
Realm management

[Available buildings to construct]

[Logging tent] +1 unit of log per day

[Fishing tent] +1 unit of food per day

[Herbal gardens] +1 unit of herbs per day

"Build everything!"

[Logging tent, Fishing tent, Herbal gardens are being constructed.....]

[Engineering skill activated]

[Construction time is lessened]

Aizen managed his realm. They cut trees and expanded the village. As for the houses, they were built minimally as there were still no migrants.

Aizen scouted the village and then saw a river and a lake. He made some villagers fish in the lake and also harvest clams on the riverside. He also found herbs inside the forest and he cultivated them in their gardens.

Laurel leaves, pepper, chili pepper, yellow ginger, thyme, basil, lemon, lemon grass, oregano, soy sauce, vinegar, allspice, cinnamon, vanilla, paprika, fennel, rosemary, coriander, spring onion, flax, dill, celery, parsley, onion red and yellow, jalapeno, hot pepper, and tamarind.

Several days later, Aizen scanned the rocks and found salt.

[Mining salt available]

[Salt mine is being constructed]

[Construction finished] +1 unit of salt per day

And so, they established a salt mine and their meals became a lot fancier. Also, there were iron veins in the next part of the mountains and Ainz felt that it has huge deposits of iron there.

[Mining iron available]

[Iron mine is being constructed]

[Construction finished] +1 unit of iron per day

He then commanded them to mine it and they established a mine southwest of their village.

The iron ores were smelted and were made into weapons and armor which Aizen himself will forge.

[Blacksmith tent is available to be constructed]

[Alchemy tent is available to be constructed]

[Blacksmith tent is being constructed]

[Alchemy tent is being constructed]

[Construction finished]

[Blacksmith tent] + 1 armory and weaponry

[Alchemy tent] + 1 potions per day

He built an alchemy tent and herbal gardens beside his Lord's tent and also made the blacksmith tent near it.

He then trained several people in Alchemy and Blacksmithing. It was not an easy task to pass on your knowledge and Ainz was having a hard time.

[Training grounds available for construction]

[Constructing Training grounds]

After teaching them, he also started recruiting militiamen. Armed with basic weaponry and armor, they started to train on the training field that they built.

200 village population–50 are available for militia recruitment

[50 recruits available for training for militiamen]

[Training in one handed is activated]

[Militiamen can be upgraded to infantry]

[Infantry–armed with sword and shield with leather armor]

[Training grounds activated] +5 militiamen per day

Then, after that, they started to make the next building which was called the Lord's Home. Aizen would have to move there in the meantime. As for his tent, he was still there while they made the new building.

[Constructing Lord's manor]

[Engineering skill activated]

He finally made several militias. Making him feel secure in case an attack broke out.

Aizen prepared them all for the worst and they were happy with his contributions. Others were weeping while thanking him as he made them into militias. Aizen was just doing his job and he was just cautious of the demons that would attack.

[Wooden chiseled walls available for construction]


[Construction finished] + 1 security of the village

As for their village, it has now wooden walls and they chiseled its tip to make it more intimidating.

[Farms available for construction]

[Cultivating the lands.....]

[Cultivation finished] + 1 unit of food per day

They soon cultivated the land and planted corn. The farmers then were taught about pest and disease control, crop production, crop rotation, and animal husbandry.

[Animal domestication available]

[Domesticating the animals]

[Domesticating cows and goats] +5 animals per day

They also herded cows and goats and baited them with Napiers. Making them domesticated.

[Rabbit farm available for building]

[Boar farm availble for building]

[Construction complete]

[Trapping rabbits] +5 rabbits per day

[Trapping boars] +5 boars per day

They also made rabbit-raising as they trapped them and also boars that were trapped in the forest.

[Trapping poultry and fowl] +5 poultry and fowls per day

Also, poultry and fowl were caught in the traps and domesticated.

Poultry gives eggs every day and ruminants give milk. Making it a source of their food.

+5 eggs per day and +5 milk per day

[Storage available for construction]


[Constructing finished]

They soon built storages for the harvested crops as well as other resources. Making them a safe place to be placed guarded against thieves.

[Stables available for construction] + 1 horse per day

[Warhorse breeding available] +1 warhorse per week

[Constructing stables...]

[Warhorse breeding obtained]

[Cavalry troops unlocked]

[Creating cavalries] –5 horses –5 infantries +5 mounted infantries

Stables then were made and they tamed wild horses with the use of Napier bait and then they were trained by handlers to be a means of transport. Also, Aizen shared his knowledge on warhorse breeding by feeding high protein feeds and the handlers easily received his lessons.

[Carriage construction available] faster travel of caravans

[Messenger outpost available] faster travel of message and news notifications

[Construction complete]

With the construction of carriages, they could make viable transport for their destinations. Also, horses could be used by scouts or messengers with the construction of messenger outposts.

[Making mounted scouts] –5 warhorse –5 scouts +5 mounted scouts

[Hunter's hut available for construction] +1 unit of food and pelt per day

[Tanneries available for construction] –1 pelt +1 unit of leather per day

They also built hunters' huts for hunting deer, boar, and rabbits and also built tanneries afterward for processing the hide into leathers.

[Builder huts available for construction] + 1 speed in construction and building projects

[Stonemasons huts available for construction] +1 unit of construction materials per day

[Steelworks available] +1 unit of steel per day


Also builder huts for construction. Also, the stonemasons could build cemented walls or constructions which were made of stones. Also, blacksmith tents and steelworks.

[Vegetable farms available for construction]

[Building complete] +1 unit of food per day

Aizen made them farm potatoes that they discovered and vegetables like cabbages, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, radish, and Chinese cabbage. They also discovered onions, garlic, and ginger in the forest and they cultivated them.

Inside the nearby forest, they also found apples, tamarind, peaches, and, oranges.

There were also silt deposits on the nearby riverside and so they have rich in nutrients lands. +1 unit of food per day

[Woodcutter huts and coal maker huts available for construction] + 1 unit of wood and coals

[Fishing huts constructed] +1 unit of food per day

They also made woodcutter huts and coal-maker huts. Fishing huts were also made on the rivers and lakes as well as boat-making huts.

[Boat-making huts available]

[Boats can be constructed]

[Constructing boats] –5 units of hardwood +1 boat

[Constructing 5 boats]

[Construction finished]

They also discovered Salmon, freshwater clams, mushrooms, lobsters and shrimps, and crabs as natural food resources on the riverside. +1 unit of food everyday

[Cotton farm available] +1 unit of clothing

[Breweries available] +1 morale

[Tavern available] +1 morale

[Inns available] +1 morale

They also discovered cotton and so they made a cotton farm and cotton weaver huts. They also discovered grapes and so they made breweries, taverns, and inns next installed for small gatherings.

[Construction complete]

List of structures:

Logging tent–2

Fishing tent–2

Herbal gardens–1

Salt mine–1

Iron mine–1

Blacksmith tent–1

Alchemy tent–1

Training grounds–1



Lord's manor–1



Messenger outpost–1

Carriage construction–1

Hunter's hut–2


Builder's hut–2

Stonemason's hut–2


Vegetable farm–2

Woodcutter huts–2

Boat-making huts–1

Cotton farm–1





[Resources in storage:]

Wood – 13 units

Food – 20 units

Stones – 15 units

Salt – 12 units

Steel – 13 units

Leather – 16 units

Pelt – 14 units

Iron – 15 units

Armory and weaponry – 12 units

Clothing – 14 units

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