
Chapter 2

I tried my best to sleep. I really did, but I couldn't. Not after what I'd seen. I felt so much pain, I almost

choked with it.

I could still hear them, I mean its pretty difficult to fall asleep to the sound of your sister and husband

having sex.

Sometime in the morning, the sounds stopped, and I heard Nikkini leave and Eden get into the shower.

I remember all the times Eden has made me feel so bad. His coldness towards me in private after our

joining. His insistence on private rooms and the celibacy he inposed on me. Well now I know why.

I wonder how long this affair has been going on for. I was lost in my thoughts when a knock on the door

jarred me back to the present.

I got up, wrapped my sheets around my body and went to open the door. I had barely unlocked the

door, when Eden barged into my room.

"What the hell is this? Why are you not dressed?" He yelled angrily.

I was too upset to reply him so I just kept mute.

"You haven't even done your makeup or taken a bath. A Luna with such an ugly look like you cannot

greet the honoured guest.

So don't bother.

And if you get in the Lycan's way or cause any kind of trouble today. I'll deal with you after the festival."

After yelling, he pushed past me and stalked out the door to greet the guests first.

He was still unaware, that I found out about him and Nikkini.

After he left, I went about cleaning up and trying my best to get ready on time.

While I was in the bath, my maids came to tell me that the dress I had commisioned to wear today got

ruined while they were trying to deliver it.

Apparently it now has a big hole an I cant wear it anymore.

They were so scared to tell me, that I just let it slide. I decided to wear one of my other dresses.

I knew it would be a bit plain compared to the dresses worn by the other Lunas, but I was already late to

the function and a fancy dress was the last thing on my mind.

When I was finally ready, I stepped out of my room with my guards at my heels and went to the festival.

For a minute, I forgot all my troues and just gazed with happiness at the palpable joy in the air.

Even from the front of the palace, I could see how successfuly planning had turned out. The masses

were a beautiful sea of different colours.

There was food, different varieties available. Music, I could spot some girls dancing around in delight.

I had attended the festivities before, but it had never been hosted by my pack.

I was so glad to see that it turned out amazing.

I looked around searching for Eden, and I saw him socializing with the other alphas.

The special ring I had prepared for the Lunas was alive and merry as the Lunas gracefully took part in

the festivities.

With a big smile on my face, I went to welcome and speak with the other Lunas. Some I knew, others I

hadn't met.

"Well, look who it is. If it isn't the Luna of the Blood diamond pack herself" Triss said as she welcomed

with with a big hug.

Triss is the Luna of the Crystal star pack and she's my dearest friend.

"Hello Tri, I've really missed you" I replied with a small chuckle as I returned her hug.

Triss held my hand and pulled me towards the other Lunas with a smile.

"Daciana, welcome please join us." Yerna, one of the Lunas said with a smile.

I smiled graciously as I hugged, pecked and engaged in polite conversation with some of the Lunas.

"Oh, so you're the Luna of the blood Diamond? I wouldn't have guessed" One luna said smirking at me.

I didn't recognize her, and I whispered that much in Triss's ear.

Triss told me that she was the Luna of the Silent ruby pack. I heard, their alpha had mated with some

rogue. I guess she was the one.

"And who would you have guessed was the luna?" I asked her in reply with a small smile.

"Oh that's easy love, the fashionable bubbling young woman over there" She said as she pointed a

finger to one of the other rings.

I followed the direction of her finger and saw that she was pointing to Nikkini.

My heart fell through but I smiled widely and replied her "well, thank you. That girl over there is my

sister and I picked out her dress. It gives me great joy to see you compliment her."

Her face dropped and she looked at me surprised, and the other Lunas chuckled slightly laughing at her.

"If you'll excuse me ladies, I have to see my husband about something. But please, by all means enjoy

yourselves." I said as I turned and walked away with my guards behind me.

I mean, I know my dress is a bit plain. But it still hurt that she thought Nikkini was the luna not me.

Especially after a the trouble I went through to plan this festival.

I was still walking over to Eden, when Nikkini blocked my part.

"What do you want?" I asked as I let out a low breath in an attempt to calm myself.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to tell you that your dress is too - um rustic. You looked like a slave standing

next to the other Lunas." I was so angry, yet I stilled my face and calmly replied her with a small mocking smile.

"Well guess what, I'm not a slave I';m the Luna. And you are not.

It doesn't matter how much you might want to be or how beautiful you become Nikkini. I'm still the


I tried to walk past her, but she blocked my part again. It seemed like my words had struck a nerve

because she was really angry.

"You lying scheming bitch. We all know you got your position as Luna by lying. Besides, if my family

hadn't taken you in and adopted you, you would be dead by now."

My guards wanted to react to her insulting me, but I held up a hand and they left her alone.

"Not that It matters, but I did not lie to get my position.

Eden, my husband chose to join with me.

But you wouldn't understand that. Now excuse me."

I said as I attempted to move past her, but she held me back with one hand and raised the other to hit

me. I blocked her hand and pushed her away from me.

Eden saw the commotion and came over to see what was going on. When I pushed Nikkini she fell into

Eden arms and started crying.

"Whats going on here?" Eden asked me as he held Nikkini and helped her stand upright.

I wanted to reply but Nikkini.cut me off

"Please help me, Daciana is jealous of my dress because its beautiful and she wants me to change the

dress. I refused and she tried to hit me"

I took one look at Eden and I just knew that there was nothing I could say that would discredit Nikkini.

"You're supposed to be above petty squabbles and stupid jealousy, you're the Luna so start acting like it"

while Eden was scolding me Nikkini who was still holding on to his arms smiled provocatively at me.

"Just take a look at the person you're defending."

I replied bitterly as I raised my hand to piont at Nikkini but Eden thought I was going to hit her again so

he pushed my hand away with so much force, that I fell backwards.

I would have fallen, but something held me. More precisely someone held me by my waist and set ne


Before I could turn to see who it was, I heard some of the guests whisper"Its Arnou"

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