
The Puppet master II

Please tell me how you liked the fight scene. I am trying to make it as Bleach-like as possible.

Also, remember that the MC is trying to hide that he has the power of the Visionary. He only wants to use his Shikai for this.


As Sakahone's Bankai reached its zenith, three grotesque puppets emerged from the shadows, wielding shimmering katanas. They were bigger than the other puppets from before. They had the cold, lifeless eyes of the souls Sakahone had manipulated, but they moved with deadly precision. 

Toji recognized the deadly intent in their lifeless expressions. It was a masterful manipulation of the puppets from Sakahone's side. They moved like real Shinigami and were deadly. 

Toji's eyes darted between the puppet fighters, calculating his next move. He relied on all the training he had gotten over these years. Yamamoto-sensei would be disappointed if he gave up right now.

He couldn't afford to underestimate these puppets though. They were dangerous and messing with his concentration. Thankfully Sakahone also needed quite a lot of concentration to manipulate their movements like this. 

The first puppet lunged with astonishing speed, katana in hand it slashed at him. Toji deftly sidestepped the attack, but the other two puppets closed in, making it difficult for him to counter. Their movements were almost synchronized, a testament to Sakahone's mastery over his strings.

Toji realized he needed to change the rules of this bout. Why would he fight fairly when he had all that power at hand? He decided to employ a ruse to deceive Sakahone. 

He purposefully allowed the first puppet's katana to graze his arm, making it appear as if the matter of his body was directly tied to what he had been cut by. He winced in pain, but in reality, this was a ruse to trick Sakahone.

Sakahone grinned with sadistic pleasure, believing he had gained the upper hand. {You see, Toji, you can't escape my strings once I've cut you.}

But Toji had other plans. He made a quick, deliberate cut into the ground with his Zanpakuto, and it transformed back into the quicksand that he liked. With precision, he manipulated the quicksand and had it rise like a snake, wrapping it around the first puppet's legs and immobilizing it. 

The puppet struggled in vain, its movements sluggish as it sank into the sand, effectively taking it out of the fight.

The remaining two puppets attacked fiercely, but Toji continued to manipulate the ground. He turned it into water, causing the second puppet to lose its footing and float away helplessly. 

The third puppet was trapped within a cage of dense, suffocating poisonous clouds, that were doing nothing except make it unable to see. Toji had effectively disabled all three puppets without cutting them directly.

Sakahone's eyes widened as his puppets were incapacitated, and he realized he had been deceived. {You...you tricked me, Toji!}

Toji smirked, his confidence growing. "I never told you about my ability. This is not a restaurant where I serve you everything on a platter. But since this will be your last day alive, I guess I'll tell you anyway.

I can manipulate matter without having to cut it directly. Your strings won't control me, on the contrary, I will control them."

Seizing the opportunity, Toji used Jūtai no Utagaki to transform the ground into pillars of solid metal. One erupted from the earth beneath Sakahone, while the other formed and fell from the sky, sandwiching the captain in an inescapable trap. The pillars were tens of metres thick so it was hard for Sakahone to escape and still keep his puppets functional.

The two pillars smashed into Sakahone. But he had his strings come towards him and form a sphere around him that shielded him and had the two pillars crash into.

Sakahone struggled against the metallic prison, but it was futile. Toji had the tide of the battle in his palm and was not letting go anytime soon. He was proving that his mastery over matter manipulation was not to be underestimated. He advanced on Sakahone, his Zanpakuto ready to deliver the final blow.

As the battle seemed to come to an end as well as his life, Sakahone's perversion was replaced by desperation and fear, and Toji pressed his advantage, determined to emerge victorious in this deadly clash of powers and wits.



In a desperate last-ditch effort, Sakahone unleashed his ultimate move, a horrifying technique using the blood of his countless victims to create a nightmarish battlefield. 

Sakahone removed the clothes from his upper body and began to pull a specific string on his neck. At once a sewn-together wound seemingly opened up from his back and blood spilled out like a waterfall.

The disgusting Captain had stored blood in his hunched back. 

He emptied all the blood he had ever collected, allowing it to fall and saturate the area. The crimson liquid seeped across the battlefield and into the ground, granting him a domain where he could manipulate strings and blood from anywhere, effectively giving him control over anything.

Sakahone believed this would be enough to override Toji's mastery over matter, but he was gravely mistaken. Toji saw this abomination of a Bankai and was not happy anymore. He thought that it would be beneficial for him to fight this Captain, but he was not truly in any danger. It was a mental battle for sure but he had hoped for something more.


With the blood forming a morbid mosaic on the ground, Sakahone grinned malevolently and extended his strings, connecting them to the very fabric of the battlefield. The strings were now blood red as they were made of blood and the blood was dripping down from them.

The puppets he had collected over the years and that Toji had cut loose from their strings began to stir, their lifeless eyes filling with sinister energy. The eyes seemed to glow red and they all looked at one place, where Sakahone was located.

Like it was a coordinated dance, the bodies were once again connected to a bloody string and they started to move close to each other. The blood-strings began to pull them apart and then build something new.

From the twisting mass of blood-soaked flesh and bones, Sakahone wove a colossal humanoid monstrosity. It was an abomination, made from the remnants of his puppets, and it loomed menacingly over Toji. It was something akin to a two-headed ogre or something like that. 

Toji watched the horror unfold, his resolve unwavering. He knew he had to demonstrate his true power, not just for himself but for the sake of the souls trapped within Sakahone's perverted puppetry. With unwavering determination, Toji raised his Zanpakuto, Jūtai no Utagaki.


As Sakahone's monstrous puppet charged toward him, Toji swung his sword with immense force. But mid-swing, the sword elongated and gigantified, its blade transforming into a dancing edge of condensed air. Toji focused on the molecules again and made them vibrate as fast as he could, creating waves and then sending the slash towards the abomination. 

It cleaved through everything in its path, and Sakahone's grotesque creation, made of flesh and bones, was sliced apart effortlessly.

Toji's swing continued, and it was clear that his mastery of matter manipulation extended far beyond Sakahone's understanding. 

The very air around him transformed into a weapon of unimaginable power. His blade, now colossal and intangible, struck Sakahone with incredible force.

The impact was cataclysmic. Sakahone's body was cut in half diagonally, his agonized scream filling the battlefield. The strings that bound him were severed, and his twisted reign of puppetry came to an abrupt end.

The abomination fell to the ground, breaking into its different blocks made of bones and flesh.

Sakahone's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, and the battlefield, once filled with the ghostly presence of his puppets, began to return to normality. It was still a tense feeling that was felt. 

The blood-soaked ground slowly absorbed the crimson liquid, releasing the trapped souls and allowing them to finally find peace. It was a disgusting scene and Toji had enough blood for one day. He focused his power of Jūtai no Utagaki one last time and then changed all the blood into water.

Toji stood the victor, his power over matter and its manipulation together with his unyielding resolve proving to be the superior force. The battle was over, and Sakahone's time as a Captain had come to a gruesome end. The first Captain of the original Gotei 13 had died. 

Killed by a student who was not even out of the Shinigami Academy. Truly this spoke for the monstrous talent that was Toji Fushiguro. 



Toji sat down and when he was letting the fight pass in his mind again, he heard footsteps behind him.

Toji turned around and saw his sensei Yamamoto as well as Yachiru Unohana and Chicka Shihoin the 2nd Division Captain all standing there with Shunsui and Jushiro tailing them.

"Damn, Toji. You did a number on the old Sakahone. A truly impressive display of power.", Chika said.

"Indeed.", Yamamoto said after looking at Toji. He was the proudest of them all. He had watched as Toji had dealt with one of the Captains of the Gotei 13 when he was not even a full member of a Squad yet. He had come a long way already and he was nowhere near done growing stronger. 

"You have managed to become truly strong and defeat someone of Captain Sakahone's level. Not only that you saved two of your fellow disciples' lives today.", Yamamoto said.

"It is decided. You are to graduate from the Academy and as a test, you will fight a seated officer. We shall take this battle as you pass that test with ease. 

So Toji Fushiguro, I promote you to the position of the third seat ... which Division do you want to join?"

"I wish to become the Lieutenant of the 11th Division, under Captain Unohana."

"I see. Then it is agreed. You shall take the third seat and should you beat the Lieutenant of the 11th Division, I am sure that you will become the Lieutenant. What say you Unohana?"

"I agree with this, Headcaptain Yamamoto."

"Good. Now come, I'm sure you would like to clean yourself before we hold to give you your new robes."

"Thank you."


Shunsui and Jushiro both thanked Toji for saving them when he did. And after that, they both went full fanboy modes. They asked him all sorts of questions and wanted to know how he managed to become so strong. 

He was stronger than them should it get to a fight, but he liked to join Shunsui's games when he used his Shikai. It was so dangerous and beautiful way of fighting that he liked to do it.

After cleaning himself Toji was handed his new uniform and then was brought to the 11th Division barracks where he would be introduced to the rest of the squad. Because Unohana knew that he was not yet done. He still wanted to become the Lieutenant.

And just as she expected, Toji challenged the Lieutenant of the 11th Division to a fight for his position and defeated him. There was nothing special in their fight, only the Lieutenant underestimating Toji greatly and getting his head cut off by him when he was not paying attention.


That was the day that Toji finally joined the 11th Division and his training under Unohana would begin. He could not wait for the years that were to come as he knew they would be full of excitement. Kenpachi Zaraki, Urahara Kisuke, Sosuke Aizen, Juha Bach and the rest of the Quincy ... oh that would be a blast.

But now that Toji thought about it ... he was interested in something that would make him more powerful still. He had no limits after all.

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