly. Selena was getting annoyed and was now asking the woman in front of her. Whether she was fat or not.

  "Am I fat? I think only this dress is too small," Selena said confidently.

  "That's right miss, you're the perfect weight. You don't look fat at all," the woman said kindly.

  "Then I'll just change this dress. It looks like you're right that this dress is too small for you," the woman said politely.

  Meanwhile, Christian waited outside. He was already wearing his wedding dress.

  "My most handsome son. I didn't expect you to get married, I'm so happy," Mark said with a beaming face.

  "Is the ceremony over yet?" asked Lucas who suddenly arrived.

  "Lucas, you're late. You better hurry up and get dressed," said Mark quickly and now Lucas was heading to the room with the designer.

  He entered his room and looked very surprised. Because he was confused why all the items in his room were women's items.

  "Has Selena and Cristian not been in the same room all this time? Ah, is that true? No way," Lucas said in surprise.

  "Please Mr. Lucas you have to try on this shirt and this one too, said a man wearing a suit. 

  "Oh yes I'll try them on," Lucas said quickly going into the bathroom to change his clothes.

  Meanwhile, in the living room, Christian and his father were waiting for Selena to get dressed.

  "Geez, Selena took so long to put on the wedding dress," Christian said looking at his watch.

  "You're patient Christian. I'm sure when Selena comes out you'll be astonished to see her. Because I know their wedding dresses are very nice. Selena is also very beautiful. So surely you will be very stunned by Selena when wearing a wedding dress," Mark said confidently.

  The arrogant man named Christian was just silent. He even glanced indifferently at his father's statement.

  "A poor girl like Selena wouldn't stun me. She's still a poor girl. Even wearing a wedding dress is uncomfortable. How could Selena possibly stun me," Christian said in his heart.

  Now Selena came out of her room. Now the woman with long black hair looks so elegant in a wedding dress that looks so luxurious. There are Swarovski accents on the fabric of the dress.

Selena looked embarrassed to walk. Her hand was held by a fashion expert. Because Selena looked awkward walking.

  "Oh my God, she looks so beautiful. I didn't expect her to be this beautiful," said Christian in his heart.

  "You see, right, Christian? Selena is so beautiful," Mark said proudly.

  "That looks normal. Let's quickly change into another dress," Crhistian said firmly.

  Selena could only pout.

  "Damn! This dress is perfect for me to wear. It's lazy to change into another dress," Selena said in annoyance.

  Now Selena and the fashion expert woman immediately turned around and went into the room to change into a better dress. 

  Mark could only snort in annoyance. Even though he thought the dress Selena was wearing was very fitting.

  "Christina, Christian. What kind of dress do you really want? The dress Selena is wearing is already good. You told her to change into another dress," said her father in annoyance.

  "Dad, we haven't seen the other dresses yet. They must have a better dress," Christian said confidently.

  "Fine, just choose what you like," his father said with resignation.

  Now Lucas appears. He was already wearing a blue groomsman's dress.

  "Wow, your shirt is really nice Lucas. You can wear that one later," Mark said confidently.

  "Lucas, Lucas. I'm actually very embarrassed to have a brother like you. You're a waste of money. You should just wear a jacket with holes in it and pants with holes in them," said Cristian with a smug glance.

  "Come on, brother, you can't be like that with your sister. I'm going to be the most handsome bridesmaid," Lucas said with a big smile.

  Now he sat next to his brother.

  "Crhistian, why are Selena's things in my room? Are you and Selena not in the same room?" Lucas asked curiously.

  Crhistian's face now turned into panic.

  "Damn, why does Lucas have to question that. What if you think me and Selena are fighting?" Asked Christian in annoyance.

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