
Lavish spender

"Don't look at me like that, who doesn't know about your room" Lucy asked rolling her eyes

What was that supposed to mean?

"lol, you mean the crazy exam for that room" Dean laughed, Blue smiled too

Okay!! What had she missed? What didn't she know?

"Meaning?" Ella asked slowly

"Duh, didn't you write the exam? How did you get the room then?" Lucy asked with raised brows

"Ofcos she did, I'm sure she didn't know the extra exam was for that dorm room. Right Luella?" Dean said

"Yeah, I guess" Ella shrugged, God knows she knew nothing of what they were saying.

"So you don't talk to each other, did you fight?" Dean was the one to ask

"Nah, we just don't have anything to say to each other I guess" Blue replied with a shrug

Say what now!!!

Last time Ella checked, she had a lot to say to this girl

"Sorry to ruin your sweet date but can I borrow my brother-in-law" Lucy said referring to Dean "I'm dating his brother" she chuckled


"You can go back together right?" Dean asked referring to Ella and Blue "it's his birthday soon, she needs help"

"Oh, the gift thing?" Ella asked

"Yeah" Dean said

"No problem" Ella shrugged

"By the way, I took many pictures of you screaming your head off during the rides in the park earlier" Dean informed with a grin

"Send it to me later, Xiānshēng, I'm sure I looked like a mess" Ella said accompanied with a chuckle. She had heard one of the waiters refer to someone as xiānshēng

They all laughed,well, except Blue. Nothing seemed funny for her right now.

"It's getting dark, we should leave" came her voice


Their walk back home was very quiet, there were no cabs available so they had to walk back. It was currently few minutes past 9 so they had to hurry back before curfew and that's exactly what they did.

Blue stayed quiet the whole time and Ella decided to do same, besides, she was sure she had done nothing wrong.

"Seems like you don't know anything concerning the exam for our dorm room" Blue finally said. They had just hopped into a cab.

Oh now you're ready to talk!!!

Ella gave a slow nod. She hadn't thought about it before but it was clear she got vip treatment when it came to her room. Normally, a dorm was meant to be shared by more than two persons and was supposed to be designed by the school. Hers was different. She had just one roommate and her room was designed to her taste.

"Almost every first year student wrote an extra exam for the room. Highest scorer gets the room" Blue explained

What the!!!!

"Why?" Ella asked genuinely confused. What was the need for such?

"I'm sure your dad doesn't want people to say bad stuffs about you or bully you. God knows the unnecessary attention you would have been given if the exam didn't happen"


"The room was designed for just you but that would cause a stir so an extra exam was the plan. We've designed a room for two top students, highest scorers gets it, was what the Dean said at that time but after you mentioned who your dad is, I'm sure the room was made for you and the exam was just an excuse. Most people think you aced the exam"


"So you're the highest scorer" Ella asked and Blue shrugged

"Something like that"

Both kept quiet for awhile before Ella decided to break the silence

"Forget about the room thing, what's your problem with me? Why are you mad? You asked for the bike yourself" Ella said, hands folded on her chest.

Blue glared at her…

"What? Why the glare? I only bought what you asked for" Ella said stubbornly

"I don't want it, you should return it if you haven't" came Blue's annoyed voice

"You could have said that from the beginning, why give me the cold shoulder?" Ella asked

"Because you're showing off miss loud mouth" Blue said sarcastically


"Say what now?" Ella frowned

"You're showing off missy" Blue's hands were folded on her chest as she spoke "you can't just run off to get anything because you have the money. I hate lavish spending. I mean, you don't even know how the money was made "

"Are you serious right now?" Ella's frown deepened as she threw her hands in the air "that's why you've been mad? Because I spend lavishly?" Ella asked, thick sarcasm in her voice

Blue shrugged "Yup"

That's so childish!!!!

You asked for the damn bike bitch!!!

"So, you want me to return it?" Ella asked, brows raised

"I guess, Yes, you should"


"We are here" came the cab driver's voice. Finally…. He seriously didn't want to continue hearing their voices, why were teenagers so noisy.

"Both of you can just pay me" the cab driver said, the girls had started arguing over who should pay, both wanted to pay. Seriously!!!

Both payed and the middle aged cab driver happily took the money before driving off, they could continue arguing as they liked, he didn't care.

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