
Some insight

"What are you saying is that your guard disrespected Captain Fushiguro and he then just left, and now you are displeased because he didn't stay and wait for you to let him in the clan? Did I have this right?", Yamamoto asked the current Patriarch of the Kuchiki clan.

"I was trying to gauge his character and wanted to see what sort of man he was. I had to make sure that he was not incompetent. He is going to teach my grandson after all."

"So you think that someone I recommended to you, is not good enough and that you have to test him further. Quite a daring thing to do Ginrei Kuchiki."

"It is the noble clan's prerogative to test someone who would teach the future Patriarch of the Kuchiki clan. The fact that he simply left after that does not speak for his character.", Ginrei countered. 

"You are a simpleton if you believe that your little test went unnoticed by Captain Fusiguro. He is far smarter than he lets on and the fact that I recommended him should have made you think about that. 

What do you know about Toji Fushiguro?", Yamamoto asked.

"Not much, only the things that are stated in the Kuchiki clan's archives. And even that is very little. The accomplishments of Captain Fushiguro are truly small. And the rumours about him seem to be more true than I would have guessed.", Ginrei said.

"It seems that Toji has done well ... hoho that brat.", Yamamoto says more to himself than to Ginrei.

"Done well? I would argue that he is one of the worst Captains that have had the position. And then comes the fact that he has been a Captain for so long. Almost as long as you or Captain Unohana. And yet he has nothing to show for it.", Ginrei says.

"You truly are a simpleton Ginrei Kuchiki. Toji Fushiguro was the most talented student that I had. I would never admit it, but the only reason why he is not Head Captain is because he would never agree to fight me and the Central 46 dread to have him as the Head Captain, because they fear the chaos that he will bring.", Yamamoto revealed.

"WHAT? You're saying he has the power to contend with you? I don't believe that. It makes no sense. He slacks in his duties, gives his Lieutenant to another Captain to TEACH, is disrespectful to his superiors and has no sense of what is appropriate and what isn't. There is no way that he is so powerful."

"... People deal with power differently. I became arrogant in my youth and then mellowed out the older I got. Others become arrogant or bloodthirsty, some want to have even more power. 

Toji is different, he has no interest in anything other than to enjoy himself and spend time with his friends. He owes no one any explanation and he even tries not to get any recognition. 

I don't know how strong he has become now, but I am sure that he has grown even more since I saw him fight the last time.", Yamamoto said as he reminisced.

"Toji might appear to be similar to Kyoraku, but he isn't really the same. He enjoys drinking with his two friends, he also likes to train and improve his powers. I know that he does not strike you as a powerful man, but you should be thoughtful that someone like him who is officially known to be one of my former students, has such rumours about him flowing around.

He has managed to hide his power from everyone and I find that very funny."

"...", Ginrei couldn't say anything about that. He had a hard time believing it. Toji seemed like such an incompetent man that it was hard for anyone to believe that. The only ones that might believe something like that, were Urahara Kisuke and Aizen Sosuke. 

"If what you say is true, then why did he leave like that? He didn't even try to defend his honour. He was sent away by a guard!", Ginrei asked. 

"Hoho, don't you understand? You gave him an excuse to enjoy the day, doing nothing. Because no matter what you say, he can just say that the guard sent him away and that is the end of it.

He saw through it all and played you. Next time I recommend someone to you ... don't question it.", Yamamoto said and ended the discussion there.



"Well Izuru how are the lessons with Aizen coming along?", Toji asked as he went to visit Izuru in Squad 5 barracks. 

"It is going very well. Captain Aizen as well as Ichimaru-senpai are showing me the ropes and have a lot of patience with me. I am very grateful to them.", Izuru said with a smile.

"Is that so? So you took good care of my Lieutenant ... Gin.", Toji said.

"Oh? You knew I was here? What sharp senses, Captain Fushiguro has.", a voice said and then the door opened. 

Gin Ichimaru entered the room with his usual narrowed eyes ... or were they fully closed? 

Toji looked at Gin for a moment without flinching or making any expression. The tension in the room was thick as the two looked each other in the eyes ... or eyelids in Gin's case.

However, Toji jumped on Gin and hugged the living daylights out of him.

"Ohhh Gin, you little rascal have grown up so much. You're no longer my cute little brother Gin. You know you should visit us more. Rangiku and I miss you. Who else are we going to tease now? Did you ever think about that?

So it is decided, you better come next week to barrack 10 and we'll have some fun. No refusing allowed.", Toji stated. 

"I'm afraid that Gin has a lot of duties, Captain Fushiguro.", another voice said. 

Toji looked up and saw the gentle face of Aizen come into the room as well. But Toji was not someone who would just let them off. 

"Who are you?", Toji asked after a moment.


"Who are you? And what are you doing in Captain Aizen's room? Get out now before I spank you through the room.", Toji said.

"Captain Fushiguro I am Aizen. Sosuke Aizen."

"Well you move and talk like him but I know an imposter when I see one. And you ... have NO hair!!! So out with you!", Toji said and pushed the man out of the room.

This caused the rest of the people in the room to look at him with wide eyes. He just shoved Captain Aizen out of the room and pretended that he was someone else. The gall of Toji to do that. 

"Hehe, did you see how I did that? I acted like he was someone else and then shoved him out of his own room. Sometimes my genius ..."

"Yes yes, it's almost frightening, we know already.", Gin said.

"Hm? Did I say this already? Oh, it must truly be frightening if others know about it. So then it's settled. You'll come next week to spend some time with me and Rangiku. Izuru you can come as well. And maybe we'll invite someone else as well. Make a real party out of it."




- In the Kuchiki clan -

"Byakuya I'd like you to meet Captain Fushiguro. He's the ..."

"...Captian of Squad 3 I know.", Byakuya says.

"That's good then. I asked Captian Fushiguro here to have him teach you some things about Zanjutsu. You know how you are getting stronger and faster and I am no longer fitted to teach you anymore.

So I asked the Head Captain Yamamoto whether he knows someone and he recommended me Captain Fushiguro.", Ginrei told his grandson.

"He did? Why would he do that?", Byakuya asked genuinely surprised. He would have never guessed that the worst captain of the Gotei 13 would have anything to teach him. 

"The Head Captain stated that Captain Fushiguro is very talented in Zanjutsu so I asked him and he agreed to do it for a while."

"Correction. I said I'd have a look at your grandson and then decide whether I'll do it.", Toji interjected. 

"Ah yes exactly. So I'll leave you to it.", Ginrei said and then left the training grounds to sit on the porch of his house and drink some tea. 

"I can't believe that the Head Captain would recommend you to teach me.", Byakuya said with disdain.

"You and me both. I thought he liked me, but then he did this. Can you imagine the betrayal I feel right now? It's immense.", Toji said.

Byakuya was astounded by the density of this Captain. He was clearly stating that he didn't think Captain Fushiguro had anything to teach him because he was so weak and incompetent, but he just didn't seem to understand it.

Little did he know that if you're so dense that light bends around you, no form of insult can reach you. It's a secret weapon. Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you to their level and then defeat you with experience. 


"So what say you, we try and see where you stand in your Zanjutsu. We can decide where to go from there.", Toji told Byakuya. 

"If you can keep up old man.", Byakuya taunted.

"Old man ... well I guess when you are a child everyone must appear old ... yes that makes sense.", Toji once again dodged that insult.

"Argh.", Byakuyal however didn't take lightly to being called a child. He felt like an adult already and he was now angry that this 'Captain' looked down on him.

Byakuya's eyes narrowed as he tightened his grip on the hilt of his Bokutō, determination was seen on his face. Across from him stood Toji, a seasoned warrior who ... was seemingly lost in thought...

Byakuya lunged forward, his Bokutō slashing through the place where Toji had just been. But Toji effortlessly sidestepped, his movements smooth and calculated. Byakuya was surprised at this. He had not seen Toji move. 

He tried again with a swing from below. He swiped his Bokutō up and then tried again from the right side. Toji dodged every single swing, without even using his own Bokutō. 

Byakuya's frustration grew, but he pressed on, determined to prove himself above this useless Captain.

With a swift spin, Toji parried Byakuya's next attack with casual ease and gave it a light smack, sending the teenager's Bokutō to the ground. Byakuya gritted his teeth, picked up the wooden sword and resumed his offensive, each strike met by Toji's blade in a seamless dance of ... randomness. 

It was a weird experience. None of the stances he memorised seemed to do anything as Toji did something completely unexpected.

Byakuya tried to vary his attacks, incorporating feints and quick footwork, but Toji seemed to predict every move. The clash of wood echoed through the training ground as the teenager desperately sought an opening. 

Sweat trickled down Byakuya's brow as he fought to keep up with the relentless pace he set himself. Toji meanwhile looked ... bored. Like he was going to fall asleep any moment now. 

Toji's expression remained bored and in thought, his movements were almost lazy in their efficiency. 

Byakuya's frustration turned to desperation as he launched a flurry of strikes, only to find Toji effortlessly blocking each one and dodging the next. The 'old man' seemed to move randomly and unpredictably, turning aside Byakuya's every effort. 

After they were finished, Byakuya was lying on the ground and out of breath while Toji had his Bokutō on his shoulder. He looked disappointed. 

"What a waste of time this was. I wonder what your grandfather thought needed a stronger swordsman than he was. You're terrible. Truly disappointing. 

Oh well, I did one lesson, so that's all from my side. With this Yama-ji should not be mad with me. I wonder if Izuru would do better ... food for thought.", Toji said and walked away. 

"W-wait! Where are you going?", Byakuya said.

"Well we're finished here, so I'm going to my barracks.", Toji says.

"I- I can ... still go on.", Byakuya states and stands up with heavy breath and tired expression.

"You're embarrassing yourself, lad. Just let it go."

"You didn't teach me anything. I will tell this to my grandfather and then you are going to be in trouble.", the boy tried to threaten Toji. 

"Yare yare ... you should learn when to stop young Kuchiki. You see there are fundamental truths in this world that apply to every single being ... The strong write history and the weak are always the villains in the story. 

Meaning ... I am strong, you are weak. I can walk over you and your pathetic excuse for a 'noble' clan and no one would do anything to me, you know why? Because I am powerful.

I recommend reading a bit about the origin of the Gotei 13 before you start spitting threats around.", Toji said and walked away.


"Oh and another thing...", a voice said right next to Byakuya's ear.

"...Threaten me again ... and I will skin you alive. Savvy?"

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